- submerged plant

Effects of Two Kinds of Submerged Plant on the Quality of Waters Cultured with Pseudobagrus fulvidraco Fry
According to the model of stable carbon isotopic fractionation in submerged plant , the concentration of dissolved inorganic carbon ( DIC ) is an important environmental factor influencing the δ 13C of submerged plants .
GIS simulation on the distribution of submerged macrophytes in Baoan Lake
N and P contents were highest in the submersed and lowest in the emergent , intermediate in floating leaved plants .
Accumulation of Cu ~( 2 + ) and Responses of Physiological and Biochemical Functions in Two Submerged Macrophytes
Snail Radix swinhoei ( H.Adams ) herbivory on three submerged plants
And at the same time , because δ 13C of inorganic carbon in water is higher than that of CO2 in air , δ 13C of leaves of submerged macrophytes is higher than that of leaves of floating and emergent macrophytes .
The content of crude cellulose in dry matter is one of the main factor affecting the biosorption capacity of a submerged aquatic plant , and OH and CONH_2 groups of polysaccharides on cell wall maybe are active center of biosorption ;
Of water quality in the process of filamentous algae decomposing , especially the decreases of DO , light intensity under water and pH , and the increases of water temperature were the main reasons contribute to the death of Hydrilla verticillata .
The results from livestock wastewater purification with floating and submerged macrophytes showed that the floating duckweed had better purification effect on wastewater and elimination rates were 43.83 % for COD and 95.95 % for total phosphorus .
Submerged macrophytes are large aquatic plants with the whole body or most of it sinking in the underwater . They act as the main primary producer in aquatic ecosystem , which is an important constituent part .
The growth status of Elodea nuttallii and the purification effect on polluted water by different biomass in low temperature in winter are studied .
The results indicated that the increase of the content of protein and amino acid resulting from extraneous NH4 + - N submerged plants enhanced the bioavailability of dissolved organic nitrogen in sediments . ( 2 ) The difference of fluorescent characteristics of DOM in lake sediments .
The sediment condition was suitable for emerged plant and floating-leaved plant all the time , and even favorite to submerged plant when the temperature was below 30 ℃ or the water depth was less than 1m .
The plant tissues , which were well - preserved in 2 m - thick shallow frozen lacustrine sediments of Ngoring , came from the same species of submersed plant , Potamogeton pectinatus .
Simulation study shows that the sediment release of about 6.9 × 105t of DIC to overlying water of Hulun within 90 days in summer , which provide a lot of carbon for the photosynthesis of submerged plants in lake . 4 .
Water absorption influenced the hyperspectral curves of wetland plants a lot , especially in Near Infrared ( NIR : 800-1000nm ) where the reflectance is significantly different between emerged species and submerged species .
Effects of Chitosan on Elementary Productivity of Seven Common Submersed Plants
Study on the Environmental Effect of Submerged Macrophytes on Eutrophic Water
Identification of the spectral characteristics of a submerged plant Vallisneria spiralis
Comparative study of regeneration and colonization ability in five submersed macrophytes
Study on natural drying of submerged vegetation by different processing means
Research on Purification Efficiency of Polluted Water Remediation by Submerged Macrophytes
Study on Water Improvement Effect on Polluted Water by Submerged Macrophytes
Release Rule Research of Submerged Plants with Temperature Impact in Contabescence
Study on submerged macrophyte effect on phosphorus pools in the sediment
The Exploration Research to the Mechanism of Submerged Plant Ecology Restores
Experimental Investigation on Cutting & Picking Up Unit of Flexible Sunken Plant
Study of Nitrogen Endowment and Existence Characteristic in the Water-Submerged Plant-Sediment System
Light demand for brood - bud germination of submerged plant