
  • 网络Essential Nutrients;essential elements;essential nutrient element
  1. 硫(S)素是植物必需营养元素之一。

    Sulfur ( S ) is one of the essential elements for plant growth .

  2. P是植物生长的必需营养元素之一。

    P is one of the necessary nutrition elements for plant growing .

  3. 还初步探讨了CO2浓度升高对稻米中人类必需营养元素的不足(或隐性饥饿)的影响。

    Effect of elevated pCO_ ( 2 ) on the possible hidden hunger in rice grain was also discussed .

  4. 大蒜收获后,分析测定了蒜头的10种必需营养元素和Se的不同组分以及新鲜蒜头品质(大蒜素、维生素C)。

    After the garlic bulbs were harvested , 10 essential mineral elements , different Se components and the fresh quality ( Allicin , Vitamin C ) of garlic were determined .

  5. 离子色谱法在测定烟叶必需营养元素中的应用

    The Determination of Nutrition Elements in Tobacco Leaves by Ion Chromatography

  6. 钙、硼是植物生长发育的必需营养元素。

    It is indispensable to calcium and boron for plant growth .

  7. 磷是植物重要的必需营养元素。

    P is an important essential nutrient for the plants .

  8. 强化的过程并不会导致必需营养元素的不均衡。

    The fortification process does not cause an imbalance of essential nutrients .

  9. 叙述了农作物病害的发生与必需营养元素的关系。

    The relationship between the occurrence of crops diseases and necessary nutritional elements is described .

  10. 在作物所有必需营养元素中,氮是限制植物生长和形成产量的首要因素。

    Nitrogen is one of the major factors limiting crop growth and yield among the necessary nutrient elements for plant .

  11. 锌是植物、动物的必需营养元素,又是环境检测的金属元素之一。

    Zinc is the necessary nutrition element , and is one of the necessary test elements of heavy metal in environment test .

  12. 磷是仅次于氮的作物第二大必需营养元素,对作物生长发育具有不可替代的作用。

    Phosphorus ( P ) is one of the most necessary nutrition elements for crop , which plays an irreplaceable role in plant growth and development .

  13. 收集了国内外6个产地不同等级的香料烟样品,对其内在化学成分、必需营养元素和挥发性致香物质等进行了分析。

    Different grades of oriental tobacco samples from6producing areas at home and abroad were collected and analyzed for chemical components , necessary nutrition elements and volatile flavor sub-stance .

  14. 硫是作物生长发育的必需营养元素,但土壤的缺硫现象日益严重,土壤硫营养逐渐成为作物产量和质量的重要限制因子。

    Soil sulphur is the necessary element for plant growth , while the deficiency of sulphur of soil is becoming more serious . In addition , sulphur nutrient has gradually been the limited factor of crop yield and quality .

  15. 磷是植物生长发育的必需营养元素之一,而土壤中绝大部分的磷素不能被植物直接利用。

    Phosphorus is one of the necessary elements for the growth of the plants . Application of phosphorus fertilizer is a very crucial management to increase crop yields , because most of the phosphorus in soil can not be utilized by plants directly .

  16. 氮磷作为作物生长的必需营养元素,对旱地小麦优质高产起重要作用,且不合理的氮磷投入造成了作物品质下降,资源浪费以及环境污染等问题,制约农业的高效和可持续发展。

    Nitrogen and phosphorus are the essential nutrients for crop growth , and play an important role on the dryland high yield of wheat , however unreasonable application nitrogen and phosphorus caused crop quality drop , wasting of resources and environmental pollution , furthermore restricting agricultural sustainable development .

  17. 磷(P)是植物必需的营养元素,在作物的生长发育、新陈代谢中起着不可替代的作用。

    Phosphorus ( Pi ) is one of essential nutrient elements , which plays an irreplaceable role in the growth and metabolism of the crops .

  18. 硒(Se)是人体必需的营养元素之一,缺乏或过量都会使人产生多种病症。

    Selenium ( Se ) is an essential nutrient element for human beings . Many diseases may be caused by Se deficiency or Se excess .

  19. 硫是茶树必需的营养元素之一,被称为仅次于NPK的第四要素。

    Sulphur is one of the essential elements of tea plant and regarded as the fourth key element next to NPK .

  20. 硒是哺乳动物最重要的必需微量营养元素之一,它主要以硒代半胱氨酸(Sec)的形式存在于硒蛋白中。

    Selenium is one of the most important essential micronutrient elements in mammal , which mainly was shown to be incorporated as selenocysteine ( Sec ) in selenoprotein .

  21. 铁是硅藻生长必需的营养元素,是硅藻细胞内某些氧化还原载体和辅酶的组成成分;

    Fe is the carrier of oxidation and deoxidization as well as the composition of coenzyme .

  22. 根据本研究结果,结合他人在植物硒研究方面己经做过的工作,作者认为:硒是植物必需微量营养元素;

    According to the result and the work on the selenium in plant by the other researcher .

  23. 检测出19种元素,其中必需的营养元素9种,重点比较了必需的微量营养元素的含量。

    There were 19 metal elements in the seeds , among them 9 were essential nutrient elements .

  24. 氮是植物生长所必需的营养元素,是土壤生产力的重要限制性因素。

    Nitrogen is essential nutrients for plants , and is also an important limiting factor in soil productivity .

  25. 锌作为维持人体健康的必需微量营养元素,对人体健康起着至关重要的作用。

    Zinc plays a vital role in maintaining the health of human body as an essential trace nutrient elements .

  26. 镍是一种稀有金属元素,也是动植物和人的必需营养微量元素。

    Nickel is one of the rare metals , and it is indispensable to plant , animal and human beings .

  27. 锌是植物必需的营养元素,同时也是一种常见的环境有毒重金属元素。

    Zinc is not only an essential element for plant growth , but also is a poisonous heavy metal element .

  28. 硫作为作物所必需的营养元素,在作物的生长代谢过程中起着许多重要的作用。

    Sulfur is an essential element in crops nutrition , which plays a vital role in crop growth and metabolism .

  29. 磷不但是动植物必需的营养元素,也是重要的环境污染因子。

    Phosphorus was not only the essential nutritional element for plants and animals , but also significant factor of environment pollution .

  30. 钼是一种动、植物必需的营养元素,但高浓度的钼却能对动、植物引起毒性。

    Mo is a significant nutrient element for a variety of biological functions , but it may be potentially toxic at high concentration .