
  • 网络necessity and freedom
  1. 休谟关于必然与自由的学说

    Hume 's Theory about Necessity and Freedom

  2. 只有马克思主义哲学,才真正科学地阐明了必然与自由范畴。

    Only Marxist philosophy could truly and scientifically expound the categories of necessity and freedom .

  3. 全面把握必然与自由的统一性及其意义

    Unity and Significance of Total Understanding of the Relationship between Certainty and Liberty

  4. 自古以来,有关必然与自由、决定论与自由选择论孰真孰假的争论就没有停息过。

    Since the ancient time , the controversy on necessity and freedom , determinism and free selectionism has never come to a stop .

  5. 唯理论则夸大了理智的能动作用,并在不同程度上承认意志自由,也没能解决好必然与自由的关系。

    Rationalism exaggerated the activity of reason , admitted the freedom of will to some degree , it hasn 't dealt with the relation between necessity and freedom , either .

  6. 马克思把实践注入到了他的自由思想中,找到了连接理想与现实、必然与自由之间的桥梁,赋予了自由观独特的气质与全新的内涵。

    By the way of adding practice into the ideology of freedom , Marx found the bridge to connect ideal and reality , necessity and freedom , and endued freedom with unique disposition and fire-new connotation .

  7. 文章提出,必然与自由这对范畴,集中反映了马克思主义哲学认识世界、改造世界的根本性质与任务,因而是哲学最终要解决的根本问题。

    The writer of this article thinks that the category of necessity and freedom reflects the basic nature and task of Marxist philosophy 's understanding and changing the world , thus being the cardinal problem for philosophy to resolve ultimately .

  8. 马克思主义哲学以实践为基础,真正实现了信仰与人的历史性存在的辩证统一,揭示了人类在制约和超越、必然与自由之间的张力和空间中的生存境遇及历史过程。

    However , Marxist philosophy , based on practice , realizes the dialectical unity of belief and the historical existence of man , and brings to light the survival condition and historical progress of man in the situation of restriction and transcendence , and inevitability and freedom .

  9. 必然王国与自由王国

    Realm of necessity and realm of freedom

  10. 自然必然性与自由的对立,是人类面临的本原性矛盾。

    The antagony between the necessity and freedom of nature is an original contradiction man faces .

  11. 在其最终的自由王国理论中,通过自由时间增长这一环节将分开的生产实践和艺术审美活动,即必然王国与自由王国又连接了起来。

    In his ultimate theory of the " realm of freedom ", the building-up freedom time linked up productive practice and aesthetic activity , that is to say , which connected realm of necessity and realm of freedom .

  12. 自由的实现既要考虑物质条件,又要考虑自由主体意识的觉醒对其产生的重要影响,而正确把握必然制约性与自由主体能动性的关系是实现自由的认识前提。

    The freedom realization both needs to consider the physical conditions , and must consider human 's consciousness awakening the important influence which produces to it , and the correct assurance the relations of inevitable conditionality and humans activity is the realization freedom viewpoint practice .