
  • 网络Taiping Street;Tai-ping street;Peace and Tranquility Street;Pacific Ave
  1. 历史文化街区特色保护开发研究&以长沙市太平街为例

    Study on Special Protection and Development of Historical Cultural District & Take Taiping Street , Changsha as an Example

  2. 首先,对与建筑空间相关的理论知识做了归纳和整理,总结出空间在现代设计中的重要性,这些内容为研究太平街建筑空间环境做好理论准备。

    First , construction of space-related theoretical knowledge to do the induction and consolidation , summed up the design space in the modern importance of the content of Taiping Street building the space environment for the study make theoretical preparation .

  3. 最终实现太平街街道整体色彩景观符合其历史、人文环境,使传统色彩与现代商业色彩在街道中统一、协调,展现太平街街区的历史文化特色。

    The final realization of Taiping Street overall color landscape with its history , the humanities environment , the traditional color and modern commercial color uniform , in the streets in coordination , show the Taiping Street have historical and cultural characteristics .

  4. 通过对长沙太平街街区色彩景观进行实地考察和分析,发现其存在广告招牌色彩及造型凌乱、公共设施风格不一致、店面装修与街区文化形象不协调以及政府相关部门缺少相应的管理等问题。

    The Changsha Taiping Street color landscape field investigation and analysis , found that the existence of advertising signs color and other messy , public facilities , decoration style is not consistent with the District of cultural image uncoordinated and relevant government departments are lack of management .