
  • 网络must go
  1. “对不起,”他对房地产代理人说,“但现在我们真的必须走了。”

    ' I 'm sorry , ' he told the real estate agent , ' but we really must go now . '

  2. 那就是我们现在必须走的理由。

    That is the reason why we must go now .

  3. 对不起,我必须走了。

    Sorry , I 've got to go .

  4. 嗯,我真的必须走了,我在此呆得够久了。

    Well , I really must kick off now . I 've stayed long enough .

  5. 我国PCB工业必须走清洁生产和可持续发展的道路

    Road of Continuable Development and Clean Production of PCB Industry in China

  6. PCB企业要持续发展必须走“环保优先”的道路。

    The continuous development of PCB enterprise must take the road of priority protective environment .

  7. 要减轻农民负担,增加农民收入,适应加入WTO以后的激烈竞争形势,必须走城乡一体化的道路。

    We think it is necessary to integrate country with city for alleviating burden of peasant , increasing revenue of peasant and confronting fiercer competition after entry into the WTO .

  8. 在中国加入WTO以后,我国媒体产业又将面临激烈的国际竞争,中国媒体产业的可持续发展必须走产业创新的道路。

    After the entry to WTO , China 's media industry will involve in the fierce international competition . At present , China 's media industry will have to run the industrial innovation for the continuous development .

  9. 要使宪法监督真正获得实现,必须走宪法监督司法化道路。

    To achieve constitutional supervision , judicialization must be achieved first .

  10. 你知道吗,我真的必须走了。

    You know what , I 've really got to run .

  11. 工作事务必须走前完成。

    Matters pertaining to work must be completed before you leave .

  12. 我必须走完我选择的路。

    I gotta go out the way I gotta go out .

  13. 必须走开发与保护相结合的道路。

    We must go on road of combining development with protection .

  14. 你必须走,这是唯一的方法。

    You 've got to . it 's the only way .

  15. 如果看见两幢大厦,他就必须走过去!

    If he saw two towers , he had to walk !

  16. 人真的必须走了。隐正在未经很迟了。

    I really must be going . It 's rather late .

  17. 中国必须走完自己的现代化历程,但在现代性框架内,中国已不可能有什么原创性的贡献。

    China ought to go over its own course of modernization .

  18. 中国经济必须走可持续发展的道路。

    So , China should promote sustainable development for its economic growth .

  19. 绿色食品的产业发展特点决定了它必须走产业化道路。

    The developing features of green food industry take it into industrialization .

  20. 我国已具备发展开放式基金的条件,我国的基金业要进一步壮大规模、规范发展,必须走开放式基金之路。

    Our country has had the condition of developing open-fund .

  21. 我们必须走了,亲爱的!

    We have to get out of here , baby .

  22. 噢,我必须走。

    Oh , I must , please , I must .

  23. 我们必须走到楼上的阳台。

    We 'd have to go upstairs into the baicony .

  24. 我剩余时间不多了,我必须走了。

    I have little time . I must go now .

  25. 我必须走了。我不能公开身份。

    I really must go . I can 't afford the publicity .

  26. 我要去观看一场比赛,我必须走了。

    I have a game to watch . I must go now .

  27. 我们必须走,没有选择。

    We have to walk . there 's no choice .

  28. 我必须走了,我得完成作业。

    I must go now . I have to finish my homework .

  29. 她必须走,但你没有必要。

    She must go but you don 't have to .

  30. 你必须走尽快出发!去哪里?

    You must leave And leave quickly.Where ? Where do I go ?