
  • 网络Irinotecan;CAMPTO
  1. 开普拓(CPT-11)治疗中国人晚期大肠癌初步结果

    Preliminary Result of Irinotecan ( CPT-11 ) in the Treatment of Chinese Patients with Advanced Colorectal Cancer

  2. 开普拓联合5-FU治疗5-FU耐药的晚期大肠癌

    Effects of camptothecin plus 5-FU in treating patients with 5-FU resistant advanced colorectal cancer

  3. 目的观察开普拓(CPT11)联合5-氟尿嘧啶(5FU)治疗5FU耐药晚期大肠癌的效果。

    Objective To investigate the effects of camptothecin ( CPT 11 ) plus 5 FU in treating patients with 5 FU resistant advanced colorectal cancer .

  4. 在晚期胃癌的临床研究中,泰索帝和开普拓(CPT-11)比奥沙利铂、S-1和其他正在进行早期研究的新药显得更有发展前景。

    Taxotere and CPT-11 appear to hold more promise in the investigation of patients with AGC than drugs like oxaliplatin , S-1 , or many new classes of compounds that are under early investigation .

  5. 开普拓对人宫颈癌荷瘤裸鼠放射增敏作用的实验研究

    Radiosensitizing effect of CPT-11 on cervical carcinoma transplanted tumor in nude mice

  6. 开普拓的各种联合化疗方案均显示了相当好的缓解率。

    Various combinations of CPT-11 have been studied resulting in a very decent response rate .