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chén mò
  • sink in;sink;sink into;submergence;submerge;go down;go under
沉没 [chén mò]
  • (1) [sink;submerge]∶沉下淹没

  • (2) [sink into;sink in]∶深深沉浸于

  • (3) [submergence]∶由于陆地沉降或水面升高而引起水域和陆地之间的相对水平的变化

沉没[chén mò]
  1. 小漏洞能使大船沉没。

    A small leak will sink a great ship .

  2. 1912年,众所周知,泰坦尼克号撞上了一座巨大的冰山,成为第一艘沉没的奥林匹克级邮轮。

    The Titanic was the first to sink after famously hitting a huge iceberg in 1912 .

  3. 古代史学家写过有关一个沉没海底大陆的事迹。

    Ancient historians wrote of a lost continent beneath the ocean .

  4. 那条船沉没在距斯德哥尔摩十英里外海。

    The ship sank ten miles out of Stockholm .

  5. 泰坦尼克号首航便沉没了。

    The Titanic sank on its maiden voyage .

  6. 我们的船触礁沉没。

    Our boat foundered on a reef .

  7. 那条船沉没了。

    The ship was lost at sea .

  8. 沉没的帆船在海底闪烁着白光。

    The sunken sailing-boat was a glimmer of white on the bottom

  9. 轮船连同其所有的船员一起沉没了。

    The ship went under , taking with her all her crew .

  10. 船立即倾斜,进了水,然后沉没了。

    The boat instantly tilted , filled and sank .

  11. 油轮的沉没使得海洋污染的方方面面都成为眼下大家尤为关注的热点话题。

    The sinking of the tanker has made aspects of marine pollution particularly topical .

  12. 他那36英尺长的游艇去年夏天突然沉没了。

    His 36ft yacht sank suddenly last summer .

  13. 三艘船在波涛汹涌的海面上沉没了。

    Three ships foundered in heavy seas .

  14. 它在呼啸的狂风中沉没了。

    It sank in a howling gale .

  15. 试着潜入水下找寻沉没的财宝。

    Try diving for sunken treasure .

  16. 昨晚比利时拖网渔船“幸运号”在荷兰海岸附近沉没后,仍有1人失踪,其余3人被救起。

    One man was still missing last night after the Belgian trawler Lucky capsized off the Dutch coast . Three other men were saved

  17. 那艘船撞到暗礁沉没了。

    The ship was wrecked on the hidden reef .

  18. 轮船触礁沉没。

    The ship struck against the rocks and sank .

  19. 在这次船只沉没事件中他幸免于死。

    He survived the shipwreck .

  20. 那位游泳者在水中四处拍水,以免沉没。

    The swimmer beat about in the water , trying not to drown .

  21. 军舰被鱼雷击中,立即沉没。

    The warship was torpedoed and sank at once .

  22. 船触暗礁沉没。

    The ship was wrecked on a hidden reef .

  23. 巨轮在滚滚浪涛中沉没了。

    The great ship sank below the waves .

  24. 附近一条小舟沉没了。

    A boat went under nearby .

  25. 但数百艘船的钢壳在冰冷的北大西洋中裂开,其中12艘船裂成两半而沉没。

    But the steel shells of hundreds of the ships cracked in the icy north Atlantic , and 12 broke in half and sank .

  26. 单就这架沉没的飞机而言,这架空客A300是人为弄沉的最大的飞机。

    As far as sunken planes go , this Airbus A300 is the largest exterior sunk aircraft ever .

  27. 潜入水下游览、探索一架沉没的A300的内部将会是一场大冒险,这正是土耳其当局希望人们能持有的对这个景点的期待。

    Taking a trip underwater and stripped the inside of a sunken A300 would be quite an adventure , and that is exactly what Turkish authorities are hoping this attraction will make people think .

  28. 这场灾难之后,不列颠号于1916年触雷沉没。

    Following this disaster , the Britannic hit a naval mine in 1916 and subsequently sank as well .

  29. 在泰坦尼克号沉没之前,奥林匹克号就曾失事,但只有奥林匹克号幸存下来并持续航行了24年成功的航运生涯。

    The Olympic got wrecked before the Titanic did , but it was the only one to survive and maintain a successful career of 24 years .

  30. 这架沉没的飞机将不仅为人工暗礁的生长创造完美的框架,而且当局希望这一新颖的水下景点能为该地区带来游客。

    Not only will the sunken plane revealing the perfect skeleton for artificial reef growth , tut authorities hope this new underwater attraction will bring tourists to the area .