
  • 网络George Soros;George Soro
  1. 乔治·索罗斯想成为金融界的博诺(U2乐队主唱)。

    George Soros wants to be the Bono of the financial world .

  2. 如果你像玩转对冲基金的乔治·索罗斯(GeorgeSoros)和约翰·保尔森(JohnPaulson)一样心无旁骛,无论景气好坏,你都可以挣到钱。

    You can make money in good and bad times if you keep your head on straight , as hedge fund investors like George Soros and John Paulson know .

  3. 塔尔伯特说,20世纪90年代,一听说乔治·索罗斯要和我谈话,我会扔下手头所有的事情,几乎把他当作来访的国家元首对待。

    In the 1990s , says Talbott , when I got word that George Soros wanted to talk , I would drop everything and treat him pretty much like a visiting head of state .

  4. 乔治·索罗斯的开放社会基金会1979年成立于纽约,此后基金会逐步扩大,形成了一个遍布东欧、前苏联、中部欧亚大陆,以及南非、海地、危地马拉和美国的庞大网络。

    In 1979 , Soros ' Open Society Foundation was Established in New York , then the Soros foundation enlarged quickly . It becomes a huge network including Eastern Europe , the former Soviet Union , Eurasia , South Africa , Haiti , Guatemala and America .