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ǒu rán
  • accidental;chance;occasionally;incidental;casual;fortuitous;fluke
偶然 [ǒu rán]
  • [accidental;fortuitous;chance] 突然的,不是经常的;意想不到的

  • 偶然现象

  • 偶然事件

偶然[ǒu rán]
  1. 我认为我们相遇不是偶然的——他肯定知道我要去那里。

    I didn 't think our meeting was accidental ─ he must have known I would be there .

  2. 事实上,他们的相遇并不是偶然的。

    In fact , their meeting was not accidental .

  3. 那次偶然的会面改变了我的一生。

    It was a chance meeting that would change my life .

  4. 最后我们偶然想到了寻求赞助。

    Eventually , we alighted on the idea of seeking sponsorship .

  5. 我偶然听见他说他要去法国。

    I overheard him say he was going to France .

  6. 有一天他偶然发现了埃玛的日记,便开始读了起来。

    One day he chanced upon Emma 's diary and began reading it .

  7. 这次损毁不可能是偶然因素造成的。

    The damage couldn 't have been caused accidentally .

  8. 没有一位董事是女性,这并非偶然。

    It 's not a coincidence that none of the directors are women .

  9. 此病不会通过偶然接触传染。

    The disease is not spread by casual contact .

  10. 他们早到仅仅是偶然而已。

    Their early arrival was just an accident .

  11. 我看见这封信纯属偶然。

    I saw the letter purely by chance .

  12. 他们分手几年以后在巴黎又偶然相遇。

    Several years after they 'd split up they met again by chance in Paris .

  13. 男人担任护理中大多数最重要的工作绝非偶然。

    It is no accident that men fill most of the top jobs in nursing .

  14. 这个信息只是偶然得到的。

    The information was only discovered incidentally .

  15. 他们相遇纯属偶然。

    They met by pure chance .

  16. 碰巧——不知是偶然还是有意安排——其他人走后,只剩下了他们两个人。

    It happened ─ whether by accident or design ─ that the two of them were left alone after all the others had gone .

  17. 在一次庭院拍卖会上,我偶然发现了一个忍不住想买的东西。

    I came upon an irresistible item at a yard sale .

  18. 我来到该农场住下纯属偶然。

    I came to live at the farm by happenstance .

  19. 他们的成功是各种环境因素偶然联系在一起的幸运产物。

    Their success is the result of a fortuitous combination of circumstances .

  20. 我们在村里偶然碰见了一些老朋友。

    We ran across some old friends in the village .

  21. 人们的相遇是天意还是偶然?

    Is it destiny that brings people together , or is it accident ?

  22. 他们偶然来到一个居住着一位狡诈的淘金者的废墟之城。

    They stumble across a ghost town inhabited by a rascally gold prospector .

  23. 他偶然发现了这座红砖砌成的森然高耸的医院。

    He came upon the hulking redbrick hospital .

  24. 这两个人经常见面——开始是偶然的,后来就是有意的了。

    The pair met often — at first by chance but later by design .

  25. 他身旁的书偶然翻开到写着圣保罗对罗马人的告诫那页。

    By chance the book beside him fell open to St. Paul 's warning to the Romans

  26. 我们是偶然相遇的。

    We met by chance .

  27. 在“标准剧目”中的作品有各自的名字并非偶然。

    It is no coincidence that the works in the ' standard repertoire ' tend to have names .

  28. 警匪剧在电视上盛行之时恰好是西部片衰退之际,这并非偶然。

    It 's no accident that the boom in police series on TV coincided with the decline of the Western .

  29. 她在一次偶然的谈话中第一次听到他的名字。

    She first heard of his name in a casual conversation .

  30. 她在上学的路上偶然遇见了他。

    She came across him on her way to school .