
  • 网络happy meal
  1. 开心乐园餐里大部分玩具都是由一家叫做MarketingStore的伊利诺伊州公司生产、销售和测试的。

    Most of the toys that make the Happy Meal so popular are made , marketed and tested at an Illinois company called the Marketing Store .

  2. 以及1993年至今每个开心乐园餐玩具。

    Yep , and every other happy meal toy since 1993 .

  3. 根据康奈尔大学食品和品牌实验室的一项新研究,小型非食物奖励——如麦当劳开心乐园餐中的玩具——同食物一样可以刺激大脑中的奖励中枢。

    According to a new study from Cornell University 's Food and Brand Lab , small non-food rewards — like the toys in McDonald 's Happy Meals — stimulate the same reward centers in the brain as food does .

  4. 麦克斯,瞧你的开心乐园餐玩具。

    Max , look , your happy meal toys .

  5. 那我把我的开心乐园餐玩具卖掉吧。

    I 'll sell my happy meals .

  6. 它再也不是世界经济的开心乐园餐了,公司的投资者对此心知肚明。

    This is no longer a Happy Meal toy economy , and corporate investors know it .

  7. 也许这不是什么“开心乐园餐”,但是它可能更有益于健康。

    It may not be a Happy Meal . But it could be a healthier one .

  8. 麦当劳的「开心乐园餐」所推出的不同玩具换购计划能引起热烈参与。

    The different toys come with the " Happy Meal " in McDonald 's are very popular .

  9. 开心乐园餐的玩具能唤起人们当年的美好,那是个单纯美好、没卡戴珊的时代。

    A happy meal toy reminds people of a sweeter time , a simpler time , a pre-Kardashian time .

  10. 三十年前,一只小盒子,里面装着汉堡、薯条、苏打水,还有一个玩具:这就是最初的开心乐园餐。

    It began as a small box housing a hamburger , French fries with a toy inside and a soda on the side .

  11. 据说富勒的太太都没有回头看孩子一眼,就递给他一份麦当劳的开心乐园餐,然后他们开车回到家。

    Without so much as turning around to look at the child , the woman allegedly handed him a McDonald 's Happy Meal , and then they drove home .

  12. 我真的该走了,他陪我走到我的车边上,谢天谢地,我的车还算干净,不丢人,前座上没有麦当劳开心乐园餐娃娃。

    It 's really time for me to leave and he walks me to my car , which thank heavens is decently clean , with no McDonald 's Happy Meal figures on the front seat .

  13. 厨房如何布置,哪里存放准备材料,哪怕只出一点差错,都会让带着小家伙的忙碌妈咪不能尽快享受到我们的开心乐园餐。

    How the kitchen was situated , where the prep materials were stored & it all made a significant difference in getting a Happy Meal as quickly as possible to a busy mom with a kid in tow .

  14. 只要麦克斯开心乐园儿童餐的可怜小玩具全碎了,我就是错的!

    because poor itty-bitty baby Max 's happy meal toys got all broked !