
tuō ɡuǐ
  • be derailed;derailment;derail
脱轨 [tuō guǐ]
  • [derail] [车轮]离开轨道

  1. 有观察人士问,中国经济增速放缓的趋势是否会最终导致大幅下滑,甚至硬着陆?中国的改革开放之路是否会因各种复杂的社会难题而脱轨?

    Observers ask whether Chinas economic slowdown will lead to a sharp decline or even a hard landing and whether our reform programme will be derailed by complex social problems .

  2. 受伊朗紧张局势的影响,燃油价格不断上涨,这已成为美国一大政治议题,同时让人担心经济复苏可能脱轨。

    Rising fuel prices , driven by tensions with Iran , have become a big political issue in the US and raised concerns that the economic recovery could be derailed .

  3. 火车脱轨栽进了河里。

    The train derailed and plunged into the river .

  4. 火车脱轨了,但总算设法回到了原来的轨道上。

    The train left the rails but somehow forced its way back onto the line .

  5. 没人知道火车为什么会脱轨。

    No-one knows why the train derailed .

  6. 火车头在拐弯处脱轨。

    The engine of the train left the rails at a curve .

  7. 火车脱轨了。

    The train was derailed .

  8. 该分析有助于脱轨和磨耗机理的探讨。

    This analysis is helpful to the research of derailment and abrasion machenism .

  9. 基于DSP技术的列车脱轨系数在线监测系统的研制

    Study of the Testing System of Digression Coefficient Based on DSP

  10. 预防列车脱轨措施及抗脱轨安全系数N的计算理论

    Measures to Prevent Train Derailment and Calculating Theory of Safety Coefficient N for Resisting Derailment

  11. 没有什么比沟通不畅和抑制改变更能让SOA实现脱轨的了。

    Nothing derails an SOA implementation more than communication breakdowns and resistance to change .

  12. 英国交通警方说中央线路的地铁脱轨是发生在上班高峰期9:04分的BethnalGreen和MileEnd两站之间。

    British Transport says the derailment , of a train on the Central line , happened during the morning rush hour at9:04 a.m. , between the Bethnal Green and Mile End stations .

  13. 日本财务大臣安住淳(junazumi)也呼吁冷静处理争端,并强调称,围绕钓鱼岛的紧张局势不应让经济合作脱轨。

    Finance minister Jun Azumi also called for calm in dealing with the dispute and stressed that tensions over the islands should not derail economic co-operation .

  14. 他阻止了苹果在急转弯下脱轨,并成功发展和拓宽了苹果的产品线,这与其他有领袖魅力而强势的创始人的继任者不同——包括上世纪80年代中期苹果挤走乔布斯时的约翰•斯卡利(JohnSculley)。

    Unlike others who have succeeded charismatic and forceful founders , including John Sculley when Apple forced out Jobs in the mid-1980s , he has stopped it veering off track and managed to develop and broaden its product line .

  15. 为将各种事故分析方法综合集成,论文设计建造了列车脱轨事故智能分析支持系统(IDASS)原型。

    For the purpose of synthesizing all analysis methods together , the basic structure of prototype of the intelligent derailment analysis support system ( IDASS ) is established .

  16. 对于CRH型高速列车,若采用京津线轨道谱,以脱轨系数作为安全性评价标准即可;若采用德国轨道谱,则还需要补充轮重减载率作为安全判据。

    For the CRH high-speed train , derailment coefficient is only needed as safety evaluation criterion when track spectrum of Beijing-Tianjin railway line is employed ; while wheel unloading rate should be added for safety evaluation criteria when track spectrum of German railways is employed .

  17. 通过对P30型棚车脱轨事件的分析,选择了3个有代表性的研究对象,拟定了理论计算分析的1248个工况组合。

    Via analysis of the derailment events of P_ ( 30 ) box cars , three representative research objects are selected , ( 1 248 ) combinations of working conditions of theoretical calculation and analysis are worked out .

  18. 国外对强风中列车的脱轨研究始于1879年12月28日的Tay铁路桥倒塌灾难,造成75人死亡,很多专家确信是当时正在桥上运行的列车脱轨后造成的桥毁人亡。

    The abroad started to research the theory of train derailment since collapse of Tay bridge , which happened in the evening of 28 December 1879 . The Tay Bridge Disaster killed 75 persons . Many experts believe that train derailment results in collapse of Tay bridge .

  19. 用该公司集团战略总监菲利普•托里翁(PhilippeTorrion)的话来说,就是“我们不能与世界脱轨”。其他很多法国企业似乎不觉得脱轨有什么问题——它们每年提供的假期普遍接近两个月。

    In the words of EDF 's group strategy director Philippe Torrion : " We cannot be out of step with the world . " Many other French companies seem to have no problem with being out of step - and offer almost two months of holiday a year as standard .

  20. 在车轮上贴上应变计电桥,即可在车辆运行中测定车轮的横向力、垂向力、脱轨系数以及轴箱垂向加速度等参数,测量频率高达100Hz。

    By placing strains on the wheels , lateral forces , vertical forces , derailment factor of the wheel , as well as vertical acceleration of the axlebox , can be measured while the vehicle is running , with a measured frequency up to 100 Hz , etc.

  21. 货车脱轨自动制动装置的研制

    Development of Automatic Braking Equipment at Time of Derailment of Wagons

  22. 车辆脱轨机理及预防脱轨的对策

    Study on Derailment Mechanism of Railway Wheelset and its Protection Countermeasures

  23. 列车脱轨事故智能分析技术初步研究

    Preliminarily Research on the Intelligent Analysis Technology for Train Derail Accident

  24. 货物列车空车脱轨的原因分析及对策研究

    Reason Analysis and Countermeasure Study on the Derailment of Freight Train

  25. 线路不平顺对货车车辆直线脱轨的影响

    Effect of uneven track on the linear derailment of freight car

  26. 你告诉我你的生命已然脱轨。

    You tell me your life 's been way off line .

  27. 然而,迄今还没有什么事情使中国经济明确脱轨。

    Yet nothing has yet knocked the economy decisively off course .

  28. 直线货物列车脱轨过程计算

    Simulation of the derailment courses of freight train on tangent track

  29. 预防列车脱轨的桥梁横向刚度限值研究

    Study on Limit Value of Bridge Lateral Rigidity for Preventing Derailment

  30. 车辆脱轨安全限值的调整与改进建议

    Suggestions of Adjustment and Improvement on Vehicle Derailment Safety Limit Value