
  • 网络guessed
  1. 孰料老太太却推得一干二净,“这个不干我事。”

    Guessed that the old lady but the pretexts ," the quit my business . "

  2. 本系列产品可用于石灰石、水泥孰料、混合料、石膏、煤矸石、陶瓷、玻璃、矿渣、钢矿石、铁矿石等各种物料的终粉墨。

    This series of products can be used for limestone , cement guessed , mixed materials , gypsum , coal gangue , porcelain , glass , slag , steel ore , iron ore and other materials , the final Fenmo .

  3. 孰料学生反馈非常热烈,这鼓励决策者开展教改。

    But now powerful student feedback is starting to encourage reform .

  4. 这在瑞典很正常,但孰料在一个前苏联国家也如此普遍。

    You 'd expect this in Sweden but not so much in the former Soviet Union .

  5. 在第一节他们进了三球,原以为准赢无误,孰料最后还是输了。

    With three goals in the first period they had a secure victory , But somehow they lost .

  6. 其他:孰料水泥、浇铸辅助材料、焊接粉末、石英颗粒、砂粒、谷物种子

    Other : Cement clinker , minerals ( casting auxiliary ), welding powder , quartz granule , quartz powder , grains

  7. 水泥生产分为原料制备、孰料制造、水泥制造三个大的阶段。

    The complete cement production process consists of three major steps : raw material preparation , clinker manufacturing and cement manufacturing .

  8. 孰料猪此时笑了,众动物怪曰:鸡还没讲,你笑什么?

    Pigs have guessed that now laugh , Chung strange animals , saying : Chicken not speaking , you laughing at ?

  9. 分解炉系统的稳定性直接决定了水泥孰料成品的合格率,分解炉出口温度的大小直接表征了分解炉系统的稳定性。

    Calciner stability of the system will determine the passing rate of finished cement guessed , decomposition furnace outlet temperature of the size of the direct characterization of the decomposition furnace system stability .