
  • 网络West 2nd Ring Road;West No.2 Ring
  1. 广州西二环岩溶地段桩基施工技术方法探讨

    Discussion on Pile Foundation Construction in Karst Area of Guangzhou West 2nd Ring Expressway

  2. 昆明市主城二环快速系统西二环段是昆明二环快速系统的西环段,该文中对其总体设计进行了介绍。

    Overall Design of West Section of Kunming Main City No.2 Ring Express System Rebuilding and Extension Project ;

  3. 该文分析了施工中常见的两种桩基易出现的问题及原因,并结合广州西二环高速公路某特大桥桩基工程实例,从混凝土质量、夹泥断桩、导管进水等方面进行了分析总结。

    The article analyzes the problems and reasons easy appearing in two pile foundations common in the construction , and sums up through the engineering practical examples .

  4. 位于北京中心广安门政府商务区,紧靠西二环及西护城河,连接新的市政府办公大楼,与许多国家部委相邻。

    It is conveniently located at the Guanganmen commercial and government area , adjacent to the new municipal government office building and close to many government ministry offices .