
  • 网络sustainable forestry
  1. 关于可持续林业的财政机制和资金来源的讲习班

    Workshop on Financial Mechanisms and Sources of Finance for Sustainable Forestry

  2. 区域可持续林业评价指标体系及评价标准的研究

    Study on the Indicator System and Criteria of Evaluation of Regional Sustainable Forestry

  3. 可持续林业建设的发展方向

    The Developement Orientation of Contemporary Sustainable Forestry Construction

  4. 天然林保护工程与可持续林业

    Natural Forest Conservation Project and Sustainable Forestry

  5. 用统一的标准将可持续林业的定性指标和定量指标进行综合评价。

    The qualitative and quantitative indexes of the sustainable forestry were evaluated by the uniform standards .

  6. 可持续林业与农村发展

    Sustainable forestry and rural development

  7. 县级林场可持续林业建设研究Ⅱ湖南莽山林管局可持续林业建设综合评价结果及对策

    A Construction Study of County-Level Forestry with Sustainable Forestry Methods ⅱ The synthetical evaluation and tactics of Mangshan Forestry Management Bureau in Hunan Province with sustainable forestry methods

  8. 森林景观是景观生态系统的重要组成部分之一,对森林生态环境的调节改善起着十分重要的作用,森林景观合理化配置是可持续林业的基础。

    Forest Landscape , an important part of the Ecosystem , plays an important role in improving the ecological environment . Reasonable configuration of the forest landscape is the basis of sustainable forestry .

  9. 可持续生态林业融资论

    An Analysis of the Financing Mechanism of Sustainable Ecological Forestry

  10. 可持续生态林业补偿问题分析

    Analysis of the Compensation to the Ecological Forestry

  11. 可持续的林业管理和避免乱砍滥伐的活动。

    Sustainable forest management and avoided deforestation .

  12. 系统论与可持续发展林业

    System theory and sustainable development forestry

  13. 城市林业作为可持续发展林业的一个分支,是生态化、社会化、综合化的林业,其主要功能是为城市的持续发展提供生态屏障作用,满足市民对城市生态环境不断增长的需要。

    Urban forestry is a branch of the forestry of sustainable development , and the forestry of socialization and systemization .

  14. 本文通过对开化县可持续农林业的现状分析,主要障碍因素分析,提出了提高对可持续农林业的认识和理解;加强农林业生态建设;

    Analysis were made on current situation of sustainable development of agriculture and forestry and on major barriers in Kaihua county , Zhejiang province .

  15. 从系统论的角度出发,讨论并提出可持续发展林业系统的持续与发展的统一性、整体性、目的性、层次性、多样性、模糊性、动态性、社会性等系统特性。

    From the point of system theory , the present paper discusses the properties of sustainable development forestry including unity property , global property , destination property , level property , diversity property , fuzziness property , dynamic property and social property .

  16. 林业可持续发展是林业发展模式的转轨。

    Sustainable forestry development converts the model of forestry development .

  17. 可持续发展与林业持续发展初探

    Sustainable development and continuing development of forestry

  18. 森林可持续经营与林业的可持续发展

    Sustainable Management and Sustainable Development of Forestry

  19. 中国林业可持续发展与林业产业国际化

    On the Sustainable Development of China Forestry Industry and the Internationalization of the Forestry Industry

  20. 可见,林地的可持续利用是林业可持续发展的基础。

    Therefore , the sustainable use of woodland is the base of forestry sustainable development .

  21. 森林是陆地森林生态系统的主体,可持续经营是林业可持续发展的必由之路。

    Forest is the main body of our land-ecosystem . Sustainable management is the only way of forest sustainable development .

  22. 林业是国民经济的重要组成部分,森林是人类社会持续发展的基本要素,可持续发展的林业是社会经济可持续发展的基础。

    Forest is basic element of mankind society sustainable development . Sustainable forestry is basis of society and economy sustainable development .

  23. 森林资源的可持续发展是林业和国家经济、社会、环境协调发展的基础。

    The sustainable development of forest resource is the basis of the coordinative development of forestry and national economy , society and environment .

  24. 森林可持续经营是林业可持续发展的基础,不同的林业发展模式,其可持续经营的目标和实现途径不同。

    The forest sustained management is the foundation of forest sustained development . It is resolved by forest development model that forest sustained management object and way .

  25. 林地资源是土地资源和森林资源的重要组成部分,林地资源的可持续利用是林业和社会经济可持续发展的基础。

    Woodland is the important composition of land and forest resources and the sustainable use of woodland is the basement of the development of forestry and society .

  26. 森林可持续经营的林业政策体系与社会经济政策密不可分,相互促进,共同协调作用于森林的经营活动。

    The sustainable forestry policy system that manages of forest is closely related to social economic policy , mutually promote , coordinate the business activities of acting on the forest together .

  27. 国有林区是否协调发展不仅影响到森林资源的可持续利用、林业可持续发展,也影响到上一级区域的可持续发展,以及我国可持续发展的实现。

    The coordinated development of the area not only influences the sustainable usage of forest resource , also plays a vital role in the sustainable development of higher level regions as well as the whole country .

  28. 谈加拿大林业可持续发展对中国林业的启示及建议

    Inspire and Advice of Canadian Forest Sustainable Development for Chinese forest

  29. 可持续发展的奥地利林业及其对我国的启示

    Sustainability of Austrian Forest and Inspiring to Forest Planting in Our Country

  30. 可持续发展条件下林业法制建设若干问题的思考

    Probe on Some Question of Chinese Forestry Legal System under Condition of Forestry Sustainable Development