
máng diǎn
  • blindness;blind spot;scotoma;blackspot
盲点[máng diǎn]
  1. 木结构房屋&我国住宅的盲点

    Wooden frame houses : the blind spot of the housing in China

  2. 我们把他在监控盲点放下。

    We 'll drop him in a blind spot there .

  3. 你可能需要从鼓励你当前的人际网络开始,帮助你识别你的盲点。

    You may need to start by encouraging your current network to help you identify your blind spots .

  4. 人所提的问题能够揭露他们到底关注什么,还能揭露他们的盲点。

    Questions reveal what they are focusing their attention on , and also what their blind spots are .

  5. 论新媒体WEB广告的认识盲点

    The cognitive blind spots where the WEB advertisement of new media is concerned

  6. 从逻辑全知问题认定看当前基于逻辑的agent研究的两个认识盲点

    Two Blind Spots in Recent Logic-Based Agent Study Inferred from the Declaration of Logical Omniscience Problem

  7. 如果我们将应用程序设计为只在便于管理的处理阶段中打包和交换少量XML数据,那么就可以减少这些盲点,使应用程序更易于维护。

    If you design applications that package and exchange small , controlled chunks of XML data in manageable processing stages , you reduce these blind spots and make the application easier to maintain .

  8. 但随着P2P电子商务模式的不断发展,加上其本身的一些特点,对我国现行的税收法律制度提出了严峻的挑战,从而暴露我国税收法律制度中存在许多空白和盲点。

    But it makes some severe challenge for our taxable legal system by the developing of Person to Person E-commerce while it exposes blind spots in our taxable legal system .

  9. 高配A8还还增加了全新的安全配置,装配了视觉盲点和车道偏离警报系统。

    The upper-premium A8 also gets blind-spot detection and lane-departure warning systems .

  10. AIGuardman对扒手在不同种类的商店使用的不同惯用伎俩了熟于心。比如说扒手会在超市里寻找盲点,或者在书店里不停地查看周围的环境。

    AI Guardman is aware of the different techniques commonly used by shoplifters in different types of stores , such as looking for blindspots in supermarkets or constantly checking one 's surroundings in bookstores .

  11. 在自己的公寓发现了太多WiFi信号盲点,科尔选择采取算法提高网络连接速度。

    Frustrated at finding numerous Wi-Fi blackspots around his flat , Mr Cole turned to mathematics to find out how he could improve his internet connection .

  12. 而作为以顾客满意管理为核心的CS管理理论,更多的是应用于营销和产品制造行业,对于新兴行业&物业管理来说,CS管理理论的应用研究几乎还是一个盲点。

    Customer satisfaction , as the core of CS management theory , applied more on sales and manufacturing industry . for the new industry , Property Management , the application of CS management theory is seldom adopted .

  13. 那个Allstate汽车保险广告我是的你盲点。

    Like the allstate commercials , I 'm your blind spot .

  14. 这一方法需要从激光扫描检眼镜(SLO)中获得视网膜图像并对盲点特性进行分析。

    A scanning laser ophthalmoscope ( SLO ) image is involved and the function and character of scotometry are analyzed .

  15. GPS测量姿态不仅成本低、精度较高、没有误差累积和视场的盲点,还具有定轨定姿一体化等优势而日益成为导航领域研究的热点。

    Measuring attitude by GPS is not only low cost , high accuracy , no error accumulation and blind spots of field , but also it can determine satellite orbit and attitude , so it is increasingly becoming a hot area of research in the navigation .

  16. 44只眼有FFA异常,占52.4%。其中,病程早期的4只眼表现为视盘炎,占4.8%,视野有生理盲点扩大和中心暗点;

    Abnormal results of FFA were found in 44 eyes ( 52.38 % ), including papillitis in 4 eyes ( 4.76 % ) at the early stage with extended physiological scotoma and central scotoma ;

  17. 阿什里奇商学院客户主管伊夫波尔(EvePoole)表示:该模块旨在让特易购的管理者们在逆境中更有主意,并就其领导能力方面的技巧和盲点发出预警。

    The module is designed to make Tesco leaders more resourceful in stressful situations and to give them early warning of skills and blind spots in their leadership abilities , says Ashridge client director Eve Poole .

  18. 中继协作通信具有扩大覆盖范围、提高传输质量、减少覆盖盲点等作用,MIMO技术可在不增加频谱资源和发射功率的情况下成倍的提升系统容量。

    The relay cooperative communication has many advantages such as expand coverage , improve transmission quality and reduce the cover of ' blind spots ' role . MIMO technology can enhance system capacity multiply in case that does not increase the spectrum resources and transmit power .

  19. 本文以RVA公司员工培训为背景,对该公司员工培训体系进行深入分析研究,寻找和解决员工培训中存在的盲点和误区。

    This paper takes the RVA company employee training as background of researching , carries on a thorough analysis research to the company 's employee training , and looks for existing blind spots and mistakes of its training .

  20. 客车行业一直比较关注8-9m和11-12m客车的市场,这两个细分市场也一直成为各个厂家竞争的焦点,10m城间客车却一直处于市场的盲点,常常被人们所忽视。

    There are two segments 8 ~ 9 m and 11 ~ 12 m long bus and coach markets , which are always cared by people in the bus industry , and also they become a competitive point of many bus manufactures .

  21. 高校体育教育中健康课程的弱点与盲点

    Weakness and Blind Spots of Health Course in College Physical Education

  22. 它标志着我们文化中的一个盲点。

    It signals one of our cultural " blind spots " .

  23. 参考文献引用及其研究的盲点与误区

    Misunderstanding and errors in academic paper reference citation and its research

  24. 以往前人探讨南进政策有两大盲点。

    Previous researches on southern advance policy have 2 big defects .

  25. 有个我无法填补的盲点。

    I have this blank spotthat I just cannot fill in .

  26. (笔者计划专门为《盲点》一书撰写另外一个专栏。)

    ( I plan to write another column devoted to blindspot . )

  27. 但他在政治和环境方面,存在令人费解的盲点。

    But he has peculiar blind spots on politics and the environment .

  28. 瑜珈伤害&大众健身市场的盲点

    The Yoga Injury & Blind Spot Of The Popular Exercise

  29. 我国传统翻译研究中的盲点与误区

    The Blind-spots and Fallacies in Traditional Translation Studies in China

  30. 现实社会中性别意识的盲点

    The Blind Spots of Gender Conciousness in the Current Society