
  • Photosensitive layer;【物】photographic layer
  1. 利用等离子体技术去除旧PS版表面感光层和油墨

    Removal of photosensitive layer and ink film on used PS plate by plasma treatment

  2. 阴图PS版感光层的光交朕

    Photocrosslinking of negative PS plate coating

  3. X射线衍射显微照片放射自显影术:将含有放射性同位素的一小薄片生物组织与感光层接触的一项技术。

    X-ray diffraction micrography Autoradiography A technique whereby a tin slice of tissue containing a radioactive isotope is placed in contact with a photographic plate .

  4. 报告了利用等离子化学方法除去旧PS版表面感光层和油墨的原理和实验结果。

    Principles and experimental result of removal of photosensitive layer and ink film on used PS plate by plasma chemical method are reported .

  5. 胶片厚度&决定影像是否在各个(颜色的)感光层正确聚集。

    Film thickness & are all layers in the film ( color ) bringing the image into focus .

  6. 身份证或胶卷外面的感光层;包含着悬浮在白明胶上面的优质溴化银颗粒。

    A light-sensitive coating on paper or film ; consists of fine grains of silver bromide suspended in a gelatin .

  7. 光电倍增管的原理如下:一个光量子打在感光层上,释放出一个电子。

    The principle of the multipliers is as follows : a light quantum hits the lightsensitive layer and releases an electron .

  8. 实验结果表明:在化学成熟过程中,敏化中心的平衡电极电势的变化与感光层光敏度的变化趋势极为相似。

    A parallelism was revealed between the variation of equilibrium electrode potential and that of light sensitivity with chemical ripening time .

  9. 着重介绍了通过在分色感光层的下面,再涂一层卤化银颗粒较细小的乳剂层,引起漫反射光提高该分色感光层感光度的原理和实效。

    Mainly is described the principle and practical effect of increasing the speed of a color separation emulsion layer by means of coating closely an emulsion sub-layer containing fine AgX grains , which reflects diffuse light upon the front color separation layer , thus increases its speed .

  10. 结论RCS大鼠变性过程中视网膜感光细胞层出现视网膜干细胞激活。

    Conclusion Endogenous retinal stem cells can be activated in the photoreceptor layer of RCS rat retina during the onset and development of retinitis pigmentosa .

  11. 目的探讨高压氧治疗对视网膜静脉阻塞(RVO)后视网膜感光细胞层超微结构的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy ( HBOT ) for retinal vein occlusion ( RVO ) on ultrastructure of photosensory cell layer .

  12. 染色以显示外层视网膜和脉络膜的结构。结果显示与青年猫比较,老年猫视网膜感光细胞层结构杂乱;

    Results show that in old cats the structure of photoreceptor layer disorders ;

  13. 涂抹式印刷:用手工把造成印纹的感光液层涂上版面的柯式印刷。

    Wipe-on-plate : Offset plate to which the image forming light sensitive coating is applied by hand .

  14. 方法应用改良的准分子激光切削法和酶分层消化法来分离纯化视网膜感光细胞层。

    MethodsModified excimer laser surgery , regular excimer laser surgery , and enzyme gradation digestion were used to isolate retinal photoreceptors .

  15. 结论(1)弱视眼视网膜感光细胞层无异常改变,不存在损害;

    Conclusion ( 1 ) There exists no abnormal change and no damage in the light-sensitive cell lamina of retina in amblyopic eyes ;

  16. 故神经节细胞是将光信号从感光细胞层到视神经最终到颅内的细胞。

    So ganglion cells are the cells that convey light information from the photoreceptors to the optic nerve and then out into the brain .

  17. 小胶质细胞向感光细胞层的迁移与感光细胞凋亡之间存在紧密的时间和空间关系。

    A close temporal and spatial relationship between migration of microglial cells toward the photoreceptor cell layer and progression of photoreceptor degeneration was noted .

  18. 这种技术可分析视觉系统的线性成分和非线性成分,从而可以分别了解视觉功能的不同层次(如视网膜感光细胞层和神经节细胞层)的功能。

    The technology can analysis linear or non-linear components of the visual system . Through it we can acknowledge different layers of visual functions ( such as sensitive cells of retina and ganglion cells ) .

  19. 准分子激光切削视网膜制备感光细胞片层时存在的一些问题

    Some problems caused by excimer laser while harvesting photoreceptor cell sheets

  20. 明胶载体用于感光细胞片层制备存在的问题

    Some Problems of gelatin as carrier for harvesting sheets of photoreceptor cell

  21. 前言:目的:介绍明胶载体用于视网膜切削和制备感光细胞片层时存在的一些问题。

    Objective : To analyze the problems caused by gelatin carrier while harvesting sheets of photoreceptor cell .

  22. 本文用改进的Reinders方法研究了硫、金和还原敏化的感光乳剂在化学成熟过程中敏化中心平衡电极电势的变化,并对这些感光乳剂层内敏化中心的抗氧化性进行了比较研究。

    The variations of equilibrium electrode potential of sensitivity centres in photographic emulsions with sulfur , gold - and reduction sensitization during chemical ripening were investigated .