
  1. 本论文是对西南油气田分公司GAS营销管理信息系统项目的工作总结。

    This dissertation is the summary of the project of Petroleum and Gas Field Southwest Branch GAS Marketing MIS .

  2. CT降滤失酸是西南油气田分公司天然气研究院近年来研制的一种新型酸液体系。

    CT fluid loss acid is a new acid liquid system developed by the Natural Gas Institute of PCL Southwest Branch in the resent years .

  3. 西南油气田输气管网SCADA系统已经投入试运行,中国石油正在酝酿建设中国石油输气管网SCADA系统。

    The SCADA system of gas line network of southwest oil and gas field has been put into trial operation , and PetroChina is now deliberating and consulting to construct the PetroChina gas line network SCADA system .

  4. 全文共分五章。第一章对西南油气田分公司体系化管理现状进行了分析,提出了建立与实施QHSE管理体系的必要性。

    In Chapter one , the status of systematize managements of southwest oil and gas field branch was analyzed , and the necessary of QHSE was highlighted .

  5. 西南油气田分公司天然气营销处;

    Gas Marketing Department of Southwest Branch , PCL ; 2 .

  6. 西南油气田硫磺市场营销策略探讨

    Discussion on Sulfur Marketing Strategy in Southwest Oil and Gas Field Company

  7. 西南油气田输气管道内壁腐蚀的控制

    Internal corrosion control techniques of gas pipeline in Southwest China oil and gas field

  8. 中国石油西南油气田公司采气工程研究院;

    Gas Production Research Institute , PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company ; 2 .

  9. 西南油气田建设用地面临的困难及其对策

    Difficulties with Construction Area in Southwest Oil and Gas Field Company and Its Countermeasures

  10. 西南油气田公司合同管理潜在的法律风险及对策

    Legal Risk of Contract Management in Southwest Oil and Gas Field Company and Its Countermeasures

  11. 西南油气田分公司上市3年间天然气产能建设的效益分析

    Benefit analysis of gas productivity construction in 3 years of listing for PCL Southwest Branch

  12. 目前西南油气田一些监测站尚不具备用甲醇分析气相色谱法的相应能力,因此通过比色定量分析实验,用变色酸法测定废水中甲醇。

    The off-color acid method was used to determine methyl in wastewater produced from the gas fields in West-North Sichuan Province .

  13. 探讨了西南油气田公司所属天然气净化厂脱硫系统补水方式及其优缺点。

    The advantages and disadvantages of some methods of additional water for desulphurization system in natural gas purification plant have discussed .

  14. 国际金融危机对天然气行业的影响及应对策略&以中国石油西南油气田公司为例

    Impact of International Financial Crisis on Natural Gas Industry and Coping Strategy & Taking Southwest Oil and Gas Field Company as an Example

  15. 在中期研究阶段,主要对西南油气田公司天然气市场现状和营销现状进行分析。

    In the middle stage of research , Analyses market situation and marketing conditions of the natural gas of the Petrochina Southwest oil .

  16. 文中介绍了西南油气田分公司蜀南气矿白19井排水管线的结垢及化学清洗情况,并结合现场施工对排水管线的化学清洗提出了几点认识与建议。

    This article simply introduces the scaling and chemical cleaning of the drain pipelines in the Bai 19 well and get some knowledges and proposals .

  17. 以西南油气田分公司为例探讨企业货币资金内部控制的重点和方法。

    The focal point and method for internal control for an enterprise 's monetary capital are analyzed with Southwest Oil and Gas Field Company as example .

  18. 对西南油气田公司在内控体系建设和内控测试工作中的风险识别、内控体系设计、跟单测试和关键控制测试等方面存在的问题进行了分析,并针对这些问题提出了改进措施。

    According to analysis of some problems existing in risk identification , internal control system design , merchandising test and key control test , related improving measures are discussed .

  19. 新场沙溪庙组气藏是西南油气田的主力气藏之一,目前,该气藏开发已步入中后期产量递减阶段。

    As one of the main gas reservoirs in oil and gasfield of southwest Sichuan Basin , Shaximiao reservoir of Xinchang gasfield is now in the production decline stage .

  20. 该方法已成功应用于西南油气田分公司2002年、2003年、2004年度的天然气新增动用可采储量的标定及申报工作中。

    The method has been successfully used for the calibration and declaration of the yearly new adding recoverable reserves of 2002 , 2003 and 2004 for PCL Southwest Branch .

  21. 针对西南油气田分公司合同管理工作中潜藏的法律风险,分析了风险点源存在的原因,提出了解决的方法和措施。

    Aiming at potential legal risks on contract management in Southwest Oil and Gas Field Company , the reasons to product risks are analyzed and related methods and measures are discussed .

  22. 近年来,西南油气田分公司结合国内多家单位的技术优势,从构造落实、储层预测、流体识别等方面开展了进一步的攻关研究。

    In recent years , combing the technologies of many companies inside national , Southwest Oil and Gas field Company has further studied structure determining , oolitic beach reservoir prediction `````````````` fluid identification etc.

  23. 中国石油西南油气田分公司重庆气矿目前共有脱水站19座、脱水装置26套,对24个气田的来气进行脱水处理,实现了干含硫天然气输送。

    Chongqing Gas Mine of Southwest Oil and Gas Branch of PCL has total 19 dehydration stations and 26 dehydration plants , which make dehydration processing for 24 gas fields to deliver the dry sour gas into the transmission pipeline .

  24. 须家河组气藏是西南油气田分公司十一五期间乃至中远期天然气储产量增长的后备基地,是西南油气田分公司二十一世纪能源接替的重要领域。

    Xujiahe formation gas reservoir is the candidate base for reserves and outcome growth of Southwest Oil and Gas Field Branch in the period of Eleventh Five-Year Plan and medium-long time ; it is also the important energy replacement domain in the 21st century .

  25. 后期研究阶段,在分析的基础之上结合目前低碳经济的趋势提出了天然气市场的发展战略,为西南油气田今后的低碳发展提供建议。

    In the last stage of research , based on the current low carbon economic trends , proposed the market development strategy of natural gas , with the adjustment of marketing strategy it will be absolutely more effective for the development of Petrochina Southwest oil .

  26. 在本文中,还提出了体系有效运行应采取的措施、对策和两种有效性评估指标体系及评价方法,以保证西南油气田分公司天然气研究院质量管理体系的有效运行。

    Also , the thesis suggests of some measures and strategies to guarantee effective operation of the system and has introduced two systems of validity evaluation index and the related methods , all of which serve to ensure an effective implementation of the quality management system .

  27. 为了了解西南油气田分公司上市后产能建设的投资效果,从分公司、油气矿、重点产层等多个层次对分公司上市3年间的产能建设进行了效益分析。

    To understand the investment results of productivity construction after listing for PCL Southwest Branch , the benefit analysis is conducted on the multiple levels of the branch , the oil / gas mines , and the key pay formations etc. in the 3 years of listing .

  28. 文章主要介绍了目前天然气管道的智能检测技术以及在中国石油西南油气田分公司重庆气矿的应用情况,并分析了应用过程中存在的问题,提出了今后的改进措施。

    The intelligent detecting technology of gas pipelines and its application in Chongqing Gas Mine of PCL Southwest Oil and Gas Branch is introduced in the article . The problems existing in the application process are analyzed , and the improving measures in the future are proposed .

  29. 低效油气开发事业部是一个全面负责西南油气田分公司低效油气开发业务的新部门,将对西南油气田未来的发展产生重大影响。

    The division of inefficient oil and gas development is a new department of Southwest Oil and Gas Field to fully responsible for the business of inefficient oil and gas development , which will have a significant impact on the future development of Southwest Oil and Gas Field .

  30. 川西南地区各油气田气层压力现已大大低于原始地层压力,极易受到勘探过程中各种流体的损害。

    Oil & gas have been produced for years so that reservoir pressure is much lower than original formation pressure , and reservoir is easily damaged by invasion of various fluids .