
  • 网络investment style;style investing
  1. 从类型I到类型III,投资风格越来越激进,基金公司所面临的赎回压力也越来越大。

    From style one to style three , investment style becomes more radical , and redemption puzzle becomes bigger .

  2. 第四,本文利用Fama-French三因子模型来识别基金的投资风格并对基金的投资风格持续性进行了研究。

    Fourthly , I use Fama-French three-factor model to identify mutual fund investment style and investigate the style consistency of mutual fund .

  3. imf还指出,投资者为了竞逐收益,正在放弃严谨的投资风格,同时信贷的居中斡旋越来越多地通过非银行渠道进行。

    The IMF also notes that investors are abandoning disciplined investment styles in seeking yield , and that credit is ever more intermediated through non-bank channels .

  4. 其中股票型、混合型、债券型各3支不同投资风格的基金,2004年1月2日&2008年12月31日区间内运用VAR方法进行定量分析。

    Including equity , hybrid ,, all three bond funds of different investment styles in the January 2,2004-December 31,2008 the use of interval VAR method for quantitative analysis .

  5. 因此,会给GIC等集团造成伤害的,不仅有资产相关性问题,还有投资风格的延续。

    Thus what hurt groups such as the GIC was not just the issue of asset correlation , but a contagion of investor style as well .

  6. 在此基础之上,采用Gruber模型对我国开放式股票型基金的投资风格识别和风格调整绩效进行了检验;

    So , the identification of investment style of fund is becoming more important , and adjusted performance by investment style will better evaluate these types of funds .

  7. 大多基金的投资风格是平衡型;

    Mostly the investment style of the fund is equal type ;

  8. 外界的疑虑之一是该基金过去的投资风格过于激进。

    One suspicion was that the fund was managed too aggressively .

  9. 再者本章阐述并分析了投资风格形成及风格漂移形成的理论基础。

    Furthermore this chapter describes and analyzes the investment style drift formation .

  10. 我国基金投资风格及其成因

    On China 's Funds Investment Style and Its Formation Causes

  11. 我对他们两人投资风格的差异更感兴趣。

    I am more intrigued by the differences in their investment styles .

  12. 没有讨论市场状态对基金投资风格的影响,事实上,不同的市场状态下基金的投资风格会有所不同;

    The market conditions that influenced the fund style were not included .

  13. 结果发现:在目前证券市场环境下,多数基金处于无效状态,基金业绩不存在明显的业绩持续性和规模效应,但投资风格与业绩之间具有一定的相关性。

    However , correlation exists between the funds performance and their investment style .

  14. 投资风格变异及其对基金绩效的影响研究

    An Investigation of Investment Style Shift and Its Effect on Mutual Fund Performance

  15. 利润更高的方法是采取一个动态投资风格。

    The more profitable approach is to have a dynamic approach to styles .

  16. 我国封闭式基金投资风格实证分析

    A Style Analysis of Chinese Closed - end Funds

  17. 沪深股票市场行业效应与投资风格效应的实证研究

    An Empirical Research on Industry Effects and Style Effects in Chinese Stock Markets INVEST

  18. 这的确改变了我的投资风格。

    It 's certainly changed my investment style .

  19. 只有随着时间的推移,人们才能知道他的投资风格。

    Those will have to come over time .

  20. 后者由于应用方便,是研究投资风格时应用最广泛的方法。

    The latter is the most widely used method because of its ease application .

  21. 最后,本文分析了基金投资风格漂移的原因。

    Finally , this paper analyses the reasons of the " style drift " .

  22. 例如,基金经理也许需要一个关于其特殊投资风格的基准指数。

    They might need a benchmark for their particular investment style , for example .

  23. 据此,在投资风格分类中引入了聚类分析方法,并同时采用晨星风格箱方法和聚类分析方法对中国证券投资基金的风格进行了分析。

    The paper used Morningstar-style-box and clustering method in the style analysis of Chinese mutual funds .

  24. 中国股指期现货的投资风格权变相关套期保值研究

    The research of validity on Chinese Stock Index Futures ' Contingency-related hedging from different investment styles

  25. 他写道:近乎于懒惰的怠倦一直是我们投资风格的基石。

    He writes that : lethargy bordering on sloth remains the cornerstone of our investment style .

  26. 不过分析师指出,康姆斯的投资风格应该很适合伯克希尔。

    Still , analysts point out that Mr Combs ' investment style should fit well with Berkshire .

  27. 本文通过对国内外基金业绩评价方法进行总结、分类,从三个方面对基金业绩评价理论进行阐述和研究,包括风险调整收益评价方法、业绩成因分析和投资风格分析。

    It includes three sections : risk-adjusted performance valuation , performance attribution analysis and investment style analysis .

  28. 交易杠杆的不同、资产配置的改变、投资风格的变化都会对基金业绩产生影响。

    The different leverage , asset allocation changing , the different style of investment would also affect performance .

  29. 本文的研究给投资风格理论的推广提供了一系列的实证支持,但是仅仅有理论上的支持还不足以全面推广风格投资。

    However , with only the support on the theory it is not enough to spread investment style all-roundly .

  30. 公司是否有其内部投资风格,理财经理在挑选股票或决定资产配置时是否有很大的自由空间。

    Is there a house style or are wealth managers given significant freedoms in stock picks or asset allocation decisions .