
  • 网络philosophy
  1. 因为写哲学论文,是不太好学的。

    Because writing a philosophy paper is a difficult thing to learn how to do .

  2. 写一篇好哲学论文是一种你能提高的技能。

    Writing a good philosophy paper is a skill and you can get better at it .

  3. 这是小说,不是哲学论文。

    This is a work of fiction , not a philosophical treatise .

  4. 我将要写一篇小说,或一首诗,甚至或是一篇哲学论文。

    I would be writing a novel or perhaps poetry or even a philosophical treatise .

  5. 但是,这仅仅指出了剖析哲学论文代发的时间和地点。

    But this is only to suggest the " where " and the " when " of analytic philosophy .

  6. 最近出版的设计哲学论文电子杂志也将设计教育作为它的一个主题。

    A recent edition of the web-based journal Design Philosophy Papers similarly took design education as one of its themes .

  7. 在一定的程度上成为具有特殊能力的人。但是在许多文化中不同的语言可能会影响到不同的思维方式,并且渐渐的出现了许多哲学论文;

    However , the idea that different languages may influence thinking in different ways has been present in many cultures and has given rise to many philosophical treatises .

  8. 他除了早年哲学论文中体现的科学实在论之外,发展了内在实在论思想,并且最终采取了类似于詹姆斯直接实在论的自然实在论立场。

    Except for the theory of scientific realism in his early papers , Putnam developed internal realism and natural realism which is similar to James ' direct realism .

  9. 接下来我们想出版一些,注释,到时也可能,学者送来他们的评价和,哲学论文。

    In the following g we intend to publish some part of the commentary and then there will also the possibility for scholars to send their own remarks and philosophical papers .

  10. 或许有人说,剖析哲学论文代发是英语论文代发国度的占主导位置的哲学论文代发流派,而且它在二十世纪产生了相当大的影响。

    However , it is a very prominent school , some might say the dominant school , of English-speaking philosophy , and it has exerted considerable influence throughout the twentieth century .

  11. 《古代中国思想与当代中国力量》(ancientchinesethought,modernchinesepower)一书的很大一部分,是阎学通及同事撰写的、关于古代中国思想家之国际政治哲学的论文。

    Much of ancient Chinese thought , modern Chinese power is taken up with essays by Yan and his colleagues on the international political philosophy of ancient Chinese thinkers .

  12. 关于科技哲学研究论文写作的若干思考

    The Discussion about Articles of Philosophy of Science and Technology

  13. 这部书是作者哲学博士论文主题的延伸。

    A book that is an expansion of the author 's ph.d.thesis .

  14. 有两篇哲学博士论文论证了他的研究结果。

    Two Ph. D. theses attest to the results of his work .

  15. 你关于约翰·杜威政治哲学的论文有几个问题,我想跟你说说。

    Your paper on John Dewey 's political philosophy has a few issues I 'd like to cover .

  16. 他既不是第十社也不是麦森格社的成员――这是两个国王学院学生社团,他们一起读剧本,谈论到深夜,喝着可可饮料,探讨关于文化和道德哲学的论文。

    Unlike most of his close acquaintances , he was a member neither of the ' Ten Club ' nor of the Massinger Society - two King 's undergraduate societies of which the first read plays and the other discussed far into the night , over mugs of cocoa , papers on culture and moral philosophy .

  17. 提出和探索马克思主义哲学研究中的重大理论问题&评2006年《中国社会科学》若干哲学论文

    Raising and Exploring Important Theoretical Issues in the Study of Marxist Philosophy : Remarks on Some Philosophical Articles published in Social Sciences in China in 2006