
  1. 西夏文献研究概述

    A Brief Account of Studies of Documents of the Hsi-Hsia Kingdom Summary

  2. 本文对近50年来我国西夏文献整理研究,取得的成就进行了概述。

    The essay briefly introduces and comments on the achievements of the arrangement and studies of the documents of the Hsi & Hsia kingdom in past 50 years .

  3. 本文作者近年主持编纂英国、法国藏西夏文献,亲临现场直接调查、研究藏于海外的的珍贵文献,积累了丰富的资料和研究心得。

    Taking the chance of participating in compiling the Xixia documents in British and French collections , the author investigates and studies the documents conserved overseas on the spot and accumulates abundant information and study experience .

  4. 本文并以俄、英、法和国内外藏品为基础,博采各家目录,尝试编纂了《西夏文献总目初编》,以推动对西夏文献学进一步的深入研究。

    This paper based on the Russian , British , French and other collections , takes the catalogue of different schools and tries to compile 《 The catalogue of Xixia documents 》 in order to compel further studies on the Xixia documents .

  5. 主要追溯历史上这一区域盐业的发展,盐池的分布情况及食盐的种类等做一系统的分析,以此填补西夏文献不足造成对其研究片面的情况。

    It mainly talks about the development of the salt industry of this region in history , and systematically analyses the distribution and type of salt . In this way , it can change the situation of one-sided study of salt which caused by the inadequate Xixia literature .

  6. 本文指出这种现象在西夏人翻译汉语文献时也曾出现,它应该是当时初学者的共同习惯。

    It is pointed out in the present paper that such facts also oc-cured in the Tangut translation of Chinese literature , which must have been a common custom of beginners at that time .