
  • 网络metal electrodeposition
  1. 稀土元素在金属电沉积中的应用

    Application of Rare Earth Elements in Metal Electrodeposition

  2. 金属电沉积过程枝晶生长的分形研究

    Fractal Study about Dendrite on Metal Electrodeposition Process

  3. 三乙醇胺在金属电沉积中的基本效应

    The Fundamental Effects of Triethanolamine in the Electrodeposition of Metals

  4. 电阻器或线圈用瓷模陶瓷金属电沉积涂层

    Ceramic former for electrical resistors or coils cermet electrodeposited coating

  5. 常温熔盐的金属电沉积&铝的电镀

    Electrodeposition of Metals from Room Temperature Molten Salt Bath & Electroplating of Aluminium

  6. 非晶质金属电沉积制作技术

    Introduction of the electrodepositing Techniques for Amorphous Metals

  7. 点阴极下金属电沉积过程枝晶二维生长的计算机模拟

    The Computer Simulation of Two-dimension Dendritic Growth on Metal Electrodepositing Process which Use Point Electrode as Cathode

  8. 通过金属电沉积的方法,将一种或数种不溶性的固体颗粒,均匀地夹杂到金属镀层中所形成的特殊镀层称作复合镀层。

    With the method of metal electroplating , a special coat that evenly mixes one or several infusible solid grains to the electroplating coating is called composite coating .

  9. 固相金属电沉积中枝晶生长理论所提出的扩散控制机理和电成核控制机理都不能解释本研究中所发现的沉积后铝枝晶的自发生长现象。

    The diffusion-controlling mechanism and electro-nucleation-controlling mechanism in literature can not explain the phenomenon of spontaneous growth of aluminium dendrite after the electro-deposition of solid aluminium on aluminium cathode .

  10. 用熔盐作为制备金属电沉积槽液的溶剂具有液态温度范围广和电化学窗口大等优异特点。

    The fused salts as solvents for preparing electroplating bath have some important features , that is , their wider temperature range of liquid state and larger " electrochemical window " .

  11. 本文概述了流化床电化学反应器研究的发展及现状,着重介绍了它在金属电沉积、燃料电池及有机电化合成中应用的最新研究成果。

    This paper reviews the present situation and development on the research of fluidized-bed electrochemical reactor , with particular emphasis on the latest results in its application on electrodeposition of metals , fuel cells and organic electrochemical synthesis .

  12. 铬酸溶液中金属铬电沉积的机理

    The mechanism of chromium electrodeposition from chromic acid solution

  13. 多孔金属连续电沉积数学模型

    Mathematical model of continuous electrodeposition of porous metal

  14. 能抑制杂质金属的电沉积,防止异常晶粒长大。

    PEG also has the ability to inhibit the deposition of metal impurities and prevent the growth of abnormal grain .

  15. 利用喷射电沉积技术可以使金属的电沉积在高的沉积电流密度和沉积过电位下进行,这对于在电结晶过程中形成纳米级晶粒是非常有利的。

    High current density and ideal deposition over-potential can be obtained by jet-electrodeposition , which are useful to the formation of nanocrystalline materials .

  16. 在金属铜电沉积实验中,阴极有明显的析氢过程存在,而在在金属锌的。:一电沉积实验研究中,没有发现存在有明显的阴极析氢过程。

    On the process of copper electrodeposition experiment , it was found that the hydrogen evolved from cathode , but on the process of zinc electrodeposition experiment , there was not hydrogen evolved .

  17. 对金属锌电沉积过程中的二维枝晶生长进行了研究,分析了外加电压、电解质浓度以及温度等实验条件对电沉积产物形貌及其分形维数的影响。

    Two-dimension dendritic growth of electrodeposition of metal zinc is studied . The influence of voltage , concentration of electrolyte and temperature to the appearance of the product and the fractal dimension is investigated .

  18. 通过金属锌的电沉积与丙烯腈(AN)电聚合的复合过程,获得有机大分子链掺杂的金属基复合镀层&锌/聚丙烯腈(PAN)复合镀层。

    In this paper , a metal matrix composite coating containing macromolecular chain of polymer , zinc / polyacrylonitrile ( PAN ) composite coating , were obtained through a composite process of zincic electrodeposition and acrylonitrile ( AN ) electrochemically initiated polymerization ( EIP ) .

  19. 搅拌对金刚石-金属复合薄膜电沉积结果的影响及流体力学分析

    Influence of Stirring to Electrodepositing of Diamond-metal Composite Film and Hydromechanics Analysis

  20. 多孔金属材料连续电沉积过程最优化设计

    Optimum scheme of continuous electrodeposited porous metal materials

  21. 电铸是一种利用金属离子阴极电沉积原理来制取金属零件的工艺技术,具有极高的复制精度。

    Electroforming , which possesses the merit of high manufacturing precision , is a manufacture technology that is based on principle of cathodic metal deposit .

  22. 电铸是一门精密制造技术,它利用金属离子阴极电沉积的原理制取产品,具有极高的制造精度和独特的优点,在许多高新技术领域取得了成功的应用。

    As a precision manufacture technology , electroforming using electrodeposition of metal on a cathode mandrel to make products has successfully been applied in many advanced technology fields .

  23. 对比这个标度,发现金属离子的电沉积不仅与它们的电极电位有关,还与它们的软硬度有关。

    It was found that deposition of a metal not only depends upon its electrode potential , but also is related to the hard - soft scale of the metal ion .

  24. 熔点低于室温和在相当广的电位范围内不被分解的非质子型熔盐体系已相继出现,使像铝等不能自水熔液中阴极析出的金属能够实现电沉积。

    A series of salt melts having the melting point below room temperature and high enough stability for preventing their decomposition even in a wide interval of electrode potentials have been found .

  25. 一般说来,金属离子的电沉积基本上决定于金属与相应离子的电极电位,但是在混合离子溶液中有时会遇到电极电位较负的金属优先析出的异常现象。

    In general , the electrodeposition of metal ions depends mainly upon their electrode potentials . However , in a solution of mixed metallic ions , sometimes there occurs preferentially deposition of metals with more negative electrode potential .

  26. 采用丝束电极研究金属镍的快速电沉积行为

    Study of Fast Electrodepositing Behavior of Nickel Using Wire Beam Electrode

  27. 金刚石-金属复合薄膜的电沉积规律

    The Electrodepositing Rule of Diamond - metal Composite Film

  28. 保险丝型金属膜电阻器脉冲电沉积制备二氧化锰薄膜及其超电容性能研究

    Fusible metal film resistor Preparation and performance of manganese dioxide electrode by pulse electrodeposition

  29. GB/T9798-1997金属覆盖层镍电沉积层

    Metallic coatings & Electrodeposited coatings of nickel

  30. 金属材料表层复合电沉积及激光强化工艺研究

    Studies on the Character of Metal Material Surface Machining by Composite Electrodeposition and Laser Cladding Strengthening