
mó dēng
  • modern;fashionable
摩登 [mó dēng]
  • [modern;fashionable] 适合现时或表现现时;时髦

  • 摩登的外表

  • 摩登女郎

摩登[mó dēng]
  1. 在电视这一块,《摩登家庭》(ModernFamily)颗粒无收。

    Notably spurned on the television front : " Modern Family . "

  2. 或是修一门网络课程,而不是沉溺于《摩登家庭》(ModernFamily)?

    Or take a web course instead of vegging out to ' Modern Family ' ?

  3. 只有姓名是古代的;人物都是现代的、摩登的。

    Only the names are ancient ; the characters are modern and contemporary .

  4. 它是摩登、年轻、活力的诠释,令人上瘾。我以前买的时候给这个写过香评,这瓶我已经快用完了,而且肯定会再买的。

    I 've reviewed this before when I bought it but I 've got to the end of the bottle already and will definitely buy it again .

  5. 官方消息:ABC的主打喜剧《摩登家庭》将在下一季剧中。

    It 's official : ABC 's flagship comedy series Modern Family will wrap its run after one more season .

  6. 这些广播公司主要是凭藉真人秀和情景喜剧获得了认可,过去的喜剧获奖作品《生活大爆炸》(TheBigBangTheory)和《摩登家庭》(ModernFamily)再次获得提名。

    The broadcasters received most of their recognition for reality shows and sitcoms , with past comedy winners ' The Big Bang Theory ' and ' Modern Family ' nominated once again .

  7. 好了我们继续我们的节目我们的第一位嘉宾获得了艾美奖提名的演员她参演了ABC很火爆的幽默美剧摩登家庭来看看吧

    Our first guest is in Ammy nominate actress who is stars on ABC hilarious hit show Modern Family check it out .

  8. 你认为最佳喜剧片是哪部?自命不凡的《女子监狱》(OrangeIstheNewBlack)和《硅谷》(SiliconValley)会终结ABC《摩登家庭》(ModernFamily)在最佳喜剧片奖项上长达四年的把持吗?

    Will an upstart like " Orange Is the New Black " or " Silicon Valley " end the four-year reign of ABC 's " Modern Family " as television 's top comedy ?

  9. 美剧《摩登家庭》的联合主创StevenLevitan打算将在第十季迎来整部剧的大结局。

    Modern Family co-creator Steven Levitan has confirmed plans to end the series with its tenth season .

  10. 这位《摩登家庭》女星最近向《USWeekly》确认,已经和交往了5年的男友MattProkop分手。

    The Modern Family actress and her boyfriend of five years , Matt Prokop , have broken up , Hyland 's rep confirms to Us Weekly .

  11. 如今,商业教育业是如此“摩登”,以至于每个mba课程表看起来都很类似,最好的商学院靠承诺强大的人脉来证明其学费物有所值。

    The business education industry is now so " modern " that every MBA programme syllabus looks similar and the best business schools promise high-powered networking to justify their fees .

  12. 那个女人回答道:谢谢你,Jibo。和《摩登家庭》里简o杰特森对Rosie所说的话没什么区别。

    Thanks , Jibo , the woman responds , not unlike Jane Jetson talking to Rosie .

  13. 今天来到现场的是来自《摩登家庭》的SofiaVergara

    Today on the show from Modern Family Sofia Vergara

  14. 麻省理工学院(MIT)的媒体实验室中停放着一辆小型车,它看起来就像《摩登家庭》中的智能车。

    A small vehicle that looks like a Jetsons version of a smart car rests in a room at MIT 's Media Lab. Here 's how it works .

  15. ESCADA代表着摩登优雅、迷人和感性。

    ESCADA stands for modern elegance , glamour , and sensuality .

  16. 银河SOHO由不锈钢、石材、玻璃和铝制成,看上去摩登有型、相当典雅。

    It was built using stainless steel , stone , glass , aluminum which makes the building look modern , stylish and very elegant .

  17. 《摩登家庭》的索菲娅·维加拉用复古水洗淡色曲线玲珑的“FerrisFlare”牛仔裤使自己的身材更漂亮。

    Modern Family 's Sofia Vergara plays up her shape with her favorite curve-flattering Hudson " Ferris Flare " jeans in a vintage-chic faded wash .

  18. 修建于1024年的HeritageBathrooms卫生间里,水龙头还颇有些建筑创意,而最初建于1330年的卫生间却有着大胆的摩登感。

    And while taps by Heritage Bathrooms ( founded in 1924 ) might usually confer an air of architectural originality , in this bathroom ( founded c1330 ) they feel daringly modern .

  19. 我是摩登家庭的主演SofiaVergara我是摩登家庭的主演SofiaVergara

    I 'm Sofia Vergara from Modern Family . I 'm Sofia Vergara from Modern Family .

  20. 正扬织带时尚解析:朝九晚五的OL想要寻找摩登新变化,不妨考虑今年秋冬流行的修身针织外套。

    Nine to five of the OL looking for a modern new changes , may wish to consider this knit jacket Slim popular winter .

  21. 我已经把摩登家庭的主演SofiaVergara送到了电影拍摄场的一家叫Mile的小型超市

    So I have sent Sofia Vergara from Modern Family over to the Mile which is a little market on the lot .

  22. 也许可以借鉴一下“摩登情爱“作者阿达·凯尔胡恩(AdaCalhoun)忆起的一句格言:“人生即苦难——不过。”

    It may help to consider the maxim that the Modern Love writer Ada Calhoun recalled : " Life is suffering - and yet . "

  23. 它似乎更像《摩登原始人》(TheFlintstones)的车,而不是灰姑娘的南瓜车。

    It seemed more like The Flintstones " car than Cinderella 's pumpkin coach .

  24. 在风景如画的约克郡做最后的停留,可以去每一个卵石铺就的小巷尽头找一家都铎式客栈,或者走进摩登的啤酒馆,比如YorkTap、Pivni及HouseofTremblingMadness。—

    A final stay in the photogenic city of York offers a Tudor-style pub at the end of every cobbled lane , as well as modern beer temples like York Tap , Pivni and the House of Trembling Madness . -

  25. 根据法院下发的文件表明,洛杉矶市高等法院的法官会将这位出演艾美奖最佳电视剧《摩登家庭》里有些早熟的AlexDunphy一角的温特暂时交由她的姐姐ShanelleGray监护。

    According to court papers , a Los Angeles Superior Court judge last month put Winter , who plays the precocious teenager Alex Dunphy on the Emmy-winning TV comedy , under the temporary guardianship of her older sister , Shanelle Gray .

  26. DeDe首次出现是在第一季的《摩登家庭》中,并在该剧中总共出现了六次。

    DeDe made her inaugural Modern Family appearance during season one and recurred six times throughout the show 's run .

  27. 这个过程中,优雅的低腰礼服曾在1925年风靡一时,连那个年代的摩登女郎(flapper,注:20世纪20年代着装举止异常的年轻女郎)或许也无法抗拒,而1975年的那款礼服则颇有嬉皮女郎范儿。

    On the way , there is the elegant dropped waist of the 1925 dress that could have been worn by a flapper , while the 1975 number breathes hippy chick .

  28. 这位《摩登家庭》女星为Kmart拍摄了最新的性感广告活动宣传照,照片中Vergara身着豹纹比基尼,显得身材非常魔鬼。

    The Modern Family star 's newest ad campaign for Kmart features quite the sexy shot of Vergara flaunting her curves in a sexy leopard print bikini .

  29. Blair是个美国公主,Damon解释到,所以对我来说,她的礼服必须要非常精致非常摩登时尚,但是仍旧要保持她一贯经典考究的复古感。

    Blair Waldorf is an American princess , Damon explains . So for me , [ her wedding dress ] had to be very tailored and very modern , but also have a very classic kind of Old World sense to it .

  30. ESCADA是流行于国际奢华品市场的女士服装及配饰品牌,代表了摩登雅致,魅力和感性。

    Escada is an international fashion company for womens apparel and accessories at the international luxury goods market . Escada stands for modern elegance , cool glamour , and sensuality .