
  • 网络enabled;Available;Ready State
  1. 注意报头facet名现在就处于可用状态(因为您在前面更改了库定义)。

    Notice the header facet name is an available option ( because of your library definition change previously ) .

  2. 现在,如果用户访问受保护的URI,然后再访问不受保护的URI,其标识将为可用状态。

    Now , if a user accesses a protected URI and then an unprotected URI , their identity will be available .

  3. 基于Linux的高可用状态防火墙的实现

    The Realization of HA Stateful Firewall Based on Linux

  4. 除了一系列的选项之外,当-qipa选项处于可用状态时,如果汇编器不能进行向量化,那么它会试着在决定调用它们之前去内联MASS标量函数。

    In addition to any of the preceding sets of options , when the-qipa option is in effect , if the compiler cannot vectorize , it tries to inline the MASS scalar functions before deciding to call them .

  5. ESB可以提供持久性的队列支持,当使用者发送服务请求时,可以通过这种支持来解耦必须处于可用状态的提供者。

    The ESB may provide persistent queueing support which can be used to decouple the provider having to be available when the consumer sends the service request .

  6. SIPRFC3261提供了对各种SIPheaders,信息元素与可用状态码的完整描述。

    The SIP RFC3261 provides a complete description of the various SIP headers , message elements , and the status codes available .

  7. 这就意味着在Comet流样式通信持续期间,从客户端设备到后端服务器的每个系统上都至少有一个连接处于不可用状态。

    This means that during the duration of a Comet streaming style communication , at least one connection is tied up on each system from the client device to the backend server .

  8. 身份验证失败,此对象处于不可用状态。

    The authentication failed and left this object in an unusable state .

  9. “防止用户把文件和文件夹变成可用状态来进行脱机使用。”

    " Prevents users from making files and folders available "

  10. 无法变更此文件夹的脱机可用状态。

    The folder offline availability could not be changed .

  11. 在地面,只对授权用户分配解密密钥,保证授权用户可以对接收到的数据进行解密处理,把数据恢复为可用状态。

    On the ground , the decryption keys are assigned to authorized users .

  12. 安装的组件目前已处于可用状态。

    The components installed are now ready for use .

  13. 这些现有系统还需要在新服务需要时能够为可用状态。

    These existing systems also need to be available whenever the new offering needs it .

  14. 其次目标端数据库在实时复制过程中一直处于打开并且可用状态。

    Followed by the target-side database in real-time replication process is open and available to the state .

  15. 把设备、控制器或通信线路由正常运行状态置为不可用状态。

    To make a device , control unit , or line unavailable for its normal intended use .

  16. 如果你学会了反击并且它处于可用状态,那会更好。

    If you have Counterattack and you have it available to you , this is even better .

  17. 但在插入图片后,“插入”菜单上的“图片”命令就会变为不可用状态。

    However , after you insert a picture , the picture command on the Insert menu becomes unavailable .

  18. 在本文中,将了解如何使用相同的技术以确保非假冒的服务能够保持可用状态。

    In this article , learn how to use these same techniques to ensure that genuine services remain available .

  19. 如果能够去掉应用一直处于可用状态这一需求,那么维护和伸缩性将变得更加易于管理。

    After you 've removed the requirement that applications be always available , maintenance and scalability are much easier to manage .

  20. 例如,如果某个内容区域允许一张图片,则“插入”菜单上的“图片”命令就会处于可用状态。

    For example , if a content region allows one picture , the picture command on the Insert menu is available .

  21. 副应确保本船的消防和救生设备处于良好和随时可用状态。

    The third officer should ensure to keep the fire-fighting and life-saving equipments aboard a ship in good order and in immediate use .

  22. 创建图表时,图表工具将变为可用状态,且将显示“设计”、布局和“格式”选项卡。

    When you create a chart , the chart tools become available and the design , layout , and format tabs are displayed .

  23. 这是一个服务,处于可用状态,在实际运行并且确实可完成相应的工作,而且尚未退役。

    It 's a service , it 's available , it really runs and really works , and it hasn 't been decommissioned yet .

  24. 适航证是民用航空器符合批准型号设计并处于安全可用状态的合法凭证。

    The certificate of airworthness is the lawful voucher for the civil aircraft that conforms to the approved type design and be at safe usable condition .

  25. 此方法容易受到用于禁用项的常规警告的影响:避免由于偶然地禁用重要项而使程序处于不可用状态。

    This approach is subject to the general caveat that applies to disabling items : Avoid leaving your program in an unusable state accidentally by disabling crucial items .

  26. 设备具有完好状态、可用状态、和故障状态三种情况,设备的状态可以相互变迁,并且缓冲区也不可靠。

    Machines have three states , namely , perfect state , usable state and failure state , the states of the machines can transfer to each other , and the buffer is unreliable .

  27. 主要研究结论如下:(1)土地资源可持续利用的含义从生态学意义上说,是保持特定地区的所有土地均处于可用状态,并长期保持其生产力和生态稳定性;

    Main research conclusion is as follows : ( 1 ) Sustainable use of land resource is defined from ecological and social and economic point . It has three features : ecological persistence , social persistence and economic persistence .

  28. 如果模块已经加载并且可用,状态为MODULESTATELIVE。

    If the module has been loaded and is available , it is MODULE_STATE_LIVE .

  29. 下表列出了宏ide中的所有“调试”命令及其可用性状态。

    The following table lists all debug commands and their availability status in the macros ide .

  30. 通过ODM管理设备,可以把设备设置为定义的或可用的状态。

    You manage devices are through the ODM , and you can set them in a defined or available state .