
  • 网络ecosite;biotopes;biotope
  1. 利用不同年份、不同生态点和不同品种类型的试验资料对所建模型进行了检验,籼稻和粳稻籽粒直链淀粉含量的预测误差(RMSE)平均分别为04%和05%;

    The model was validated by using the data of different years , sites and varieties , with the RMSE being 0.4 % and 0.5 % for the grain amylose content of Indica and Japonica , and 0.39 % and 0 50 % for their planting areas , respectively .

  2. 在各生态点进行优化品种设计发现参数组合是不一致的。

    And the combination of the design of excellent variety was consistent in different eco-sites .

  3. 不同生态点对棉株纤维品质综合评价的研究

    Studies on the Comprehensive Assessment of Different Ecological Spots on the Fiber Quality in Cotton

  4. 而对照品种产量增加5%以上,不同生育期参数变化在不同生态点不同年型下也表现出一定的差异性。

    With yield increasing more than 5 % contrasting with check cultivars , there would be different changes in different phenological parameters in different year types .

  5. 品种、生态点和开花期对单铃棉籽干物重、棉籽生物量和脂肪与蛋白质含量的形成动态及其对种植密度的响应趋势没有明显影响。

    Variety , site , and flowering date had no significant effect on the trends of cottonseed dry weight per boll , cottonseed biomass , fat and protein content .

  6. 利用南京、安阳、石河子和太原等生态点的不同品种和产量目标资料对所建知识模型进行了检验。结果表明,知识模型对品种选择和播期设计具有较好的决策性和适用性。

    Case studies on the knowledge model with the experiment data sets of different eco sites , varieties and target yields indicated a good model performance in decision making and applicability .

  7. 大规模和设定好目标的财政刺激政策是一个选择,他写道:目前的“生态点”补贴计划,导致节能耐用品的购买激增,就是一个很好的例子。

    Massive and well-targeted fiscal stimulus is one option , he writes : the current " eco-points " subsidy scheme , which has led to a surge in purchases of energy-saving durable goods , is a good example .

  8. 试验表明,8个组合的最适播期,在三个生态点均以4月30日左右播种为宜,5月15日后播种的结实率普遍下降。

    We can know from the test that , of the eight combinations of medium hybrid rice , the most suitable time for sowing was about April 30 in all these three cites , and the setting rates dropped when it came to May 15 or later .

  9. 景观生态战略点识别方法与理论地理学的表面模型

    Ecologically strategic points in landscape and surface model

  10. 证明了系统生态平衡点、生态经济平衡点和最适宜的平衡点的存在性。

    The existence of biological , economic and optimum equilibrium of the system is examined .

  11. 在生态阈值点前后,生态系统的特性、功能或过程发生迅速的改变。

    The attributes , function or process of an ecosystem will change abruptly around the point-type threshold .

  12. 三江源区生态移民点民族体育文化现状与发展对策研究

    Present and Development Countermeasures of National Physical Culture of Ecology Resettlement Places in Three Rivers Source Areas

  13. 本文结合景观生态学原理,分析了单点选址的优先次序和生态战略点的选取,并对多点布局原则和景观指数的应用做了研究。

    This paper , based on the principles of landscape ecology , analyzed the priority of single point location and the selection of ecology strategic point and discussed the principles of multi-point .

  14. 发展区内连片发展经营景观,过渡区引进小型植被斑块用于构建区域生态关键点及生态廊道,保护区内保留原始自然景观。

    Business landscape were limited in development area . Small vegetation patches were introduced into build ecological nodes and ecological corridors in transition area . Original natural landscape were reserved in protected area .

  15. 以水体富营养化的限制因子P为例,探讨并介绍了一种对农田生态系统非点源污染敏感性的空间分布进行评价的方法。

    An approach for assessing spatial distribution of agricultural non point source pollution in farm ecosystems , taking P as an example , is introduced .

  16. 川中丘陵小流域农田生态系统非点源氮污染研究

    Nitrogen-NPSP in Agro-ecosystem of Small Watershed in Hilly Area of Central Sichuan

  17. 阜康大绿洲生态经济系统点-轴-带-圈空间结构模式

    The node-axis-belt-circle model for Fukang location structure based on macro-oasis-system

  18. 以生态为切入点营造建筑环境的地域性&以常熟图书馆为例

    Construction of Regional Feature of Architecture Environment with Ecology as a Breakthrough & Take Changshu Library as an Example

  19. 开发西部切入点的研究&以黄土高原生态环境建设切入点为例

    Analysis about the key point of eco-environment construction on Loess Plateau

  20. 基础与实现生态位及其中心点的涵义与测度

    On the Implications of Fundamental , Realized Niche and Niche Center

  21. 土地利用规划实施生态效益的几点思考

    Study on Eco-environmental Benefit of Implementation in General Land Use Planning

  22. 论中国森林生态网络体系城镇点的建设

    Development of the Forest Eco-network System in City and Town in China

  23. 相反地,苹果和谷歌把应用商店作为生态系统的控制点。

    Instead , Apple and Google leverage app stores as ecosystem control points .

  24. 关于城市滨水绿地景观生态规划的几点思考

    Thinking about green area ecology planning in water-front area

  25. 一类生态系统的平衡点的绝对稳定性

    On the Absolute Stability of Equilibrium Point of a Class of Ecological System

  26. 提升福州闽江公园景观生态水平的几点想法

    Some ideas about how to improve the landscape and zoology of the Minjiang park

  27. 生态文化建设几点思考

    On the Ecological Culture and Its Construction

  28. 论建设生态城市的立足点

    On the standpoint of constructing ecological city

  29. 从四川民族地区对矿产资源开发的现状来看,许多地方热衷于出让土地、引进外资、以牺牲当地资源和生态环境为出发点的开发方向还未引起高度重视。

    But many places neglect the harm of the exploitation strategy sacrificing the local resources and ecological environment .

  30. 建立红三角生态政府的一点思考&浅谈三角经济发展中政府角色定位

    On Establishing the Ecologic Government in Red-Triangle Area & On the Government 's Position in the Economic Development of Red-triangle Area