
  • 网络Disney Movies;Disney films
  1. 其发布视频的工具包括从迪士尼电影歌曲到电视节目等各种分类。

    And its tool for posting videos includes an entire category for songs from Disney films and TV shows .

  2. 大部分迪士尼电影开篇总爱营造一种厄运将近的气氛,但是,当麻烦真正出现时,观众却早已对主人公有了感情。

    Most Disney films start out with a feeling of impending doom . However , when trouble hits , our emotional investment in the characters only increases .

  3. 不久前,拉里·佩奇(LarryPage)看了迪士尼电影《明日世界》(Tomorrowland),表示不喜欢。

    Not long ago , Larry Page watched the Disney film " Tomorrowland . " He didn 't like it .

  4. 我买了一张迪士尼电影的歌曲全集。

    I bought a collection of songs from Disney movies .

  5. 沃特迪士尼电影公司是沃特迪士尼公司一部分。

    Walt Disney Pictures is a unit of Walt Disney Co.

  6. 迪士尼电影《心灵奇旅》将不再在影院首映。

    Disney 's " Soul " will no longer debut in theaters .

  7. 那之后,他们带来了一些卡通和迪士尼电影。

    After that they brought cartoons and Disney movies .

  8. 电影字幕翻译的娱乐化倾向&迪士尼电影《花木兰》的个案研究

    Entertainment Trend in the Film Subtitle Translation & Disney Mulan as a Case Study

  9. 解释:“开心果”和“爱生气”是迪士尼电影《白雪公主》中的两个人物。

    Explanation : Happy and Grumpy are two characters in the Disney movie Snow White .

  10. 几乎每一部迪士尼电影中的主角都具有这种权利意识。

    This sense of entitlement amongst central characters is consistent in almost every Disney film .

  11. 在座的观众中有从未看过迪士尼电影的人吗?

    Is there a single person in this room who has never seen a Disney movie ?

  12. 这对夫妇是根据迪士尼电影《无敌破坏王》里的角色来给云妮露起名的。

    The couple named Vanellope after a character in the Disney film " Wreck-It Ralph . "

  13. 在迪士尼电影中,英雄们的社会地位总是比坏蛋们要高。

    Disney heroes and villains are almost always high in the social hierarchy when compared to others .

  14. 在活动中,哈里王子分享了一个夫妇两人看迪士尼电影的喜好。

    During the event , Harry revealed an interesting tidbit about the couple 's Disney movie-watching habits .

  15. 他意识到,迪士尼电影里的王子们大多或者邪恶,或者只会自以为是。

    It struck him that most princes in Disneyland films were either evil or just phoning it in .

  16. 漫威电影的复仇者联盟是一部上映于2012年的超级英雄电影,由漫威电影工作室制作,华特·迪士尼电影工作室出品。

    Marvel Entertainment 's The Avengers is a 2012 American superhero film produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures .

  17. 迪士尼电影总会有讲述战胜自己心中“小人”,作为美国人而自豪的内容。

    Disney always made sure his films championed the " little guy , " and made him feel proud to be American .

  18. 几乎每一部迪士尼电影中的大反派都长得穷凶极恶,鼓励小朋友们将这样的角色与邪恶联想在一起。

    In almost every Disney movie the primary antagonist is portrayed as physically unattractive , encouraging children to associate this character trait with evil .

  19. 有些人错误地把波卡·洪塔斯与史密斯上尉联系在一起,一大部分原因要归咎于一部灵感来源于其生活的迪士尼电影。

    Some erroneously believed Pocahontas was romantically linked to Captain John Smith , most likely due to the Disney film inspired by her life .

  20. 在若干部迪士尼电影中,对历史的描述与真实事件不相符,这一点自然遭到批评家们的严厉控诉。

    Perhaps one of the most obvious points critics have grilled Disney over are historical inaccuracies in their few films which are actually based on real events .

  21. 在迪士尼电影中的确隐藏着一些怪异信息,大多是隐蔽的图像,但也有可能是声音。

    Disney has a track record of slipping bizarre messages into their films , mostly in the form of hidden images , but also sometimes through sound .

  22. 但是任何想带小孩去看的人要注意了:《温蒂》和迪士尼电影《彼得·潘》截然不同。

    But anyone thinking of taking along a small child to see it should beware : Wendy is a very different beast from Disney 's Peter Pan .

  23. 在迪士尼电影中,这种形象一直延续至今,但是我们在细细品味之后就会发现,这些所谓的天真故事其实另有深意。

    This is an image Disney has worked hard to perpetuate in their films , but many of the supposedly innocent messages , on closer examination , can be revealed as otherwise .

  24. 然而,在下面这个榜单中,小编列举出几个迪士尼电影中颇具争议的主题,这些主题可能对你和你的孩子造成意料之外的影响。

    In this list , however , I have examined some of the more harrowing themes present in Disney movies , which may have affected you and your children more than you know .

  25. 每一个迪士尼电影中的公主形象都是又瘦又小,只有白雪公主是个例外,也许是因为20世纪30年代的审美观点与现在截然不同吧。

    The size-zero look is replicated by every single Disney princess in cinema , with the exception of Snow White , perhaps because in the 1930s ideals of beauty were different from now .

  26. 迪士尼的电影插曲一直以欢快荡漾、极具感染力而著称,它们常常能在你的脑海中回荡数月而不去。《冰雪奇缘》的主题曲LetItGo就是最近的一首代表之作。

    Disney is well-known for injecting its movies with bright , infectious music that bounces round in your mind for months on end , and no song in recent memory exemplifies this as well as Frozen 's Let It Go .

  27. 难怪它成为了首部在美国被定为PG-13级的迪士尼翻拍电影。

    No wonder it 's the first of these Disney remakes to be given a PG-13 certificate in the US . Onward

  28. 1935年,莫斯科上映了3部华特.迪士尼的电影。

    In 1935 , three Walt Disney films were screened in Moscow .

  29. 当迪士尼宣布电影《无敌破坏王》出续集的时候,观众们都为之振奋。

    When Disney announced the sequel to Wreck-It Ralph people were excited .

  30. 在众多动画电影之中,迪士尼动画电影无疑是动画电影的翘楚。

    Among the numerous animated films , Disney animated film is undoubtedly the best .