
  • 网络Demineralization;demineralize;decalcification
  1. 自酸蚀粘结剂并窝沟釉质成形窝沟封闭效果的临床观察新型生物组织成像技术-光学CT对牙釉质早期脱矿检出效能的实验评价

    Clinical Effect of Pit and Fissure Sealant Used in Combination with Self-etching Adhesive and Enameloplasty Sealant Technique Experimental estimate of detection efficacy on early enamel demineralization by the dental OCT

  2. FluorProtector抑制饮料致牛牙釉质脱矿的实验研究

    Inhibitory effect of Fluor Protector on demineralization of bovine enamel caused by beverages

  3. 正畸粘接用玻璃离子粘固剂防治托槽周围釉质脱矿的体外pH循环实验

    Prevention of enamel demineralization adjacent to orthodontic brackets bonded with resin-modified glass ionomer : an in vitro pH cycling study

  4. 结论:BEYOND冷光漂白可使牙釉质表层脱矿,并能透入到牙本质层使其微结构发生轻微改变。

    Conclusion : BEYOND cold light bleaching can immediately induce demineralization of dental enamel surface and changes of dentin morphology .

  5. bFGF复合部分脱矿冻干辐照异体骨修复兔下颌骨缺损的实验研究

    Experimental Study of bFGF Combined Partially Demineralized Allogenic Bone in Mandibular Defects

  6. GC护牙素对正畸脱矿釉质再矿化作用的体外研究

    The Role of GC Tooth Mousse in Promoting Enamel Remineralization during Fixed Orthodontic Treatment : An in Vitro Study

  7. 脉冲CO2激光与38%氟化氨银对人牙本质抗脱矿的联合效应

    Synergistic Effect on Acid Resistance in Human Dentine as a Function of Pulsed CO_2 Laser Irradiation Combined with 38 % Ag ( NH_3 ) _2F

  8. 煤脱矿作用使脂肪结构优先低温氧化,煤中矿物对S2峰影响较大;

    Demineralization by coal treatment makes the aliphatic structure low temperature oxidation .

  9. 结论脱矿过程中的低pH值能使根部牙本质中的MMP活化,在中性时可降解牙本质胶原。

    Conclusions MMP in root dentin can degrade root dentin collagen after being activated at low pH followed by neutralization .

  10. 成分相同pH低的脱矿剂所形成的人工龋较pH高者更易摄取矿物离子。

    The mineral ion intake was higher in the artificial cari - ous lesions induced with low pH demineralizing agent than that with the high pH one .

  11. Er,Cr:YSGG激光与氟化物联合应用对牙体硬组织脱矿的影响

    The effects of Er , Cr : YSGG laser combined with NaF treatment on the acid resistance of human dental hard tissue

  12. 牙本质晶脱矿初始反应速率Ri随δ的减低而快速增加。

    The initial reaction rate is increasing with the decreasing of δ during the dentine demineralization process .

  13. 在21例兔双侧下颌骨缺损模型中,按照完全随机原则,一侧选用bFGF复合部分脱矿冻干辐照异体骨修复骨缺损,作为实验组;

    According to completely randomized principle , one defect was grafted with bFGF combined partially demineralized allogenic bone , as experiment group .

  14. 釉砂和玻砂是古玻璃的前身,和古玻璃相比有着不同的成分组成和化学结构。新型生物组织成像技术-光学CT对牙釉质早期脱矿检出效能的实验评价

    As the precursor of ancient glasses , faience and frit have different chemical compositions and structures from true ancient glasses . Experimental estimate of detection efficacy on early enamel demineralization by the dental OCT

  15. (P0.01)结论:氟保护漆能够预防正畸釉质脱矿,且托槽粘结时酸蚀后涂氟保护漆效果更好。

    ( P 0.01 ) Conclusion : fluoride vanish can prevent orthodontic demineralized enamel , and when the bracket bonding after etching fluoride better protect the paint .

  16. 第2组仅用酸溶液脱矿处理21d;

    The second group were only treated with acid solution for 21 days ;

  17. 目的观察同种脱矿牙本质基质(DDM)用于根尖诱导成形术的临床效果。

    Objective To study the clinical effects of demineralized dentin matrix ( DDM ) as a apexificating agent .

  18. 统计患者治疗中牙釉质脱矿的发病率和脱矿病损的程度,计算釉质脱矿指数(enameldecalcificationindex,EDI)。

    The incidence and severity of enamel decalcification in orthodontic treatment were evaluated and the enamel decalcification index ( EDI ) was calculated .

  19. FluorProtector对饮料所致牙釉质脱矿的抑制作用

    Observation on the Inhibiting Effect of Fluor Protector on the Demineralization of Bovine Enamel after Exposure to Some Beverages

  20. 目的:证明脱矿人牙基质(DemineralizedDentinMatrix,DDM)具有良好的骨诱导作用,对DDM临床应用的可行性作出客观评价。

    OBJECTIVE : To determine the osteoinduction effect of demineralized dentin matrix ( DDM ) and feasibility of clinical application .

  21. 若摄糖频率增加,菌斑更多时间处于低pH状态,利于致龋菌的增殖,平衡向脱矿方向转变,导致龋病发生。

    If the intake of suger is too frequent , the biofilms will be in a low pH in most of time , which will benefit the proliferation of S.mutans and Lactobacillus , and further lead to caries .

  22. 目的评价含酪蛋白磷酸多肽(CPP)的牙膏抑制牙釉质脱矿和促进再矿化的作用。

    Objective To study the effect of tooth paste with phosphopeptide ( CPP ) on the demineralization and remineralization of dental enamel in vitro .

  23. 主要研究了利用OCT方法检测由于牙齿内部脱矿导致的牙齿光学特性参数的变化规律,并以此来对龋齿、特别是早期龋齿进行诊断和控制。

    The major study of this dissertation is using the OCT method to detect the caries by detecting the changes of the optical parameters caused by early demineralization .

  24. 激光共聚焦扫描电镜检测结果表明,在人工口腔中加入球状nano-HA,釉质脱矿减弱。

    The CLSM shows that demineralization of enamel is reduced by adding the spherical nano-HA in artificial mouth .

  25. 目的探讨胶原酶对脱矿后的人牙根面牙本质胶原蛋白的降解作用。目的:观察K+、乙酸(HAc)、胰蛋白酶对根面牙本质胶原蛋白降解的影响。

    Objective The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of degradation of human root dentin collagen treated with collagenase after demineralization .

  26. 脱矿后的标本加入pH7.4的胶原酶溶液,370C孵育7d。

    The demineralized root samples were incubated with pH7.4 collagenase solution for 7 days at 370C .

  27. 第1组用酸溶液脱矿处理21d后,放入MMP1溶液中孵育7d;

    In the first group , dentin sections were demineralized with acid solution for 21 days , and then incubated with MMP-1 solution for 7 days ;

  28. 目的通过体外pH循环实验研究自酸蚀粘接技术对正畸粘接中导致的牙釉质损伤和脱矿是否具有预防和减轻的作用,为自酸蚀粘接技术在正畸临床的广泛应用提供实验理论依据。

    Objective Under a pH cycling experiment , to investigate the effects on enamel demineralization when self-etching adhesives were used to condition the enamel surface before bonding and provide the basis of theory for self – etching adhesives applied in clinical orthodontic bonding frequently .

  29. 结论Er,CrYSGG激光加酸蚀处理后,开放的牙本质小管周围可见未完全脱矿的管周牙本质,树脂-牙本质界面可见混合层和粗长的圆柱形树脂突。

    Conclusion The dentin prepared by Er , Cr : YSGG laser plus acid showed open dentinal tubular encircled by partially demineralized peritubular dentin . The dentin-resin interface had the hybrid layer and long resin tags with a small taper .

  30. CPP-ACP对釉质早期脱矿与再矿化作用的基础和应用研究

    The Foundation and Application Research of Casein Phosphopeptide-Amorphous Calcium Phosphate on Incipient Enamel Demineralization and Remineralization