
  • 网络babylonian;Babylon
  1. 在巴比伦人审判时期以后,神把一些他的子民带回迦南地。他们开始了以色列王国的复兴。

    After the Babylonian Judgment God brought back a few of his people to the land of Canaan . They began the restoration of the kingdom of Israel .

  2. 然后成为汉莫拉比王的巴比伦人。

    Then finally babylonian under hammurabi .

  3. 他们的数制源自古巴比伦人,以数字6的倍数为基数。

    Their numerical system , derived from the Babylonians , was based on multiples of the number six .

  4. 巴比伦人和波斯人有一个类似的节日,叫作Sacaea。

    The Persians and the Babylonians celebrated a similar festival called the Sacaea .

  5. 这一传统要追溯到巴比伦人的那个年代。

    This tradition dates back to the time of the Babylonians .

  6. 巴比伦人早在4000年前就开始庆祝新年了。

    The Babylonians celebrated the New Year as early as4000 years ago .

  7. 这种清爽的,如痴如醉的,甚至令人发胖的麦芽饮料要追溯到巴比伦人。

    The refreshing , intoxicating and fattening malt beverage goes back Babylonians .

  8. 与巴比伦人同住的锡安民哪,应当逃脱。

    Deliver thyself , O Zion , that dwellest with the daughter of Babylon .

  9. 巴比伦人十分遵循四季嬗变的规律。

    The Babylonians were very much in touch with the rhythms of the seasons .

  10. 汉谟拉比&巴比伦人的国王

    Hammurabi & King of the Babylonians

  11. 在上述两个古代文明社会中,巴比伦人是首先对数学主流作出贡献的。

    The Babylonians were the first of these two early civilizations to contribute to the main course of mathematics .

  12. 古典希腊人记数和运用数的技术并未继承和发展巴比伦人的遗产。

    The classical Greek art of writing and working with numbers did not continue where the Babylonians left off .

  13. 他们对人类的不良行为产生的愤怒不会比历史学家发现巴比伦人自相残杀更严重。

    They would be no more incensed by our bad behavior than historians who learned that Babylonians attacked one another with spears .

  14. 为了你们在天主面前犯的罪过,你们才被巴比伦人的君王拿步高掳到巴比伦去作俘虏。

    For the sins that you have committed before God , you shall be carried away captives into Babylon by Nabuchodonosor the king of Babylon .

  15. 事发当日,很可能是巴比伦人敬拜其神祗「巴力」的其中一个节日庆典宴会,在场主礼的伯沙撒王,他的名字便是从「巴力」这名衍生出来。

    It may have been one of the festival days of Babylon , in honour of their God Bel , after whom Belshazzar was named .

  16. 巴比伦人、以色列人、及人以及其他古代中东地区的人吃一种泥炉做出来的平的不发酵的面包。

    Babylonians , Israelites , Egyptians and other ancient Middle Eastern counties were eating flat , un-leaven bread that had been cooked in mud ovens .

  17. 巴比伦人首个得到的数字接近圆周率,从那以后,数学家用各种方法来准确计算。

    The Babylonians were the first to approximate pi , and ever since , mathematicians have come up with ways of figuring it more accurately .

  18. 为了确保他们的法律、管理和经济机构职能的有效性,巴比伦人使用了由他们的苏美尔人前辈发明的楔形文字书写系统。

    To ensure that their legal , administrative , and economic institutions functioned effectively , the Babylonians used the cuneiform system of writing developed by their Sumerian predecessors .

  19. 我要题起拉哈伯,和巴比伦人是在认识我之中的,看哪,非利士,和推罗,并古实人,个个生在那里。

    I will make mention of Rahab and Babylon to them that know me : behold Philistia , and Tyre , with Ethiopia ; this man was born there .

  20. 可以说,是苏美尔人、巴比伦人、亚述人、赫梯人以及希伯来人共同缔造了古代西亚的民事规范。

    In the ancient Near East , these civil norms were enacted by the Sumerians together with the Old Babylonian , the Assyrian , the Hittite and the Hebrew .

  21. 耶和华说,我必在你们眼前报复巴比伦人和迦勒底居民在锡安所行的诸恶。

    And I will render unto Babylon and to all the inhabitants of Chaldea all their evil that they have done in Zion in your sight , saith the LORD .

  22. 有趣的是,丢番图所给出的4个问题的解完全相同,这提示我们:巴比伦人也总喜欢让一系列相关问题有相同的解。

    Interestingly , the answers to these problems are all same , reminding us of the common Babylonian practice of having the same answers to a series of related problems .

  23. 太监长亚施毗拿给他们每个人起了个新名,而这些名字都与巴比伦人所拜的偶像有关,但以理他们一定觉得很不舒服。

    Then when Ashpenaz , the king 's chief official , gave them each new names that were related to the false gods of Babylon , it must 've troubled them .

  24. 在这以前更早的时候,巴比伦人曾经企图绘制世界地图,但是巴比伦人绘制成一个扁平的圆盘形,而不是绘制像托勒密所绘制的球形。

    Earlier , the Babylonians had attempted to map the world , but they presented it in the form of a flattened disc rather than a sphere , which was the form adopted by Ptolemy .

  25. 古文化比如巴比伦人用某种标记来指定没有数字的位置,比如数字609,6和9之间的数字位置。

    Older cultures like the Babylonians used a marker of some sort to designate the space where no number goes , such as what comes between six and nine in the number six hundred and nine .

  26. 历史叙利亚在1517年由奥斯曼土耳其统治之前,先后被迦南人、希伯来人、阿拉曼人、亚述人、巴比伦人、波斯人、希腊人、罗马人、那巴提安人、拜占庭人、阿拉伯人和十字军陆续占领。

    Syria was occupied successively by Canaanites , Hebrews , Arameans , Assyrians , Babylonians , Persians , Greeks , Romans , Nabataeans , Byzantines , Arabs , and , in part , Crusaders before finally under the control of the Ottoman Turks in 1517 .

  27. 然而他们的明智国王现在一直避免所有正面的冲突,还和亚述王国的巴比伦继承人结盟。

    Yet their wise kings had now been avoiding open conflict on all fronts , making alliances with the Babylonian heir of the Assyrian realm .

  28. 他揭发了犹大的罪,认为他们的敌人加尔底亚人(巴比伦尼亚人)是神派来惩罚他们的,但最后正义终将胜利。

    He denounced the sins of Judah , identifying their enemies the Chaldeans ( Babylonians ) as an instrument of God 's punishment , but also predicted the final triumph of righteousness .

  29. 因为他寄信给我们在巴比伦的人说,被掳的事必长久。你们要盖造房屋,住在其中。

    For therefore he sent unto us in Babylon , saying , This captivity is long : build ye houses , and dwell in them ; and plant gardens , and eat the fruit of them .

  30. 耶和华藉先知耶利米论巴比伦和迦勒底人之地所说的话。

    The word that the LORD spake against Babylon and against the land of the Chaldeans by Jeremiah the prophet .