
jiān bǎng
  • shoulder
肩膀 [jiān bǎng]
  • [shoulder] 同肩1

肩膀[jiān bǎng]
  1. 他觉得有人轻轻拍他的肩膀便转过身来。

    He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned round .

  2. 他的手轻轻地触了一下她肩膀便使她跳了起来。

    The gentle touch of his hand on her shoulder made her jump .

  3. 这些动作将锻炼你的手臂和肩膀。

    These movements will exercise your arms and shoulders .

  4. 他呵护地用胳膊搂住她的肩膀。

    He put a protective arm around her shoulders .

  5. 她搂住他肩膀以示安慰。

    She put a consoling arm around his shoulders .

  6. 一块玻璃划破他的肩膀。

    A piece of glass sliced into his shoulder .

  7. 他让人给他在肩膀上刺了一颗心形图案。

    He had a heart tattooed on his shoulder .

  8. 他的肩膀上刺了一颗心形图案。

    His shoulder was tattooed with a heart .

  9. 我的肩膀今天疼起来了。

    My shoulder is playing me up today .

  10. 他在事故中肩膀脱臼了。

    He dislocated his shoulder in the accident .

  11. 他将手从她的肩膀上拿开。

    He removed his hand from her shoulder .

  12. “我不知道。”安娜耸耸肩膀,应了一句。

    ‘ I don 't know , ’ Anna replied , shrugging her shoulders .

  13. 他绷紧腿和肩膀站着,准备举起杠铃。

    He stood with his legs and shoulders braced , ready to lift the weights .

  14. 拉尔夫轻轻地拍了拍我的肩膀。

    Ralph tapped me on the shoulder .

  15. 她拍了拍他的肩膀。

    She tapped him on the shoulder .

  16. 箭头射入他的肩膀。

    The arrow pierced his shoulder .

  17. 萨姆耸耸肩膀,什么也没说。

    Sam shrugged and said nothing .

  18. 凯文肩膀一抖,脱掉了夹克。

    Kevin shrugged off his jacket .

  19. 她的肩膀严重晒伤了。

    Her shoulders were badly sunburned .

  20. 一位医生伸进他肩膀伤口的深处寻找弹片。

    A doctor probed deep in his shoulder wound for shrapnel .

  21. 她的耳朵、肩膀和髋部呈一条直线。

    Her ear , shoulder and hip are in a straight line

  22. 球不可思议地弹过他的肩膀,钻进了球网。

    The ball bounced crazily over his shoulder into the net .

  23. 他用拨火棍打我的肩膀。

    He swiped me across the shoulder with the poker .

  24. 他用粗胖的胳膊搂住哈丽的肩膀。

    He put a pudgy arm around Harry 's shoulder .

  25. 她的手紧紧抓住了我的肩膀。

    Her hand grasped my shoulder , none too gently .

  26. 那个大块头西印度群岛土著人抓住他的肩膀时,他浑身紧张起来。

    He tensed as the big West Indian gripped his shoulder

  27. 威尔一只胳膊搂着她的肩膀,把她拉到了一边。

    Will put his arm around her shoulders and drew her aside .

  28. 他亲热地捶了一下我的肩膀,差点把我打倒。

    He thumped my shoulder affectionately , nearly knocking me over

  29. 她将自己睡袍的吊带拉到肩膀上。

    She pulled the strap of her nightgown onto her shoulder

  30. 他肩膀脱臼了,身上还有伤口和挫伤。

    He suffered a dislocated shoulder , cuts and bruises .