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  1. 故呕必停为一有效控制由CT所致的呕吐药物,无严重副反应。

    Novaban is an effective drug for prevention of vomiting in-duced by CT with no severe toxicity .

  2. 有人进审判室时,你不必停,请继续说吧。

    You needn 't stop speaking when someone enters the court room ; please proceed .

  3. 好的,你不必停下来,我是隐形人,看不到。

    Okay , you don 't have to stop , I 'm invisible , I 'm not here .

  4. 大楼共有17层,电梯上上下下从来都是每层必停。

    The building has 17 floors and the elevators invariably stop at each floor on the way up and down .

  5. 斐济是太平洋岛上的停靠港,从澳大利亚的悉尼坐船出发,斐济是途中必停的一站。

    A Pacific Island Port of Call , Fiji is one of many stops to be made on cruises beginning in Sydney , Australia .

  6. 斐济是太平洋岛上的“停靠港”,从澳大利亚的悉尼坐船出发,斐济是途中必停的一站。

    A Pacific Island " Port of Call , " Fiji is one of many stops to be made on cruises beginning in Sydney , Australia .

  7. 柑橘类黄酮诺必擂停对K562裸鼠移植瘤的抑制作用

    Effect of nobiletin on K562 cells xenograft in nude mice

  8. 目的观察柑橘提取物诺必擂停对白血病细胞株K562、HL-60增殖的抑制作用。

    Aim To observe the inhibitory effect of citrus extract Nobiletin on proliferation of leukemia K562 and HL-60 cells .

  9. 柑橘提取物诺必擂停对K562、HL-60细胞株增殖抑制作用

    Inhibitory effect of citrus extract on proliferation of leukemia K562 and HL-60 cells

  10. 柑橘类黄酮诺必擂停对K562细胞的体内体外作用及其机制的研究

    The Effect and Mechanism of Citrus Flavonoids Nobiletin on K562 Cells in Vitro and in Vivo

  11. 结果:诺必擂停对S180、BGC823具有抑制作用,抑瘤率分别为39.11%~55.67%、36%~58%,EAC的生命延长率为15.38%~24.61%;

    RESULTS : Nobiletin inhibited the proliferation of S180 and BGC-823 at the inhibitory rates of 39.11 % - 55.67 % and 36 % - 58 % , and prolong the life span of EAC mice at survival rate of 15.38 % - 24.61 % .

  12. 柑橘类黄酮诺必擂停的抗肿瘤作用及其机制

    Anticancer Activity and Mechanism of Action of Nobiletin , a Citrus Polymethoxy Flavonoid

  13. 走在大街上,我也不必担心停在路边的车辆,会突然间爆炸;至少我不认为这样的事情会发生。

    I walk the streets assured that no car parked next to the curb will suddenly blow up OR so I take fOR granted .

  14. 京晶:没错,但你不必每天不停工作八小时。

    Yeah , but you don 't have to work an eight hour stretch every day .

  15. 每名由公司用停看的人,均穿著制服或佩章,而制服或章必足以使用停的公人士其身分。

    Every person employed by the company as an attendant at the car park shall wear such uniform or badge as shall be sufficient to identify him to members of the public using the car park .

  16. 在形成初始群体时结合单位煤耗优先顺序法,先确定出1个交易区间内的必开和必停机组,从而减小了算法的随机性。

    When the initial population comes into being , the priority list method is revolved to make sure which units are necessarily open and which units are necessarily shut down in the next whole day , the random character of the algorithm is weakened .