
jiān tòng
  • shoulder pain;omodynia;omalgia;scapulalgia
肩痛 [jiān tòng]
  • [omodynia] 肩部疼痛

肩痛[jiān tòng]
  1. 本组无严重并发症,仅发生2例术后肩痛,1例子宫内膜异位症致不孕症患者术后1周性生活而致急性盆腔炎。

    There was no severe complications . Only 2 patients had omalgia and one had acute pelvic infection one week after operation through coitus .

  2. 目的对针灸治疗中风后偏瘫肩痛的影响因素进行分析。

    Objective To analyze the factors influencing acupuncture treatment of post-apoplectic hemiplegic omodynia .

  3. 生物化学指标测定结果显示,肩痛散组羧脯氨酸,DNA、云白质含量低于对照组。

    The results of biochemical indices measure showed lower levels of hydroxyproline , DNA , and proteins in the JTS group than the control group .

  4. 目的观察综合康复疗法及持续被动运动(CPM)对脑卒中后肩痛的作用。

    Objective To study the effect of CPM on the shoulder pain in patient with hemiplegia .

  5. 评定内容:(1)用VAS目测评分法评定肩痛改善情况。

    Evaluation content : ( 1 ) using VAS visual grading method to assess shoulder pain improvement .

  6. 笔者通过对51例肩痛患者肩关节造影和造影后CT扫描检查,发现肩袖完全破裂10例,部分破裂7例。

    This paper reported the results of conventional arthrography and CT arthrography of the shoulder in 51 patients . Complete tear of rotator cuff was found in 10 cases , and in complete tear in 7 cases .

  7. 腹腔镜术后肩痛被认为是吹入的二氧化碳刺激膈神经,导致C4神经牵涉痛。

    Post-laparoscopy shoulder pain is thought to result when carbon dioxide , used for insufflation , irritates the phrenic nerve , leading to referred pain at C4 .

  8. 女性有典型症状(胸痛或不适、呼吸困难、出汗、臂或肩痛)者诊断为ACS明显多,男性则不;

    Presence of typical symptoms ( chest pain or discomfort , dyspnea , diaphoresis , and arm or shoulder pain ) was significantly associated with a diagnosis of ACS in women but not in men .

  9. 偏瘫肩痛对上肢功能恢复的影响

    Effect of hemiplegic shoulder pain on recovery of upper limb function

  10. 腕踝针;康复疗法;中风后肩痛;

    Carpus-ankle acupuncture ; physical therapy ; shoulder pain after stroke ;

  11. 导致肩痛有六种最常见的划臂因素。

    Six stroke elements are the most common causes of shoulder pain .

  12. 采取卧位和肩痛有关。

    The assumption of the recumbent position is associated with shoulder pain .

  13. 肩痛在竞技游泳中是一种常见现象。

    Shoulder pain is a common phenomenon in competitive swimming .

  14. 某企业静态作业工人肩痛的调查

    Survey on shoulder-ache in static performance workers in an enterprise

  15. 偏瘫肩痛近10年国外研究回顾

    Review About the Recent Ten-year Foreign Studies On Shoulder Pain In Hemiplegia

  16. 偏瘫肩痛的康复治疗脑卒中偏瘫患者肩痛的早期干预

    Early Intervention to the Shoulder Pain for Patients with Hemiplegia after Stroke

  17. 这时他的左肩痛得要命,这是因为上礼拜骑单车摔倒才会这样。

    He hurt it last week when he fell off his bicycle .

  18. 但是这会导致肩痛和手臂永久性的肿胀。

    But that can shoulder pain and permanent swelling of the arm .

  19. 偏瘫患者肩痛的临床观察

    Clinical Observation on Shoulder Pain in Patients with Hemiplegia

  20. 神经促通技术对中风后肩痛治疗效果的研究

    Research on the treatment effect of post-stroke shoulder pain using nerve facilitation technique

  21. 肩胛上神经感觉支分布与肩痛关系的探讨

    The relationship of the sensory branches of suprascapular nerve and the shoulder pain

  22. 脑卒中偏瘫病人肩痛的康复方案

    Recovery of shoulder pain in patients with apoplexy hemiplegia

  23. 电针条口穴透承山穴为主治疗肩痛症131例

    131 Cases of Shoulder Pain with Electro-acupuncture of Tiaokou Acupoint and Chengshan Acupoint

  24. 对比两组术后肩痛发生率及程度。

    The incidence and degree of shoulder tip pain after LC were compared .

  25. 头针结合高电位治疗脑卒中后肩痛的临床观察

    Clinical observation of scalp acupuncture combination of high-potential treatment on post-stroke shoulder pain

  26. 关节松动术治疗脑卒中后肩痛的临床研究

    Effect of Joint Mobilization on Shoulder Pain after Stroke

  27. 经皮神经电刺激结合运动疗法治疗脑卒中后肩痛的疗效观察

    Effect of Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation and Physical Therapy on Shoulder Pain after Stroke

  28. 他的肩痛比虱子、老鼠作祟还糟。

    Worse even than the lice and rats was the pain in his shoulder .

  29. 目的:探索针灸早期介入中风后偏瘫肩痛防治的有效方法。

    Objective To explore an effective method for shoulder pain due to poststroke hemiplegia .

  30. 中风后偏瘫肩痛针灸疗效因素浅析

    Preliminary Analysis of the Factors Influencing the Curative Effect of Acupuncture on Post-apoplectic Hemiplegic Omodynia