
  1. 然而,在阶级斗争极左思潮的影响下,蒋春霖及其《水云楼词》却受到不应有的贬低和曲解,因为他反对太平天国革命。

    As people were influenced by class struggle 's ultra - " left " trend of thought , JIANG Chun-lin and his " Shui Yun Building Ci-poem " suffered unfair depreciation and misinterpretation just because he was against the Taiping Revolution .

  2. 在新世纪蒋春霖的研究将有很大的发展空间,在生平研究、文本分析、心理分析、文化分析等方面会有一个新的突破。

    In the new century , there is still ample room for the study of Jiang , and there will be new breakthrough in the study of his life , and in the analysis of his text , culture and mental state .