
  1. 南京奥体新闻科技中心整体分析及钢屋盖设计

    Integral Analysis and Steel structure Roof Design of Nanjing Olympic News and Technology Center

  2. 同时,对南京奥体新闻科技中心上部钢结构屋盖设计进行了介绍。

    The steel structure roof design of Nanjing Olympic News and Technology Center is also introduced .

  3. 来自南京大学新闻传播学院的郑欣教授表示,相比精英文化,草根文化在中国正开始崭露头角。

    Zheng Xin , professor at the School of Journalism & Communication at Nanjing University , says a grassroots-oriented rather than elite-based culture is emerging in China .

  4. 结合南京奥体新闻科技中心工程,采用反应谱法对其结构进行整体抗震分析,并利用有限元方法对结构中重要构件&V形柱和托梁进行了受力分析。

    The integral seismic analysis is performed by using the response spectrum method , and the important members such as the V shape column and holding beam are analyzed by using the finite element method .

  5. 去年我获得南京报业协会新闻奖学金。

    Last year I was awarded the Nanjing Press Association Scholarship for journalism .

  6. 从南京市政府新闻发言人的现状看我国政府新闻发言人制度的建设

    From the Actuality of Nanjing Government News Spokesperson to See How to Establish the System of Government News Spokesperson in China

  7. 目前中央电视台新闻频道、台湾东森台大编辑台、南京电视台塑造新闻旗舰栏目等海内外电视机构的新闻生产,为大连电视台构建新闻平台提供了实践基础和支撑。

    Up to now , the news production of cctv , china-taiwan-ettv and Nanjing TV station have provided the practice base and support for the construction of news platform in Dalian television .

  8. 分析南京地区傍晚电视新闻栏目的得失,为的就是找到一个其它城市未来新闻发展可资借鉴的东西。

    The aim of analyzing the news programs towards the evening in Nanjing region is to work out the experiences and lessons for the future development of the counterparts in other cities .

  9. 我是张纯如在美国的母亲,张盈盈。我读到了许多关于你新拍电影《南京!南京》的新闻报道。

    I am Iris Chang 's mother , Ying-Ying , here in United States . I have read many Chinese news reports .

  10. 南京文博印刷厂是南京新闻出版局出版刊物定点印刷厂,是2003年市级机关印刷招标中标单位之一。

    As one of winner of bid as printing department at a city level , it is the designated printing factory for the Press publishing Bureau of Nanjing .