
  1. 北京奥组委(BeijingOlympicorganisingcommittee)副主席蒋效愚表示:雇用童工是非法的,北京奥组委遵守一切法律法规。北京奥组委负责为2008年奥运赛事官方商品制造商发放许可证。

    The use of child labour is illegal and the Beijing Olympic organising committee abides by all laws and regulations , said Jiang Xiaoyu , executive vice-president of the committee , which licenses manufacturers to produce official merchandise for the event in 2008 .

  2. 蒋效愚说,游泳馆明年1月进行一次试用比赛。

    Jiang said the aquatics venue is ready for a test event in January .

  3. 在2011年8月5日举行的中国青少年体育发展论坛中,北京奥促会副会长蒋效愚教授曾说,中国在近20年中,由于各种复杂因素的作用,中国人的体质正在明显滑坡。

    At the China Youth Sports Development Forum on August 5,2011 , the Vice President of Beijing Olympic Association , Professor Jiang Xiaoyu said that , due to various complex issues , the public health of Chinese people was getting worse in the past 20 years .