
  • 网络Chiang
  1. 蒋军官兵在抚顺飞扬跋扈。

    Chiang 's officers and soldiers in Fuhsun city were very arrogant .

  2. 在满洲土地上的蒋军士兵不想再打下去了。

    The soldiers of Chiang Kai-shekon Manchurian soil did not wish any longer to fight .

  3. 满洲地区的蒋军士兵已经不愿意再在旧中国生活下去了。

    The soldiers in Manchuria did not want to live any longer in the Old China .

  4. 其实,他们直接接触蒋军的最好办法是在战场上对阵。

    In fact , their best method of directly contacting Chiang 's troops was on the field of battle .

  5. 随着农村地区被共军逐步占领,蒋军士兵就像断了线的风筝一样失去了同其社会基础的联系。

    As the Communists moved in on villages , Chiang 's army was torn loose from its social moorings .

  6. 所生产的炮弹适用于缴获的中国和日本大炮,却不适用于八路军从蒋军缴获来的美国大炮。

    Shells made to fit Chinese-and Japanese-captured guns would not fit the American guns the8th Route captured from Chiang 's troops .

  7. 蒋军和地主不断地征兵拉夫,比刚才所讲的苛捐杂税更加厉害。

    Levies extracted by the army and the landlords went far beyond even the brutal taxation of which I have already spoken .

  8. 我军已在几个战场上开始夺取了主动,蒋军则开始失去了主动。

    On several fronts our armies are beginning to seize the initiative , while Chiang Kai-shek 's armies are beginning to lose it .

  9. 几天以后,父亲把他雇给蒋军一个团部为军官们当勒务兵。

    Within a few days his father hired him out as an orderly to the officers of one of Chiang Kai-shek 's regiments .

  10. 在市内房屋的墙上,甚至在蒋军的碉堡上,都出现了张贴的或用白灰浆刷写的标语。

    Inside the city itself , posters and whitewashed slogans appeared on the walls and even on the pillboxes of the Kuomintang soldiers .

  11. 如果把所有的蒋军部队都说成是一模一样,那就不对了。

    It would be incorrect to represent conditions in the army as being the same throughout the country in all troops and regiments .

  12. 还有成千上万的战士,人不歇脚、马不停蹄地穿城而过,向南向东追击溃退的蒋军。

    Thousands of other soldiers moved hurriedly through the city without stopping and struck south and east in pursuit of Chiang 's fleeing forces .

  13. 蒋军从满洲一个个村庄撤走时,其内部压力也逐步增大,离爆炸点已经不远了。

    In drawing away from the villages , Chiang Kai-shek 's Manchurian army was also building up internal tension , and its bursting point was not far off .

  14. 说明蒋军必败我军必胜的条件;说明我们决不再走。

    We should explain to them why the Kuomintang troops are bound to fail and why our army is certain to win and that we shall never leave again .

  15. 最近在苏北、鲁南、鲁西、晋西等地几次作战中,许多蒋军部队士气的下降已到了很大的程度。

    During the recent fighting in northern Kiangsu , southern and western Shantung and western Shansi , the morale of many of Chiang 's forces sank to a very low level .

  16. 要不是后来大批蒋军起义,倒向革命,共军根本不可能在短期内取得决定性的胜利。

    Nor could they ever have gained a decisive victory within a short time had not a large share of Chiang 's army come over to the forces of the revolution .

  17. 天府之国四川省的军阀感到农民不满的压力,也叫嚷要削减由长江水路运给陷于困境的蒋军的大米供应。

    The warlords of fabulously rich Szechuan , feeling the pressure of peasant discontent , cry out for a decrease of their rice shipments along the Yangtze to Chiang 's hard-pressed armies .

  18. 对于起义加入本军的蒋军部队和公开或秘密为本军工作的人们,则给予奖励。

    As for those troops of Chiang Kai-shek who rise in revolt and join our army and those who work for our army openly or in secret , they shall be rewarded .

  19. 预料今后数月内可能达到歼灭蒋军连前共计一百个旅的目的。

    We can foresee that in the next few months we may achieve the objective of wiping out a grand total of 100 of Chiang 's brigades , including those previously destroyed .

  20. 蒋军士兵到市场货摊上拿东西不给钱,夜里拦路抢劫老百姓,下乡打家劫舍时甚至还杀人灭口。

    Chiang 's soldiers took goods from the market stalls without paying for them , robbed civilians on the streets at night and killed villagers so that their robberies would not be discovered .

  21. 正是为了这个目的,刘的部队才远离他们的老根据地,在暂时得不到任何支援的情况下艰苦奋战,尽可能多地吸引蒋军。

    Because of this , Liu 'S troops far from their old bases and without any chance of quick help , fought hard to attract as many of Chiang 'S soldiers as they could .

  22. 他是否真的喊了这个口号,我们不得而知,但不管怎样,蒋军听了就放下武器,向刘投诚了。

    Whether he actually shouted out these words or not , we don 't know ; but at any rate , Chiang 's troops downed their arms and came over to Liu 's side .

  23. 他到达那里之后,就要拖住尽可能多的蒋军,以便共军其他部队也可以跟在他的后面渡过黄河,在华中站稳脚跟。

    Once there , he was to attract as many of Chiang 's troops as he could so that other Communist forces , following behind him , might also cross the river and establish themselves in Central China .

  24. 而在蒋军武器加强的条件下,我军必须特别强调集中优势兵力、各个歼灭敌人的作战方法。

    Now that Chiang Kai-shek 's army has acquired more powerful weapons , it is necessary for our army to lay special stress on the method of concentrating a superior force to wipe out the enemy forces one by one .

  25. 这种形势,势必牵动蒋军在南线的一部分部署,首先是牵动其豫陕边境对付我陈、谢野战军的部署。

    This situation is bound to affect some of the dispositions of Chiang Kai-shek 's forces on the southern front and , first of all , his dispositions vis - ? vis our field army under Chen Keng and Hsieh Fu-chih on the Honan-Shensi border .

  26. 本军对于放下武器的蒋军官兵,一律不杀不辱,愿留者收容,愿去者遣送。

    Our army will not kill or humiliate any of Chiang Kai-shek 's army officers and men who lay down their arms , but will accept them into our service if they are willing to remain with us or send them home if they wish to leave .