- 网络unified field

Decoupled unified field equations of arbitrary spin in Kerr spacetime
The explanation is coincident with the unified field failure theory .
On False Vector Quantity Current Transform ing Gravitational Wave in Unitive Field
The internet culture is the unitive field where the globalization values conflict ;
A Unified N-D Field Equation and Its Application
We call it the " unified field ," or " superstring field . "
To the very end , he struggled to find his elusive unified field theory .
Only after such controlling factors are made clear can the local geologic field be put into the unified global field .
Sheldon : Excuse me , but a grand unified theory , insofar as it explains everything , will ipso facto explain neurobiology .
Entire diseases can be spontaneously cured without medicament if only the human bio-field is coordinated to be synchronous with the Universal Unified Field .
So in your perspective , how far away for theoretical physics to achieve the dream made by Albert Einstein , it 's called the Grand Unified Field Theory ?
Krugman lauded it as a unified field theory of economics which joins together the study of economic growth , the distribution of income between capital and labor , and income inequality .
The target of means of Mei is just to construct unified field of Mei well , which could be borrowed as a wonderful bridge to achieve self enlightenment ' of eternal peace .
Krugman lauded it as a " unified field theory " of economics which joins together the study of economic growth , the distribution of income between capital and labor , and income inequality .
Amy : Yes , but if I 'm successful , I will be able to map and reproduce your thought processes in deriving a grand unified theory , and therefore , subsume your conclusions under my paradigm .
The global work-space theory supposes that brain needs a certain " comprehensive space ", the stage of information exchange can lead to the interaction of the specialized unaware processor in the nervous system , which is similar to the stage in the theater .
By means of a complete configuration mixing unified crystal field theory for d8 ( D4h ), the optical spectra , the ground state ZFS 、 EPR parameters of Ni ( PZ ) 4Cl2 compounds are analysed and calculated theoretically and systematically in this paper .
Establishment analysis of the unified horizontal crustal velocity fields on the China Continent
Research on the Command Field Technique in NCW of Air Defense Missile Weapon System
A New Modelling Method of Evaluating Exteral Disturbing Potential Grounded upon the Theory of Unified Representation of Gravitational Field
So , as you grow up inside this world , which is actually the unified consciousness field , you start developing your mind – starting from the subconscious into the conscious .
In this paper , the non-discontinuous displacement field in structure allowing incorporation of discontinuous mode intra-element is established by using finite element shape function as partitions of unity , and the displacement jump across a crack is presented by extra degrees of freedom at enriched node .
Fault-block movement is controlled by the unified regional stress field . The principle compression stress direction was NE SW during the early neotectonic stage ( E_3 N_2 ) , while in the late stage ( the end of N_2 Q ) it 's become to NW SE .
The Unified Characteristic Theory for Plastic Plane Stress Problems
It forms a united flow field with the saturated water zone to perform transverse flow .
The influence of basement fault on the deformation of complex cover blocks in a uniform stress field & Enlightenment from sandbox experiment
According to the space thin-walled structures theory , the unified displacement field of the tube structures is given by taking the shear lag effect into account .
It is assumed that c is a constant for the large region controlled by unified tectonic stress field .
Uniform of Adjustment Datum and Its Effect to Displacement Field of GPS Deformation Monitoring Network
Solution of Transient Scattering using Unified Near-Zone to Far-Zone Field Transformation