
zhé xué xì
  • department of philosophy;faculty of philosophy
  1. 清华大学哲学系;荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学逻辑、语言与计算研究所;

    Minghui Ma Department of Philosophy , Tsinghua University Institute for Logic , Language and Computation , University of Amsterdam .

  2. 曾担任华东师范大学哲学系副主任、校务委员会副主任。

    He once served as Deputy Director of the Department of Philosophy of East China Normal University and Deputy Director of Board of School Administration .

  3. 西班牙纳瓦拉大学(UniversityofNavarra)哲学系商业伦理教授阿莱霍?西松(AlejoSison)写过大量关于亚洲腐败的文章,尤其是在他的祖国菲律宾。

    Alejo Sison , professor of business ethics in the philosophy department of the University of Navarra , Spain , has written widely on corruption in Asia , especially in his native Philippines .

  4. 关于国内外大学哲学系逻辑学课程设置的调查和研究

    Survey and Research on Logic Curriculum of Philosophy Department in China

  5. 请告诉我哲学系的电话号码。

    Could you give me the number of the philosophy department .

  6. 在哲学系不要听任何东西。

    Don 't LISTEN to anything in a philosophy department .

  7. 一位哲学系或比较文学系的学生永远不会承认自己作弊。

    A philosophy or comparative literature student will never admit to cheating .

  8. 南开大学哲学系的思维研究

    Thinking Studies at the Philosophy Department of Nankai University

  9. 他在哲学系工作。

    He works in the philosophy department .

  10. 她先生是加州大学圣巴巴拉分校的哲学系教授

    Well , this gal is married to some philosophy professor at U.C. Santa Barbara .

  11. 哲学系的研究生。

    Graduate students in the philosophy department .

  12. 凡我所说,皆为谎言长久以来一直是哲学系学生钟爱的一道谜题。

    Everything I say is a lie has long been a favourite puzzle for philosophy students .

  13. 南开大学哲学系是全国哲学人才培养基地之一。

    The Philosophy Department of Nankai University is one of the important bases for fostering philosophical talents .

  14. 现代大学哲学系的出现与20世纪上半叶中国哲学的开展

    Birth of Philosophical School in Modern University and Development of Chinese Philosophy in First Half of the 20th Century

  15. 王硕,一位富有诗情画意和善于思考的演员,毕业于中国人民大学哲学系。

    Graduated from China People University with a degree in philosophy , Shuo is a poetic and thoughtful actor .

  16. 厦门大学哲学系大二学生胡小锐(音译)表示,她不会对未来感到不安。

    Hu Xiaorui , a sophomore philosophy major at Xiamen University , says she has no qualms about her future .

  17. 本文对美国芝加哥大学哲学系约瑟夫·斯特恩教授的隐喻思想进行了初步的整理和研究。

    The dissertation makes a preliminary study to the metaphor idea of Professor Josef Stern of Chicago University in America .

  18. 这区域里面没有什么哲学系;广泛地说起来,没有逻辑,没有形而上学,没有学院式的胡说;

    It becomes a land where there is no system of philosophy , broadly speaking , no logic , no metaphysics , no academic jargon ;

  19. 斯坦福哲学系教授约翰佩里,阐述了关于时间管理的新观点:可以让爱拖延的人做有难度和有时间限制的重任,前提是这些任务相对来说更不重要。

    The procrastinator can be motivated to do difficult , timely and important tasks , as long as these tasks are a way of not doing something more important .

  20. 春假以后,我叫华阳哲学系的朋友写封信来,托我转请你去。

    After the spring vacation I 'll have a friend in the Philosophy Department at Hua Yang University write a letter asking me to invite you there for him .

  21. 与历史系和哲学系不同,商学院必须在商业与学术之间架起桥梁,而要发挥这样的作用,最合适的位置就是紧邻全球性公司。

    Unlike history or philosophy departments , business schools must bridge the gap between business and academia , and the place to do that is on the doorsteps of global companies .

  22. 1983年毕业于华东师范大学哲学系,本科;1986年毕业于复旦大学哲学系,获硕士学位;

    In1983 , he graduated from the Department of Philosophy , East China Normal University , and in1986 , graduated from the Philosophy Department , Fudan University , received a master 's degree .

  23. 他是个无用之人,学不了土木工程,在大学里从社会学系转哲学系,最后转入中国文学系毕业。

    He was a worthless sort , who could never learn civil engineering , and while at the university he had switched his major from sociology to philosophy before finally settling down as a Chinese literature major .

  24. 她去上了亨特学院【1】,在亨特她入的是哲学系。她开始身着黑色衣服,不再化妆,穿紧身连衣裤。有一天她甚至用乘务员用的打孔机给自己穿了耳洞。

    She went to Hunter College , and she got into the philosophy department at Hunter , and she started dressing with black clothes and no make-up , and leotards , y'know , and she pierced her ears one day with a conductors punch , y'know .

  25. 尽管连中学毕业证都没有,阿尔仍是功勋累累:2006年,阿尔成为三一学院哲学系的荣誉赞助,同年,身为票房保证的他获得西塞尔·德米尔终身成就奖以及美国电影学会的终身成就奖。

    Despite dropping out of high school , Pacino was awarded Honorary Patronage of Trinity College 's Philosophical Society in 2006 . Pacino continues to be a box office draw and received the Cecil B. DeMille Award for Lifetime Achievement and the American Film Institute 's Life Achievement Award in 2006 .

  26. 一种可能的哲学坐标系

    A Possible Coordinate System of Philosophy

  27. 分别由北京大学哲学宗教系,云南民族学院,云南基督教神学院的教授主讲。

    Instructors are professors from : Beijing University Department of Religious Philosophy , Yunnan Nationality Institute , Yunnan Christianity Theological Seminary .

  28. 《名理论》奠基于之思想,在于哲学问题系因对语言逻辑之误解而生,且《名理论》试图阐明语言逻辑之内容。

    The Tractatus is based on the idea that philosophical problems arise from misunderstandings of the logic of language , and it tries to show what this logic is .

  29. 即选取中央民族大学哲学与宗教学系的宗教学专业进行个案研究;二是文献资料法。

    I choose the speciality of religious studies in the Central University of Nationalities as a case ;

  30. 关于城市生活的哲学释疑&访同济大学哲学系教授章仁彪

    The Philosophical Explanation on Urban Life