
  • 网络subaru;sti;Subaru Impreza;BRZ
  1. 斯巴鲁是日本最小的汽车制造商之一。

    Subaru is one of the smallest Japanese car makers .

  2. 光是丰田凯美瑞(ToyotaCamry)的销量就超过斯巴鲁全系车型。

    By itself , the Toyota Camry outsells the entire Subaru lineup .

  3. 《美国新闻》(U.S.News)就把它排在同级车中的第17位,远远落后于排在首位的斯巴鲁森林人(SubaruForester)。

    U.S. News ranked Tiguan 17th against its competitors , well behind the No. 1 Subaru Forester .

  4. 高速公路安全保险协会(InsuranceInstituteforHighwaySafety)在经过碰撞试验后提出,斯巴鲁是所有被测车型中“安全首选车型”,这可是没有哪家车企能自我标榜的殊荣。

    And after crash tests , the Insurance Institute for highway safety made Subaru a " Top Safety Pick " across its entire product line , a distinction no other manufacturer can claim .

  5. 丰田之前已与大发(Daihatsu)、日野(Hino)以及斯巴鲁(Subaru)的生产商富士重工(FujiHeavy)建立了资本联系。

    Toyota already has capital ties with Daihatsu , Hino and Subaru maker Fuji Heavy .

  6. 那么如果你因为不知道选个大帽子还是小帽子苦恼,或者纠结于公司A和B,斯巴鲁还是普瑞斯,那么还是别操那个心了。

    So if you 're sitting there stressing about large cap versus small cap , or company A versus company B , or should you buy the Subaru or the Prius , you know what , let it go .

  7. 斯巴鲁已经预演了其电气未来插件在混合动力和全电动概念基础上斯特拉紧凑和R1微型。

    Subaru has already previewed its electric future with plug-in hybrid and all-electric concepts based on its Stella compact and R1 minicar .

  8. 而进入美国市场比它完了20年的现代(Hyundai)与起亚(Kia)却开发了更丰富的产品线,销量已经是斯巴鲁的好几倍。

    Hyundai and Kia , which arrived two decades later , have developed broader product lines and sell several times more vehicles .

  9. 《消费者报告》称,在可靠性方面,丰田排名第三,落后于本田(Honda)和斯巴鲁(Subaru)。而有两款丰田车型低于平均预期可靠性水平。

    Toyota ranked third behind Honda and Subaru in reliability , and two Toyota models had below average predicted reliability , Consumer Reports said .

  10. 例如,只要顾客购买或租赁一辆公司的新车,斯巴鲁(Subaru)就会向慈善机构捐款250美元。

    Subaru , for example , donates $ 250 to charity when a buyer purchases or leases a new car .

  11. 超微型汽车,许多声望极高赛事的胜利者-富士的斯巴鲁WRX,现在由你来驾驶!

    Superwheelbarrow , the winner of numerous most prestigious competitions-Subaru WRX , at your order !

  12. 它也比一些中型车有更好的高速公路燃油经济性,比如斯巴鲁(Subaru)的“翼豹”(Impreza)。

    It also delivers better highway fuel economy than some mid-size cars , such as the Subaru Impreza .

  13. 斯巴鲁将在2014年推出,作为一个完全独立的模型,从豹范围的未来WRX的。

    Subaru will be introducing the next WRX in2014 as an entirely separate model from the Impreza range .

  14. 最近一个周日的上午,BelindaLin和丈夫走进上海的一个汽车经销店提车。她原以为这辆斯巴鲁(Subaru)运动型多用途车(SUV)会方便他们的生活。

    Belinda Lin and her husband walked in to a Shanghai car dealership on a recent Sunday morning to pick up a Subaru sport-utility vehicle that she thought would make life easier .

  15. 的WRX还将拥有一个变异STI,将根据未来的WRC拉力赛车-竞争斯巴鲁计划返回。

    The WRX will also feature a variant STI upon which a future WRC rally car will be based-a competition which Subaru plans to return to .

  16. 尽管双方的合作没有得到资本合作的支持,但行业观察人士认为,此举是这家跑车制造商加入庞大的丰田家族的门户,丰田家族包括大发(Daihatsu)、日野(Hino)和斯巴鲁(Subaru)制造商富士重工(FujiHeavy)。

    Though the alliance is not backed by capital ties , industry watchers see it as a gateway for the sports car maker to join the sprawling Toyota family , which includes Daihatsu , Hino and Subaru-maker Fuji Heavy .

  17. 最近两款新跑车斯巴鲁(Subaru)BRZ和ScionFR-S(上图)的面世,让所有车迷都稍感心跳加速。

    The hearts of auto enthusiasts everywhere beat a little faster recently with the introduction of two new sports cars : the Subaru brz and scion fr-s ( above ) .

  18. 从消费需求激增中获益的其他小品牌包括日本汽车生产商斯巴鲁(Subaru)和英国SUV生产商路虎(LandRover)。前者通报销量增加了13%,印度塔塔汽车(TataMotors)旗下的路虎品牌的销售增长则达37%。

    Other smaller brands that benefited from the surge in consumer demand included the Japanese automaker Subaru , which reported a 13 percent increase in sales , and Land Rover , the British maker of sport utility vehicles owned by Tata Motors of India , which posted a 37 percent increase .

  19. 今年上半年,斯巴鲁与丰田合作研发的BRZ跑车只卖出4298台,同一款车的Scion版(又叫FR-S)只卖出了7662台。

    It moved 4298 copies of its BRZ , jointly developed with Toyota , while Scion 's version of the same car , called the FR-S , found 7662 buyers in the same period .

  20. 2015年风头最劲的品牌:在新款切诺基的拉动下,Jeep在2014年的销量惊人地拉高了44%,而斯巴鲁的销量则静悄悄地提高了21%,现已成为美国第十大最受欢迎的汽车品牌。

    Brands with the most incentive to coast in 2015 : Jeep , which must be exhausted after lifting sales an astonishing 44 % on the back of the new Cherokee , and Subaru , now the 10th most popular brand in America after improving its sales by 21 % in its usual fashion : quietly .

  21. 卖斯巴鲁的卖了一辆道奇车给俱乐部老板。

    who sold the club owner a dodge .

  22. 在与功能性相对的另一端则是斯巴鲁另一款炙手可热的全新跑车&BRZ。

    At the opposite end of the functionality spectrum is another red-hot seller , the Subaru brz .

  23. 今天她载有3300辆从东京和广岛装载的斯巴鲁及马自达,目的地是巴尔的摩和纽约。

    Today she has3,300 Subarus and Mazdas from Tokyo and Hiroshima , bound for Baltimore and New York .

  24. 顺便提一下,这款轿车就是斯巴鲁异类翼豹,也算是轿车类。

    This particular car , by the way , is Subaru Impreza wagon , get it as sedan too .

  25. 今年以来,受到这三重佳绩的推动,经销商处的斯巴鲁几乎是有多少卖多少。

    Fueled by this trifecta of achievements , just about everything Subaru sells is flying off dealers ' lots this year .

  26. 如果交易成功,这将使中国成为继美国之后,斯巴鲁第二大海外生产基地。

    If the deal goes through , China will become Subaru 's second largest overseas production base after the United States .

  27. 它的41英尺小翻斗也不是很实用。在这款车型停产之前,卖出去的数量只有斯巴鲁预期的四分之一。

    The41-inch bed wasn 't very useful either , and Subaru sold only one-quarter as many Bajas as planned before ending production .

  28. 但是,在车辆品质与安全性方面,独立评论者对斯巴鲁的肯定高于任何其它厂商。

    Yet Subaru has racked up more endorsements by independent arbiters of automotive quality and safety than just about any other manufacturer .

  29. 斯巴鲁这个品牌极具魅力,因此公司成功将其用于多个完全不同的车型。

    So resilient is the appeal of its brand name that Subaru has managed the feat of stretching it over wildly different models .

  30. 斯巴鲁现在很流行,但没有多少人知道斯巴鲁十,二十,或三十年前的他。

    Subaru is very popular right now , but not many people knew about Subaru ten , twenty , or thirty years ago .