
  • 网络park eun hye;Park Eun-hye
  1. Drinky的灵感来自于很久之前朴恩惠独饮烧酒(日本称这种韩式烧酒为Shochu)度过的一个圣诞节。

    The inspiration for Drinky came during a dateless Christmas which Park spent with a bottle of soju ( the traditional Korean alcohol called shochu in Japan ) .

  2. 但是,韩国发明家朴恩惠却不这样想,他想利用自己掌握的机器人技术让一个人饮酒变得更有趣。

    Eunchan Park , however , had a different goal in mind . The South Korean inventor wanted to put his robotics knowhow to use in making alcoholic beverages taste better .

  3. 独饮期间,朴恩惠心血来潮,决定再倒一杯酒放在他对面,如同在与一位朋友共饮一般。

    During his solo drinking session , Park decided , on a whim , to pour a second glass and place it in front of himself , as though he were drinking with a friend .