
  • 网络blind ditch;french drain
  1. 平台流土破坏判定公式不仅可以用于坡体渗流场,而且可以用于渗沟盲沟工程的渗流场破解。

    This formula can be used not only the slope seepage field , but also the sewer blind ditch project essay .

  2. 1号库区建设时底部没有设置人工防渗系统,未设置简易渗沥液收集盲沟,及雨污分流系统。

    It has not set manual impervious system and simple leachate collecting blind ditch and rainfall-wastewater distributary system at the bottom of the No.1 landfill area .

  3. 洞内采用EVASJ防水板,BW-Ⅱ型止水带、盲沟等施工的经验。

    It also describes the experience gained from the construction of EVA-SJ water proof board , BW-II water stop zone and blind drain .

  4. 浅谈路面排水盲沟的应用

    Talking about the Application of Blind Drainage Ditch on Road Surface

  5. 运三线碎石盲沟施工工艺

    The Construction Technology of Macadam Blind Drain in Yuncheng-Sanmenxia Freeway

  6. 盲沟排水在取水构筑物稳定设计中的应用

    Application of Sub-drain for Stability Design of Water Intake Structure

  7. 城市快速路盲沟排水系统水力模型研究

    A Study on Hydraulic Model for Blind Drainage System of Urban Expressway

  8. 塑料盲沟材料性能指标初探

    Research on material performance indexes for plastic blind drains

  9. 提出了井字形排水盲沟的深度、宽度、间距等基本布置参数,结果表明该方法简便、经济、切实可行。

    The results show that the method is simple , economic and feasible .

  10. 盲沟在高速公路排水防护中的作用

    Initial discussion on action of blind ditches in the drainage and protection in expressway

  11. 用疏导法排水与盲沟排水相结合的技术措施,能快捷有效地把泉水降至设计标高以下。

    Drainage cutting combined with weeper drain could quickly dewater to the designed water level .

  12. 盲沟降排水在某基坑降水工程中的应用

    The Application of the Blind Drainage in the Dewatering Engineering of a Certain Foundation Ditch

  13. 谈了盲沟的设置、原材料选择、施工工艺及施工时几点注意事项,以供借鉴。

    The paper discussed the blind drain installation , raw materials choosing , construction technology etc.

  14. 盲沟排水对碎石桩加固软土路基的影响分析

    Analysis of influence of blind drainage on the roadbed soft soil treatment by gravel pile column

  15. 介绍了高寒区隧道防排水施工技术及奎山隧道采用地下中心深埋水沟、衬砌背后竖向保温、盲沟结合隧道等常用防排水措施,形成了一整套防排水系统;

    The paper introduces the construction technology of tunnel waterproof and water drainage in high cold region .

  16. 结合典型实例介绍了盲沟排水在取水构筑物稳定设计中的应用。

    In combination with a typical example , this paper introduces the application of sub drain for stability design of water intake structure .

  17. 初步研究结果表明:塑料盲沟具有较好的集水、排水、抗压性能和耐久性。

    The research shows that the plastic blind drain is of good performance in water collecting , drainage , compressive strength , and endurance .

  18. 介绍了老集高速公路建设中使用的盲沟情况,描述了老集高速公路盲沟的主要形式。

    This article describes the situation of blind drain used in the construction of Laoyemiao-Jining Expressway , and the main form of blind drains .

  19. 在工程建设中,降低地下水位辅助施工的方法很多,当基坑降水量及降水深度不大时,可采用反滤层导流、导管导流、机井排流、盲沟导流这几种简易方法。

    When water to be drained and dropping head of foundation delve are small , filter diversion , duct diversion , well draining and blind ditch diversion can be adopted .

  20. 应用流体力学理论结合码头结构建设,分析了地下水排泄过程,借助管道和碎块石盲沟建立了港口码头快速排水与挡墙基床排水的方法;

    This paper analyzes the groundwater discharging course using fluidics theory and combining quay structure construction ; sets up the method of fast drainage by the dint of pipeline and blind ditch of fragment stone ;

  21. 通过设置集水坑(井)和有条件加设盲沟的降、排水方法,有效地解决了此种情况下的降、排水施工的问题,结果表明该措施施工方便,经济可行。

    By installing catch basin ( collector well ), adding French drain for water draining , such construction problems as unfavorable geology condition drop , drain off water , have effectively been solved in construction practice .

  22. 基于路基盲沟、坡支撑盲沟的位置和设计目的,分析了应用效果,并评价了盲沟在老集高速公路的防护、水起到的作用。

    Bases on the location of these drains and the design objective , it analyzes the effectiveness of application , and gives evaluation on the role of drains and slope revetment drains in the protection of Laoyemiao-Jining Expressway and the drainage .

  23. 该地基处理采用强夯加固填土、挖砂石盲沟降低地下水位、疏通排污管道,切断地下水补给来源等方案。

    For the treatment of this ground , following steps are taken : strong ramming to reinforce the fill , digging sand ditches to lower the ground water level , dredging drainage pipeline to cut off the recharge source of underground water etc.

  24. 针对翻浆这一道路冻害现象,结合多年防治施工实践,总结了翻浆发生的过程及因素,并从铺设隔离层、设置路肩盲沟等方面,提出了翻浆的防治措施。

    In this paper according to frost boil one freezing damages at roads and combined several years ' construction experiences the factors caused this failure and its generation rule are summarized . And from setting insulating layer , shoulder , blind ditch and other aspects prevention measures are proposed .