
  • 网络China Arab relations;sino-arab relations
  1. 阿拉伯国家的变革与中阿关系的发展

    Reforms in Arab Countries and the Development of Sino-Arab Relations

  2. 大周边战略与未来中阿关系

    The Extended Neighbors Strategy and the Future Sino-Arab Relations

  3. 中阿关系的演变与发展

    Evolution and Development of the Relationship between China and Arab States

  4. 中阿关系的回顾和展望

    Review and Prospect of Sino-Arabic Relations

  5. 新时期中阿关系的发展和中国中东政策的演变

    The Development of Sino-Arabic Relations and the Evolution of China 's Middle East Policy in a New Era

  6. 但美中不足的是对20世纪的中阿关系关注不够。

    However the author has more or less ignored the relation between the Arabic world and China in the 20th century .

  7. 全面发展中阿关系和深化中阿在各个领域的合作是大势所趋,是中阿关系持续发展的必然。

    Developing China-Arab relations in full scale and deepening China-Arab cooperation in various fields is a general trend and an inevitability of the continuous development in China-Arab relations .

  8. 鉴于在中国管理学领域内有关现代阿拉伯国家的学术研究并不流行的现状,本文将通过总体介绍中阿关系以及概括该关系特点的方式开展阐述。

    As modern Arab is not so much popular in the academic research on economy in China , this thesis started by generally presenting the Sino-Arab relation and summarized its characteristics .

  9. 因此,要以适应时代变化的发展眼光关注和研究中阿关系,为现有关系注入新的内涵和活力。

    Therefore , we must pay close attention to the Sino-Arab relations with the developing view in accordance with the changing time , and add new intentions and vitalities to this relationship .

  10. 唐以前中阿贸易关系概述

    On Pre-Tang Dynasty Sino-Arabic Trade Relation

  11. 中国和我本人都高度重视中阿战略伙伴关系。

    My country and I personally attach great importance to China-Argentina strategic partnership .

  12. 中方高度重视发展同阿根廷关系,愿以此次克里斯蒂娜总统访华为契机,同阿方携手努力,推动两国各领域互利友好合作,不断充实中阿全面战略伙伴关系内涵。

    The Chinese side attaches great importance to its relationship with Argentina and stands ready to take President Cristinas visit as an opportunity to promote mutually beneficial and friendly cooperation between the two countries in various fields and enrich the contents of China-Argentina comprehensive strategic partnership .

  13. 这一时期的中阿交往全面超越前代,中断已久的香料之路被重新开启,中阿关系走向历史发展的最高峰,这对后世中阿交往产生了深远的影响。

    The Sino-Arab exchange of this period surpassed previous generations entirely . The Spice Route , being interruptive for a long time , was opened up again . It pushed Sino-Arabic relations to a peak and laid profound influence on the contact later ages .