
At present , nonstandard medical events , extracting medical insurance fund occurs frequently in Zibo and other areas .
The financial problem of the imbalance of the revenue and expenditure has appeared partially in the social medical insurance system of our country these years .
After examine and verify of orgnaization of agency of classics society insurance , press this planning as a whole the area concerns formulary settle accounts .
The three-medical-insurance system is subordinated to different administrations , which own co-ordinate regions . The system also respectively covers the urban workers , non-employed urban workers , urban and rural residents .
If unemployment funds in areas where overall planning is conducted are not enough for use , adjustment funds of unemployment insurance may be used as adjustment and local finance may be used as subsidies .
In addition , as a whole area of basic medical insurance fund balance is insufficient , it can increase the level of the basic medical insurance individual contributions to cope with serious illness insurance fund payment risk .
Ginseng protect personnel to be in the go to a doctor of the medical establishment that decide a dot of different grade , carry out even as a whole area labor ensures what service makes to turn examine , turn courtyard government measure .
According to the concerned regulation of country and province , unemployed insurance insurant is in provincial cross as a whole when unit of area shift work , be accompanying of unemployed insurance concern is transferred , but unemployed insurance fund is not transferred .
Adjustment funds of unemployment insurance are to be raised at a ratio prescribed by people 's governments of provinces or autonomous regions , taking unemployment insurance premium that should be collected according to law in areas where overall planning is conducted as the base .
Overall co-ordination with regional countries , a strong push the integration and promotion , are indispensable .
How does the area that executes a society to plan as a whole receive birth insurance premium ?
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As a whole fund includes : as a whole all ginseng protects the area amount of unit pay cost recoups the odd portion after writing down individual account ; finance allowance ; the society is contributory ; bank interest ; fine for delaying payment .