
kāi zhāng dà jí
  • auspicious beginning of a new enterprise;Let great prosperity attend the opening of a shop
开张大吉[kāi zhāng dà jí]
  1. 他们说自己是在该地区变得较安全了之后开张大吉的。

    They say they opened the station after the area became safer .

  2. 祝您新年开张大吉。

    Wishing you the best of luck on reopening day .

  3. 恭喜您开张大吉,大发利市。

    Congratulate you on opening the business in great luck and making a big fortune .

  4. 本公司开张大吉,头一年便收支平衡,还略有节余。

    With an auspicious Beginning , our company has made a Balanced Budget in the first year 's Business , and has had a small surplus as well .

  5. 她的丈夫开始一个劲儿地打喷嚏。大吉大利!她脱口而出地说道。恭喜您开张大吉,大发利市。

    Her husband started sneezing violently . " God bless you ! " she said automatically . Congratulate you on opening the Business in great luck and making a Big fortune .

  6. 本店开张大吉,六十岁以上老人凭身份证对折优惠购买人参补膏一瓶。

    To celeBrate the auspicious opening of our shop , we offer each aged Buyer of 60 or over , one Bottle of ginseng tonic on production of his or her identification card at a favoraBle price with 50 % discount .