
  1. 这些举措旨在夯实基层医疗体系,让老百姓看大病不必出远门

    These measures are meant for consolidating the system of basic medical care .

  2. 刮风下雨不必出屋,在家照样拉杆跑步。

    Bad the weather was not a house , the home still tension bar running .

  3. 亚设之地必出肥美的粮食,且出君王的美味。

    Out of Asher his bread shall be fat , and he shall yield royal dainties .

  4. 光时域反射计非光纤通信必出无否长的的测量仪器。

    Optical Time Domain Reflectometer is a measuring instrument that is essential for optical fiber communication .

  5. 所以控制成本将会成为未来几年内互联网企业必出的一张牌。

    Therefore , controlling cost will be the one of the most import strategy way for the Internet companies in next few years .

  6. 地必出土产,你们就要吃饱,在那地上安然居

    " And the land will give her fruit , and you will have food in full measure and be safe in the land . "

  7. 33搅动牛奶必出奶油,挤压鼻子必出血;照样,激动怒气必起争端。

    For the churning of milk produces butter , And the wringing of the nose brings forth blood , So the pressing of wrath brings forth strife .

  8. 因此,将现代的信息处理技术和中医专家的临床经验结合起来,实现中医舌珍的定量化、客观化、标准化,是发展中医舌诊的必出之路。

    Therefore , combining the modern information technology and the clinic experience of TCM expert to realize the impersonality and standardization of tongue diagnosis of TCM is the only way of TCM development .

  9. 我必出令,将以色列家分散在列国中,好像用筛子筛谷,连一粒也不落在地上。

    For , lo , I will command , and I will sift the house of Israel among all nations , like as corn is sifted in a sieve , yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth .

  10. 所以,你不必大笑出声,只要想想让你发笑的事情就行。

    So you dont have to laugh out loud , simply finding something amusing is beneficial .

  11. 每个房间总有出路,有进必有出嘛。

    All halls lead somewhere . Where there is a way in , there is a way out .

  12. 他们若是不听,我必拔出那国,拔出而且毁灭。这是耶和华说的。

    But if they will not obey , I will utterly pluck up and destroy that nation , saith the LORD .

  13. 如此一来,监管者就不必研究出专门针对系统重要性机构征收的费用,这太过困难。

    Thus , regulators would not have to develop a specific charge on systemically important institutions , which is extremely difficult to do .

  14. 论用在主谓之间的之字二是用在主谓之间,取消句子的独立性,不能或不必译出。

    Between the subject and predicate words , it cancels the independent property of the sentence and need or can not be translated ;

  15. 因此,在存款数量上俄国中产阶级就不必存出像美国人必须为子女存的那么多钱。

    As a result , middle-class Russians need not save for the university education of their child or children on the same scale that Americans feel obliged to .

  16. 假如仅需求出A的本征值而不要求出本征函数,那么按照本章第3.3节,就不必求出变换矩阵S。

    If only the eigenvalue of A and not the eigenfunctions are desired , it is not necessary , according to Section 3 . 3 , to obtain the transformation matrix S.

  17. 解决这一问题的一种思路是:在移动通信企业的业务交叉销售中,通常只需要挖掘与某种特定业务或项目有关的频繁模式,而不必挖掘出数据中隐含的全部频繁模式。

    A method to solve the problem is only to mine the frequent patterns which are related to the particular business or item , rather than mining all the frequent patterns implied in the data in the mobile telecommunication enterprise cross-selling .

  18. 艺术家能够把自己的真知,自己的感想,真正贯注于作品中,必能创造出富于真实性,有血肉有生命的艺术作品。

    Artists who bring their true knowledge , their own feelings will be able to create a rich authenticity .

  19. 利用非微粒脂质给药系统,药物不必经过溶出的步骤,从而可以显著的提高疏水性药物的口服吸收。

    Oral absorption of hydrophobic drugs can be significantly improved using lipid-based non-particulate drug delivery systems , which avoid the dissolution step .

  20. 利用电吸收制作探测器的优点在于不必制备出有不同带隙的局部区域。

    The advantage of electro-absorption as a detector is that it is not necessary to fabricate a localized region of different bandgap .

  21. 我们今年太忙不能去度一个长假,更不必说我们出不起这笔钱了。

    We 're too busy to take a long holiday this year , not to mention the fact that we can 't afford it .

  22. 这样还节省了时间,因为在会议上的发言者不必正式讲出报告的结论,而是可以专注于回答出现的问题。

    It also saves time as the presenters at the meeting don 't have to formally present the conclusions of their report and can instead focus on fielding any questions that arise .

  23. 我要忍受耶和华的恼怒,因我得罪了;直等为我辨屈,为我施行公理;必领我出到光中,我必得见的公义。

    I will bear the indignation of Jehovah-for I have sinned against him-until he plead my cause and execute justice for me ; he will bring me forth into the light ; I will see his righteousness .

  24. 因此,其中的语法现象在一定程度上必能反映出魏晋语言的面貌,为我们今天研究中古汉语提供相当有利的材料。

    Therefore the terms in which the phenomenon to some extent , the language will reflect the face of the Wei and Jin . Research for the Middle Chinese Today , we provide a very good material .

  25. 所剩下的,亚伦和他子孙要吃,必在圣出不带酵而吃,要在会幕的院子里吃。

    Aaron and his sons shall eat the rest of it , but it is to be eaten without yeast in a holy place ; they are to eat it in the courtyard of the Tent of Meeting .

  26. 三天之内,法老必提你出监,叫你官复原职,你仍要递杯在法老的手中,和先前作他的酒政一样。

    Within three days Pharaoh will lift up your head and restore you to your position , and you will put Pharaoh 's cup in his hand , just as you used to do when you were his cupbearer .

  27. 地必给你长出荆棘和蒺藜来,你也要吃田间的菜蔬。

    Thorns and waste plants will come up , and the plants of the field will be your food ;

  28. 可惜这个乡村小镇只有一份报纸,不然我就可以有选择的余地而不必再订阅你们出的垃圾!

    I would write back and apologize to the reader . Meanwhile , I 'll take some measures to improve the paper 's quality .

  29. 在各节期,国内居民朝见耶和华的时候,从北门进入敬拜的,必由南门而出。

    When the people of the land come before the LORD at the appointed feasts , whoever enters by the north gate to worship is to go out the south gate ;

  30. 我的百姓阿、要向我留心.我的国民哪、要向我侧耳.因为训诲必从我而出、我必坚定我的公理为万民之光。

    Hearken unto me , my people ; and give ear unto me , O my nation : for a law shall proceed from me , and I will make my judgment to rest for a light of the people .