
  • 网络WTI;intermediate base crud oil
  1. 在九五期间,石油化工研究院(RIPP)开发了在中压条件下以中间基原油生产高粘度指数润滑油基础油的成套技术。

    A medium pressure hydrotreating process for manufacturing high-grade lube oil base stocks has been developed by RIPP .

  2. 利用这些技术分别以环烷基、中间基原油生产的SBS橡胶填充油的色度、相溶性、黄变性能等指标均达到国外同类产品质量水平,满足了市场需求。

    The chromaticity , miscibility and anti-yellowing of SBS rubber extender oil produced by these technologies , which raw material was naphthenic-base or medium-base crude oil , could reach quality standard of the same overseas product and satisfy domestic market requirement .

  3. 因此,应提高高粘度指数(HVI)基础油的比例,并选用溶剂精制与加氢处理相结合的方法由中间基原油生产HVI基础油。

    So the proportion of high viscosity index ( HVI ) base oil should be increased , and the method of combining solvent refining and hydrotreating should be applied to produce HVI base oil from intermediate base crude oil .

  4. 俄罗斯原油属含硫中间基原油。

    Russian crude petroleum is one kind of the sulphur-containing medium-based crude oil .

  5. 埃斯卡兰特原油属中质低硫中间基原油,1997年首次在镇海炼油化工股份公司炼油厂加工。

    Escalante , Argentina crude oil is a middle density and low sulfur intermediate base crude .

  6. 加氢处理工艺是从中间基原油生产高质量润滑油的有效途径

    Hydrotreating technique is an effective way to producing high-quality lube oil from intermediate base crude oil

  7. 中压加氢处理从中间基原油制取高粘度指数润滑油基础油研究

    Study of Manufacturing High Grade Lube Oil Base Stocks from Intermediate Crude Oil by Medium Pressure Hydrotreating Process

  8. 按组成分类:石蜡基原油、环烷基原油和中间基原油三类;

    According to the composition of Category : paraffin-based crude oil , naphthenic oil and three types of intermediate base crude oil ;

  9. 对中石油锦西石化分公司以石蜡基和中间基原油混合炼制生产的0柴油测试,可降低CFPP3-5℃。

    The improver is applied to the diesel of Huludao Petrochemistry Filiale , produced by paraffin rich crude oil and intermediate crude oil as raw material , CFPP of the 0 # diesel is lowed by 3 to 5 ℃ .

  10. 试炼结果表明,单炼石蜡基原油时,产品的冰点与密度不能同时符合规格,与中间基原油混炼时可生产合格的3号喷气燃料。

    The test result showed that the ice point and density of the product can not be simultaneously met the specification while processing paraffin base crude alone . The qualified No. 3 jet fuel can be produced by processing the paraffin base crude blended with intermediate base crude .

  11. Doba原油属中间基重质原油,酸值和钙含量很高,盐含量和残炭也较高,而轻质油收率很低;

    Doba crude is a kind of intermediate - base heavy crude with a high acid-value , high content of calcium , salt , and carbon residue , but a low light oil yield .

  12. 中间-石蜡基原油生产石油沥青的研究

    Research on Medium Paraffin Base Crude Oil Producing Asphalt

  13. 辽河管输原油为一种低硫中间基的重质原油,它的350℃馏分只有30%,为了提高轻质油收率必须深度加工。

    Liaohe oil is a low sulfur , intermediate-base heavy crude . The yield of Its350 ℃ fraction is only 30 % .