
  1. 量子层析一词来源于医学中的计算机辅助X射线断层摄影术CT,从名字中可以看出,它属于一种统计测量方法。

    The term , quantum tomography , comes from medical X-ray computer-aided tomography ( CT ), and it is a statistical measurement method .

  2. 对于高速IP骨干网,传统的基于SNMP/RMON机制进行网络内部链路流量统计测量的方法,会在网络核心路由/交换节点设备处产生较大的处理负担,降低处理器性能,从而影响数据包的快速转发。

    The traditional approach to network internal links traffic using SNMP / RMON can neither decrease processing load of the kernel nodes equipments in high speed IP backbone network nor transfer complex tasks to network edges .

  3. 观察了不同月龄SD大鼠空肠绒毛粘膜上皮及小肠腺上皮中杯形细胞的分布及数量变化,并统计测量了不同月龄大鼠空肠绒毛高度、宽度变化及腺体长短径的变化。

    Goblet cell 's distribution and numerical changes were researched in epithelium of jejunal villi mucosa and intestinal gland in different months'SD rat , moreover the statu changes of villi and gland .

  4. 该仪器采用人工上料、自动夹紧、扫描测量、图形和数据显示测量结果,并具有统计测量、6σ值和CP值计算、导轨自动修正、数据存取、故障诊断报警以及测量结果打印等功能。

    The instrument is featured by hand-feeding , auto-clamping , scanning measuring , displaying measuring results by data and graph , calculating 6 σ and CP value , auto-compensating error of guide rail , acquiring data and processing , auto-diagnosing and warning . printing measuring results and etc.

  5. 用荧光光子统计测量作单分子识别与分辨

    Identifying and Distinguishing Single-molecule Based on the Fluorescence Photon Statistic Measurement

  6. 企业人力资本贡献价值的统计测量

    The Statistical Measurement of the Contribution Value of Human Capital of Enterprises

  7. 最后,我们对相干光场进行了光子统计测量。

    At last , the photon statistics of coherent field is experimentally determined .

  8. 竖直圆管中泡状流含汽率径向分布的统计测量方法

    Statistical Measurement of Radial Void Fraction Distribution of Bubbly Flow in a Vertical Pipe

  9. 量子态统计测量电路探讨

    Circuits for statistical measurement of quantum states

  10. 量子层析技术是一项统计测量方法,它通过多次测量来实现量子态密度矩阵的重构。

    Quantum tomography is a statistical measurement , in this method density matrix is reconstructed by repeating measurement the quantum state .

  11. 同时,研究者采用教育学统计测量软件SPSS13.0分析,多个样本的方差检验,对三个活动中的解释水平情况进行相关检验。

    Meanwhile , researchers use SPSS statistical measurement of edition 13.0 to measure multiple samples of three groups of variance by comparing interpreting level .

  12. 在文献与理论研究基础上采用统计测量方法分别考察了二者与员工工作压力之间的关系。具体包括:第一部分:社会比较倾向和工作压力的关系研究。

    Based on literature review , we research the relationship between social comparison orientation / social comparison effects and the job stress through statistical measuring methods .

  13. 介绍了基于光子特性相关单光子统计测量,利用概率计算分析的两种方法:最大概率法和查表法。

    Two methods , based on property-correlated single-photon counting statistic measurement and probability calculation and analysis , are chiefly introduced : the maximum likelihood method and the lookup table method .

  14. 这正如同统计测量中的真值理论,即测量到的属性之间的关系为真实相关关系和晕轮效应产生的多余的相关关系之和。

    This is the same as the true value theory of statistics , measured the relationship between attributes is sum of real correlativity and redundant correlativity made by halo effect .

  15. 给出一组原始数据,6西格玛黑带应能识别并计算出两种统计测量的中心趋向、离散和形状。

    Given a set of raw data the Six Sigma Black Belt should be able to identify and compute two statistical measures each for central tendency , dispersion , and shape .

  16. 介绍了立姿射击的抵肩力统计测量的意义及采用双剪切梁式应变测力传感器测量抵肩力的系统组成;

    The significance of shoulder force statistical measurement is explained , and a sys - tem with double - shear beam stain gage force transducer for measuring the shoulder - force is introduced .

  17. 第4章中研究运用统计测量的基本方法,对问卷结果进行数据编码和统计分析,主要包括描述性分析和显著性差异分析。

    The fourth chapter by using the basic method of statistical measurement , to make data encoding and statistical analysis for the result of the questionnaire , including descriptive analysis and variance analysis .

  18. 介绍了脉冲波形占空比的3种数字化测量方法,它们分别是直接脉宽测量法、幅值统计测量法和平均值测量法。

    In this paper , three evaluation methods about the on-off ratio of pulse waves are introduced , they are the direct pulse width measurement method , the amplitude statistical method , and the average measurement method .

  19. 随着人们对相干激光产生的散斑的认识深入,激光散斑技术作为一种统计测量技术越来越多的人把散斑技术应用到测量表面粗糙度领域。

    With in-depth understanding of speckle aroused by correlate laser , laser speckle techniques , as a statistical measurement technology , have been used in the field of measuring the surface roughness by more and more people .

  20. 经对38艘内河船舶长达一年的舱底水量的大量数据统计测量和回归分析,得到了估算舱底水量的经验公式。

    Numerous data of the volume of bilge water for 38 inland ships travelling in inland rivers during one year have been measured . Based on the regression analysis of the data , a empirical formula is given .

  21. 通过对西安东郊和长安县黄土剖面野外考察、裂隙观察、统计测量、孔隙度测定和颗粒分析,系统地研究了黄土地层含水空间。

    On the basis of field investigation , porosity determination and particle size analysis of the loess in eastern suburb of Xi ′ an and Chang ′ an County , the water bearing space of loess strata has been studied .

  22. 各种不同供电系统中的现场试验表明,本法测量准确度达95%以上,足以满足工程测量的要求,是等效干扰电流统计测量的一种简便方法。

    It was proved through field tests in different systems of power supply that this method can give correct results with an accuracy above 95 % which can satisfactorily meet the engineering requirements . It is a simple and convenient method for statistical measurements of equivalent disturbing current .

  23. 无线电骚扰的统计参量测量法&幅度概率分布(APD)

    Statistical Measurement Method of Radio Disturbance & Amplitude Probability Distribution ( APD )

  24. 一种对无统计环境测量模型缺省值进行预测的新方法

    A Novel Prediction Model for the Missing Data of Environmental Measurement

  25. 短暂电磁干扰统计参数测量系统

    The System for Measurement of Statistical Parameters of Transient Pulse Interference

  26. 统计并测量叶表皮气孔大小、气孔密度及气孔指数。

    The stomatal size , density and index were measured and counted .

  27. 复杂系统中统计相关性测量的熵方法研究

    Study of entropy method of measurement for statistical correlation in complex system

  28. 气液系统中气泡直径及速度的统计分布测量方法

    A measurement method for bubble diameter and velocity statistical distribution in gas-liquid systems

  29. 利用光子统计概率测量单分子光子源的信号背景比

    Determination of signal-to-background ratio of single molecular photon source based on photon counting statistics

  30. 准确的统计、测量、计算等

    Accurate statistics , measurements , calculations , etc