
shēnɡ xiànɡ jiāo
  • raw rubber
  1. 一种南美灌木或小乔木,拉了名为(光烟叶烟草属),已在美国引进种植,开黄色花朵,生有橡胶状椭圆形或长条形叶子。

    A South American shrub or small tree ( Nicotiana glauca ) naturalized in the United States and having yellow flowers and thick , rubbery , oval or lance-shaped leaves .

  2. 展望橡胶工业高新技术的发展,预测电子信息用导电橡胶、生物医学用生体橡胶、热塑性橡胶材料、抗震与减震橡胶、环保型橡胶制品将成为21世纪的发展重点。

    Looks for the high and new technology development of rubber industry , it was predicted that the electronic information using the conductive rubber . biological medicine uses crude rubber . thermal plastic rubber materials .