
  • 网络Rice University;Rice;Jones;University;William Marsh Rice University
  1. 得克萨斯州莱斯大学(riceuniversity)一家著名智库的研究表明,尽管美国汽油价格升至历史高位,但与原油价格的比值却达到历史新低。

    Despite having reached an all-time high , US petrol prices are at a historical low in relation to crude oil prices , according to a study by a prominent think-tank at Rice University in Texas .

  2. 休斯敦莱斯大学(riceuniversity)研究员艾米迈尔斯贾菲(amymyersjaffe)表示,在市场力量推动沙特石油出口转向的同时,美国的能源政策也起到了一定作用。

    Amy Myers Jaffe , a research fellow at Rice University in Houston , said that while market forces had redirected Saudi exports , US energy policy was also a factor .

  3. 莱斯大学创业计划大赛(RiceBusinessPlanCompetition)有自己的竞赛模式。

    The rice business plan competition has its own take on the ritual .

  4. 1978年,埃尔森•汉斯从莱斯大学毕业后又在哈佛商学院(HarvardBusinessSchool)拿到了工商管理硕士学位,随后就职于能源巨头壳牌公司(Shell)。

    After graduating from Rice in1978 , Elsenhans headed to Harvard Business School , earned her MBA , and ended up at energy giant Shell .

  5. 周京,莱斯大学(之后简称京):家琳,作为IACMR的新主席,我们是不是应该在这个大厅内对我们的朋友、同事和IACMR会员说些什么?

    Jing Zhou , Rice University ( hereafter Jing ): Jia Lin , as the new presidents of IACMR , shall we say a few words to our friends , colleagues , and IACMR members in this great hall ?

  6. 莱斯大学的经济学家奥斯迪克说,这可能会伤害到休斯敦。

    Rice University economist Barbara Ostdiek says that could hurt Houston .

  7. 但是莱斯大学的约翰·戴蒙德持有一个更消极的观点。

    But John Diamond of Rice University takes a more negative view .

  8. 厄尔.布莱克是德克萨斯莱斯大学的政治学教授。

    Earl Black is a political science professor at Rice University in Texas .

  9. 像莱斯大学这样的技术院校将会因此而得益。

    Technical institutions , such as Rice , will reap the harvest of these gains .

  10. 休斯敦莱斯大学建筑学院扩建,美国

    The Extension of School of Architecture of Rice University , . Houston , USA , 1979-1981

  11. 这张图片来自于我莱斯大学的同事,丽贝卡·理查兹科图姆。

    This is an image from a colleague of mine at Rice University , Rebecca Richards-Kortum .

  12. 班特的努力已经赢得联合国、非洲照护、莱斯大学等组织赞美。

    Bent 's efforts have drawn praise from the United nations , africare , Rice University and others .

  13. 并于美国莱斯大学获得天体物理学硕士与博士学位。

    She got her master 's and doctor 's degree in astrophysics from Rice University in the United States .

  14. 不过,莱斯大学发现了一个开创性的解决方案,据说至少能双倍扩充现有网络的性能,只需最少量的硬件投入。

    One that promises to at least double the capacity of existing networks with the addition of minimal extra hardware .

  15. 莱斯大学生物与环境纳米科技中心是世界上首个致力于研究纳米材料与活生物体及生态环境之间相互影响的学术研究中心。

    CBEN was the first academic research center in the world dedicated to studying the interaction between nanomaterials and living organisms and ecosystems .

  16. 1994年,我来到美国在德州的莱斯大学学习。此处不是笑话,现在是了。

    In 1994 , I came to the United States to study at Rice University in Texas , that wasnt a joke , until now .

  17. 但休斯敦的私立大学莱斯大学对学生的挑选比较严格,因而不得不重新制定其招生方针以保持学校少数民族学生的入学情况。

    But Rice University in Houston , private and highly selective , has had to reinvent its admissions strategies to maintain the school 's minority enrollment .

  18. 莱斯大学社会学家史蒂夫·默多克认为,德州的未来有赖于拉美裔,因为他们是这个州人口增长最快的族裔。

    Rice University sociologist Steve Murdock says the future of Texas depends on Hispanics , because they are the fastest growing segment of the state 's population .

  19. 出生于中国吉林省白山市,黄西于1994年赴美,后获得德克萨斯州莱斯大学化学博士学位。

    Wong , who was born in Baishan , Jilin province , moved to the US in 1994 to pursue a PhD in chemistry at Rice University in Texas .

  20. 在那之前,黄西只不过是一个有着浓重口音、取得德州休斯敦市莱斯大学博士学位的华裔移民。

    Before that , Wong was simply another Chinese immigrant with a doctoral degree from Rice University , Houston , Texas , and who talks with a strong accent .

  21. 从莱斯大学毕业后,我决定留在美国,因为有一件事我在中国肯定不如在美国能做得更好具有民族特色。

    After I graduated from Rice , I decided to stay in the US because in China I cant do the thing I do best here , being ethnic .

  22. 休斯敦莱斯大学动用了30亿美元的捐赠基金以确保大二,大三和大四学生的学费不会超过消费者物价指数。

    Rice University in Houston uses its $ 3 billion endowment to guarantee that tuition for sophomores , juniors and seniors will not leap ahead of the consumer price index .

  23. 莱斯大学研究管理承继的专家玛格丽特维尔斯马表示,对于研究如何恰当地处理高层变更来说,此次任命是一个很好的学习案例。

    The appointment is a case study in the right way to manage transition at the top , says Margarethe wiersema , an expert in management succession at Rice university .

  24. 德克萨斯州莱斯大学的研究人员生产了一种比头发丝还精细的沙粒,把它们涂在金子或者碳上。

    Researchers at Rice University in Texas made fine grains of sand , much smaller than the width of a human hair , and coated them in gold or carbon .

  25. 莱斯大学经济系主任阿尔贾玛尔说,既使油价上涨的幅度再大一些,它对美国的汽油消耗量可能也不会有很大的影响。

    Even a larger pike in prices would probably not have much impact on U.S. fuel consumption , according to Mahmoud El-Gamal , chairman of the Economics Department at Rice University .

  26. 但是,对于莱斯大学报告中所称,利用玉米生产乙醇燃料并非处处行得通这一点,布莱克表示同意。她也认为利用农业废料和其他纤维质作物生产乙醇言之有理。

    But Brekke agrees with the Rice University study in that using corn for ethanol may not work well everywhere and that development of cellulosic ethanol from waste products and other plants makes sense .

  27. 由美国莱斯大学海曼领导的团队发表过报告,指出巨大撞击引发大火后,遗留的煤灰中有外来的碳。

    One group , led by Dieter Heymann of rice university , had proposed that the exotic carbon was part of the soot that accumulated in the wake of the massive , impact-ignited fires .

  28. 莱斯大学的报告指出,用玉米生产酒精燃料乙醇成本并不低。尤其是在那些农民们不得不使用大量化肥的州。

    The Rice University study also suggests that using corn to produce the alcohol fuel ethanol may not always be cost effective , especially in states where farmers have to use large amounts of fertilizer to produce the grain .

  29. 莱斯大学的研究显示,从历史价格关系来看,如果汽油价格跟随原油价格变动,那么在原油价格达到每桶100美元时,汽油价格应当升至每桶3.68美元。

    The university study reveals that if the price of petrol followed that of crude oil , petrol should have risen to $ 3.68 a barrel once oil hit $ 100 a barrel , based on the historical price relationship .

  30. 加利福尼亚州北部的杜克(Duke)大学和休斯敦的莱斯(Rice)大学等均增加了奖学金的投入。

    Universities such as Duke in North Carolina and Rice in Houston are devoting more money to scholarships .