
  1. 抚顺已经开始用从另一座开采中的煤矿东露天矿(EastOpenMine)挖出来的土填埋西露天矿,但这一举措可能来得太晚,而且是杯水车薪。

    The city has begun refilling part of the West Open Mine with soil from another active mine , the East Open Mine , but it may come as too little too late .

  2. 水平浅孔凿岩爆破技术在侯西露天矿的实践

    The application of horizontal shallow rock blasting in Houxi Opencast Mine

  3. 抚顺西露天矿北帮变形有限元分析

    Deformation finite element analysis of north wall of Fushun West open pit

  4. 西露天矿已经形成的损害显而易见。

    The damage already done at the West Open Mine is evident .

  5. 抚顺西露天矿边坡岩体渗流分析及排水方案设计

    Slope seepage analysis and drainage design of Fushun Western open - pit mine

  6. 抚顺西露天矿边坡水压分布特征及疏干减压工程实践

    Features of slope hydraulic pressure distribution and practice for dewatering in Fushun Open Pit

  7. 抚顺西露天矿浑河深断裂的断层泥及其工程意义

    Gouges of the Hun River Fault in Fushun Open Pit and Their Engineering Significance

  8. 抚顺西露天矿人车卷边坡失稳演变规律

    Analysis on Evolvement Law of Man-machine Railway Slope Landslide in Fushun West Open-pit Coal Mine

  9. 抚顺西露天矿开采矿坑对环境污染的调查分析

    The Investigating and Analyzing on Environmental Pollution of the Mining on Fushun West Strip Mine

  10. 抚顺西露天矿北帮边坡治理工程效果初步评价

    Effect evaluation of distortion for north project of side slope in Fushun West open cast

  11. 就在西露天矿南边,可以看到成片的平房半淹在水中。

    Just south of the mine , groups of bungalows are half immersed in water .

  12. 抚顺西露天矿蠕动边坡变形特征及稳定性动态分析

    Study on deformation features and dynamic stability of creeping slope of Fushun West Strip Mine

  13. 抚顺西露天矿的滑坡

    Landslides in Fushun Western Surface Mine

  14. 残采期抚顺西露天矿边坡动力响应研究

    Study on Dynamic Response of Fushun West Open Pit Mine Slope in Remaining Coal Mining Period

  15. 西露天矿西北帮滑坡机制研究及综合治理措施

    Landslip Mechanism and Methods of Comprehensively Bring Under Control in Northwest Side of West Opencut Coal Mine

  16. 抚顺西露天矿东南帮境界边坡实施中的工程地质问题

    Engineering geological problem in the implementation of the SOUTH-EASTSIDE boundary slope of the Fushun West open pit

  17. 浑河常年积水,导致西露天矿北边帮不断有水的渗出。

    Hun river ponds for years , cause continuous water leakage out of west open-pit mine north side .

  18. 经过近60年的开采,抚顺西露天矿已进入残采期。

    After mining for near sixty years , Fu Shun west open-pit mine come to remaining coal mining period .

  19. 抚顺西露天矿北帮地面长期剧烈变形原因的分析

    Causal analysis of long-term fierce deformation of ground surface at the north wall of the West open pit mine in Fushun

  20. 以抚顺西露天矿北帮边坡为例,分析了边坡变形规律和破坏机制。

    Taking Fushun Strip Coal Mine Slope for example , the failure mechanism and distortion rule of the slope are analyzed .

  21. 该系统使用数字化采矿的集成平台和液晶显示触摸式车辆智能终端,已在抚顺西露天矿投入试运行。

    The system using digital integrated platform for mining and LCD touch-vehicle intelligent terminal has been put into trial operation in Fushun West Open Pit .

  22. 西露天矿占地面积4.2平方英里(约合11平方公里),底部位于地面千尺之下,煤在阳光下闪着光。

    At the bottom of the West Open Mine , a 4.2-square-mile pit some 1000 feet below the surface , coal glistened in the sun .

  23. 本文应用有限单元法对抚顺西露天矿北帮边坡及地表变形进行分析。

    In this paper , finite element method is used to analyse the deformation of the slope and ground surface of Fushun west open pit .

  24. 采矿引起的边坡倾倒滑移变形机理与变形安全性分析研究&以抚顺西露天矿边坡为例

    Deformation mechanism and stability analysis of slope toppling-sliding rock mass due to mining & A case study on west open pit slope of Fushun Coal Mine

  25. 平庄西露天矿边坡稳定分析一直都是矿山生产与安全的一个重要问题。

    The analysis of slope stability of the west open pit of PINGZHUANG coal mine has always been an important issue in the mine production and safety .

  26. 关于西露天矿开采与石油一厂地表变形关系初探及实现双保的几点建议

    Study on the Relation of Mining in the West Open Pit of Fushun Coal Mine with the Surface Deformation of Fushun Petroleum Refinery No.1 and Some Suggestions for Assuring the Production of Both

  27. 本文针对抚顺西露天矿复杂的地质条件,通过对边坡岩体开挖、边坡形成过程的物理相似模拟和全场边坡岩体位移的跟踪观测,较全面地给出边坡岩体在开挖过程中的位移变化规律;

    The process of excavation and slope mining are simulated , the displacements of rock mass are observed ever and again in this thesis . The displacement laws of slope rock mass are gained .

  28. 分析研究了抚顺地区的矿震活动,对抚顺西露天矿的地质构造特征和滑坡、泥石流等地质灾害状况以及产生这些灾害的原因进行了详细的研究。

    Activity of mine quake in fushun area was analyzed . Detail research was carried out on geological tectonic characteristics , geological disasters , such as landslide and debris flow , and the cause of these disasters .

  29. 由于西露天矿深度大,边帮和底部岩层水平应力减小或消失,导致垂向应力与水平应力之差增加。

    Because of the depth of west open-pit mine is large , the horizontal stresses in sides and rocks at bottom decrease or fade away , and that lead to the difference between the vertical and the horizontal stresses increase .

  30. 以抚顺西露天矿大规模倾倒滑移变形体变形规律研究为例,探讨受软弱夹层控制的软岩边坡变形破坏规律及其变形破坏对城市工业设施的影响。

    Based on the study on the deformation of largescale toppling rock mass in Fushun west open pit , this paper research the features of deformation and failure of the soft rock slope controlled by weak intercalated beds , and its influence on urban industry establishment .