
jiǎnɡ lì jīn
  • Rewards;bounty
  1. 根据Variety报道,这些消息是HBO旗下的时代华纳有线电视公司主动支付“赎金”作为正义的黑客找到网络漏洞的奖励金。而该电视公司播放的就是《权利的游侠》剧集。

    The message from HBO , the Time Warner Inc cable unit that broadcasts ' Game of Thrones , ' offers the money as part of a program in which ' white-hat professionals ' are rewarded for identifying cyber security flaws , according to Variety .

  2. 奖励金均以人民币支付。

    The rewards shall be paid with RMB .

  3. 对采取各种不正当手段骗取奖励金的,要予以追回。

    Anyone who cheated a reward by any illegal means shall be demanded to return the reward .

  4. 的士司机奖励金计划

    Incentive Schemes for Taxi Drivers

  5. 那些达不到要求的人则必须报名参加一个健康指导项目才能得到额度缩小的奖励金。

    Those who don 't qualify must sign up for a health-coaching program in order to earn a smaller credit .

  6. 获准采用的实施方案,不获得成本补偿金、优胜奖励金和额外补偿金。

    The official contestant cannot obtain the cost compensation , prize money for winning and the additional compensation for the proposal approved to be adopted .

  7. 其一,行为人实施索财行为的动机来源于受害单位对外发布的悬赏广告,为了获得该奖励金,行为人实施了一些行为。

    First , the crime motivation of the actor comes from suffered organization posting a reward to the public . The actor carried out criminal behaviors in order to get the reward .

  8. 就在不久前,米其林还一直针对自付费用部分向员工提供600美元的自动奖励金,以及用于健康评估调查或参加非约束性健康行动计划的额外资金。

    Until recently , Michelin awarded workers automatic $ 600 credits toward deductibles , along with extra money for completing health-assessment surveys or participating in a nonbinding ' action plan ' for wellness .

  9. 周二是阿里巴巴“黄金周”的最后一天。在该活动中,用户将随机收到奖励金,从0.88元人民币至4888元人民币(0.13美元至728美元)不等。

    Tuesday is the last day of Alipay 's " Golden Week , " when users will receive randomly allotted cash back , ranging from Rmb0.88 to Rmb4888 ( $ 0.13 to $ 728 ) .

  10. 在项目投产运营后一年内须办理奖励金申领手续。逾期不办者,视为自动放弃。

    An attractor shall go through the formalities for applying for the reward within a year after the project has been put into production and operated . If he fails to do so within the time limit , he shall be deemed as one who gives up such right voluntarily .

  11. 职工奖励及福利金审计

    Audit of bonus and welfare funds for staff and workers

  12. 该政策对符合国家计划生育政策、年满60周岁的农村夫妇,在各地现行计划生育奖励优惠政策基础上,按每人每年不低于720元的标准发放奖励扶助金。

    The policy to comply with the national policy of family planning , 60 years of age in rural couples , in various parts of the current family planning incentives based on per person per year , according to the standards issued not less than 720 yuan reward will .