
  • 网络Philosophy and Religion;philosophy & religion
  1. 摘要形而上学和终极关怀是西方哲学与宗教的两个核心观念。

    Metaphysics and ultimate concern are two core concepts in western philosophy and religion .

  2. 论哲学与宗教的界限

    On the Boundary between Philosophy and Religion

  3. 即选取中央民族大学哲学与宗教学系的宗教学专业进行个案研究;二是文献资料法。

    I choose the speciality of religious studies in the Central University of Nationalities as a case ;

  4. 作为人类精神活动的两种形式,哲学与宗教总是相生相随的。

    As two forms of human spiritual activity , philosophy and religion supplement and complement each other all the way .

  5. 哲学与宗教的关系问题既是一个历史课题,更是一个哲学内部的问题。

    The relation between philosophy and religion is not only a project of history , but also that of philosophy .

  6. 董仲舒以神学形式阐发儒家伦理,既是对人的肯定也是对人的否定,他游移在哲学与宗教之间,构成儒家哲学发展不可缺少的一环。

    Dong Zhongshu explained Confucian ethic by the form of theology and began an important stage of development of Confucian philosophy .

  7. 哲学与宗教是古代印度文化的主体,其丰富而重要的内容对印度人类精神文明的发展产生了显著的影响。

    For many kinds of relation of two sides , the author thinks the key relation is that nature provides habitat for human being spirit .

  8. 苏格拉底以他的死为他自己营造了一个理想的终极关怀,也为以后的哲学与宗教埋下了一粒更为迷人的、难以言说的乌托邦梦想的种子。

    Socrates created on ideal ultimate solicitude for himself by his death , and also embeded a more enchanting , unspeakable Utopian dream seed for later philosophy and religion .

  9. 康德关于形而上学的重建,包括“先验自我”的构建和哲学与宗教的划界两个主要部分;

    The reconstruction of metaphysics of Kant includes two main parts , that is , the construction of " transcendental ego " and the demarcation between philosophy and religion .

  10. 柯瓦雷以现象学、历史语境方法和科学、哲学与宗教相结合的整体主义认识论为基础,对西方科学思想史进行了成功的哲学建构,形成了科学思想史研究的柯瓦雷范式。

    On the bases of phenomenological theory , methodology of historical context and the holism that science must contact with philosophy and religion , and no one could be left beside , Koyr é established history of scientific thought , which provides a successful case our history of scientific thought .

  11. 他的政治哲学与他的宗教信仰密切相关。

    His political philosophy was closely bound up with his religious beliefs .

  12. 印度苏非派哲学与泰戈尔的宗教神秘主义

    The philosophy of Sufism in India and Tagore 's religious mysticism

  13. 中国概念中包含的古今中西以及文化、地理和阶级性的关系;哲学与科学、宗教的关系;

    The relationship among philosophy , science , and religion ;

  14. 科学原创性如何可能?&爱因斯坦的哲学思想与宇宙宗教情感

    How Can the Scientific Originality Be Possible ? & Einstein 's Philosophy and Universal Religious Emotion

  15. 对于研究中国古代科学与哲学、科学与宗教之间的关系,这是一个很好的个案。

    This is a great case for the study of relations between science , philosophy and religion .

  16. 那些把哲学认为是与宗教密切结合在一片的一种生活方式的人们,自然感到了震动;

    Those to whom philosophy was a way of life , closely bound up with religion , were naturally shocked ;

  17. 哲学的对象与宗教的对象诚然大体上是相同的。

    The objects of philosophy , it is true , are upon the whole the same as those of religion .

  18. 在后世哲学中Being与宗教相结合又被视为神,对此的探讨形成理性神学。

    In the philosophy of later generations ," Being " was combined with religion and seen as God , the discussion about it is " rational theology " .

  19. 前者是整个康德哲学的基础和出发点,哲学与宗教的划界是先验自我原则的贯彻。

    The former had been the base and starting point of the whole philosophy of Kant , while the demarcation between philosophy and religion carried through the " transcendental ego " .